
中欧国際工商学院 (China Europe International Business School)


AsiaNet 65720(1148)

【上海2016年9月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



クリスタル・ジャオ氏の仕事は今後、一層難しくなる。彼女がヒューマン・リレーションズ・ディレクターとして勤務するJoysonは本格的な国際化に乗り出しており、中国、欧州、米国、さらにメキシコでのスタッフのニーズのバランスをとりながら、同時に同社の海外における買収を通じてシナジーを生み出すことが彼女の仕事になっている。Benelli Motorcycleのマーケティング・ディレクター、ダンテ・ブストス氏は同社が進出している世界83カ国で通じるコミュニケーション計画を作成する必要がある。2人とも中欧国際工商学院(China Europe International Business School、CEIBS)グローバル・エクゼクティブMBA課程(GEMBA)で学ぶクラスメートが持つ豊富な知識を頼りにしている。9月4日に開校した上海校は現在、16カ国の59人が所属、平均して16年の職歴を持つ。


ブストス氏も同感だ。マーケティング専門のアルゼンチン人で、クラスメートを16カ所の未知のマーケットでBenelliブランドの知名度を上げるための道案内だと考えている。同様に、彼らから学ぶことに期待し「CEIBS GEMBAは異なる文化に関する知識を増やし、異なる国でビジネスをする方法を学ぶ助けになると思う。これがGEMBAの最も興味深い側面だ。クラスメートとCEIBS教授陣の両方から学ぶためにここに来た」と述べた。


今まで何年にもわたり、CEIBS GEMBAは中国で働く外国人に対して現地の市場を知り、中国に本拠をおく多国籍企業で働くための中国語のスキルを磨く助けを提供してきた。今や、同校は世界規模でのビジネスの進め方、世界の主要都市の選択肢などにより注力するようになり、忙しいエグゼクティブの役に立つものになっている。ブストス氏にとっては、GEMBAは中国に加え、他の世界に関する識見も与えてくれるものだ。一方、すでに外国で事業を行っているか、あるいは世界に進出しようとする中国企業はGEMBAを従業員に用意をさせるための重要な一部と見ている。ジャオ氏は「当社は現在、国際化の過程にあり、私を含め、従業員は国際的なものの見方を学ぶ必要が出てきた」と説明する。参加上級エグゼクティブの31%が外国人のクラスで20カ月も過ごせば、確かにその役に立つだろう。


CEIBSグローバル・エグゼクティブMBA課程はパートタイムの20カ月プログラムで、リーダーシップ・スキルや分析能力を開発、育成することでキャリアの前進を図ろうとする高い能力を持つハイレベルな起業家やエグゼクティブに向けたものだ。経営の諸問題に焦点を絞っており、その他リーダーシップ開発やコーチング・セッションもある。過去6年間にわたり、ファイナンシャル・タイムズ紙はCEIBS GEMBAを世界のトップ20プログラムにランクしている。2016年、CEIBS GEMBAはチューリッヒに欧州2番目のキャンパスを開校した。



ソース:China Europe International Business School

Globally Focused Companies Seek Out Executive Training


SHANGHAI, Sept. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

--Chinese private companies opt for courses with global perspective

--Multinationals see China-based programmes as best of both worlds

Crystal Zhao's job is about to get a lot more challenging. Joyson, the company

where she works as HR Director, is on a major globalisation push and it will be

her job to balance the needs of staff in China, Europe, the US and Mexico while

creating synergies through the company's overseas mergers and acquisitions.  

Meanwhile, Dante Bustos, Marketing Director for Benelli Motorcycle, has to

craft a communications plan that will resonate across the 83 countries in which

his company does business. Both are looking forward to tapping into the wealth

of knowledge possessed by their classmates in the China Europe International

Business School's (CEIBS) Global EMBA programme (GEMBA). The latest Shanghai

class, which began on September 4, has 59 participants from 16 different

countries and they have, on average, 16 years of work experience.  

"When we're discussing a case study in class, we can get 16 different views,"

says Zhao, a Chinese national who opted for the English language taught GEMBA

instead of the Chinese language EMBA. "You can get a lot from this kind of

study environment, so for me it's a great opportunity!"

Bustos agrees. As a marketing professional, the Argentinian sees his classmates

as a gateway to 16 new locations where he can increase awareness of the Benelli

brand. He is also looking forward to learning from them. "The CEIBS GEMBA will

help me to increase my knowledge about different cultures, to learn how other

executives do business in different countries. This is the most interesting

aspect of the GEMBA. I came here to learn from both my classmates and the CEIBS

professors," he says.

Nearly 20% of the class are entrepreneurs or business owners, a historical high

for the programme and evidence of CEIBS' commitment to cultivating innovative

and entrepreneurial leaders. This class has also seen a pronounced increase in

the ratio of participants working for Chinese private companies.

For years the CEIBS GEMBA has helped foreigners working in China understand the

local market and also honed the skills of Chinese working for locally-based

multinationals. Now, with its strengthened focus on how business is done

globally and electives in major cities around the world, the programme has a

lot more to offer busy executives. For Bustos, the GEMBA offers insight into

China plus the rest of the world. Meanwhile, Chinese companies that are doing

business abroad, or plan to expand their global footprint, see the GEMBA as a

vital part of getting their employees ready. As Zhao explains, "Our company is

now in the process of internationalization so the staff, including me, needs to

have a global mindset." Sharing a 20-month long class where 31% of the senior

business executives are foreign nationals should certainly help with that.

About CEIBS Global EMBA

CEIBS Global Executive MBA is a part-time 20-month programme for high-potential

upper-level entrepreneurs and executives who are eager to advance their careers

by deeply enriching and developing their leadership skills and analytical

ability. There is a strong focus on managerial issues, coupled with leadership

development and coaching sessions. For the last six years, the Financial Times

has ranked the CEIBS GEMBA among the world's best Top 20 programmes. As of

2016, the CEIBS GEMBA also offers a second cohort from the school's Europe

Campus in Zurich.


Headquartered at its largest campus in Shanghai, China Europe International

Business School is mainland China's leading business school, with three

programmes globally ranked by the Financial Times. CEIBS offers MBA, Finance

MBA, Executive MBA, Executive Education and PhD programmes. Established in 1994

as a non-profit joint venture between the Chinese and European governments,

CEIBS also has campuses in China's political capital, Beijing, and Zurich in

the heart of Europe. CEIBS also offers programmes from its facilities in

Shenzhen to China's south and Accra in Ghana.

SOURCE: China Europe International Business School




