


AsiaNet 66017 (1263)

【ローザンヌ(スイス)2016年10月4日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】南スーダンのコーヒー農民は進行中の紛争にもかかわらず、国内コーヒー産業の再建に向けて前進している。彼らの重労働と献身の結果であるネスプレッソ(Nespresso)限定のGrand Cru SULUJA ti South Sudan(注)は今月後半、新たに5カ国で発売される。これまではフランスだけで販売されていた。

ネスプレッソが昨年、フランスでSULUJA ti South Sudanを初めて披露したとき、それは新国家南スーダンから発売された最初のコーヒーであり、石油以外初めての主要輸出品になった。それ以来、ネスプレッソAAAサステイナブル・クオリティ・プログラムを通じて、より多くの南スーダン農民がコーヒー生産に関わるようになり、生産量増大と生活改善を可能にした。








SULUJA ti South Sudanはロブスタコーヒーだけでつくられているため、際立つシルキーな質感と乾燥シリアルの強い芳香、わずかなウディノートを伴う。SULUJA ti South Sudanは「水洗式コーヒー」で、農民は長期の熟練プロセスを必要とするが、これがきめ細かくて優しく、スムースなテクスチャーと香りのよい1杯を生み出している。SULUJA ti South Sudanはこのコーヒーが希少なことから、ごく少量がスイス、オランダ、ドイツ、米国、フランス、英国で販売される。

(注)SULUJA ti SOUTH SUDANは、コーヒー栽培地区の大半で話される主要方言の現地語カクワで「Beginning of South Sudan(南スーダンの始まり)」を意味している。


ネスレネスプレッソ(Nestle Nespresso SA)は最高品質ポーションコーヒーのパイオニア、基準である。本社をスイスのローザンヌに構えて64カ国で営業し、1万2000人以上の従業員がいる。2015年時点で450を超える専門店から成る国際販売網を展開している。詳細はネスプレッソの公式ウェブサイトhttp://www.nestle-nespresso.com を参照。


ネスプレッソAAAサステイナブル・クオリティ(持続可能品質)(TM)プログラム(http://www.nestle-nespresso.com/newsandfeatures/nespresso-aaa-sustainable-quality-tm-program-a-triple-win-collaboration-between-nespresso-and-the-rainforest-alliance )は、民間公益団体(NGO)のレインフォレスト・アライアンス(Rainforest Alliance)と協力して2003年に立ち上げたもので、地域インフラへの投資、優れたコーヒーや農耕工程に対するキャッシュプレミアムの支払い、農民へのトレーニング、融資、技術支援の提供によってコーヒー農民を力づけ、継続的な品質、持続可能性、生産性の向上を図っている。これらの3本柱はプログラム名の「トリプルA」で示されている。このアプローチはコーヒー農民と農村の社会、環境、経済条件の改善を促進している。プログラムには現在、11カ国の農民7万人以上が参加している。


Nespresso and Local Coffee Farmers in South Sudan Progress in Rebuilding Coffee Industry


LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Oct. 4, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/

     Despite the ongoing conflict, South Sudanese coffee farmers are making

progress in reviving the country's coffee industry.  The result of their hard

work and dedication - the Nespresso limited edition Grand Cru SULUJA ti South

Sudan* - will launch in five new countries later this month, having previously

only been available in France.

    When Nespresso first introduced SULUJA ti South Sudan last year in France,

it became the first coffee to be introduced from the new country of South Sudan

and the country's first significant non-oil export. Since then, more South

Sudanese farmers have become involved in coffee production through Nespresso's

AAA Sustainable Quality Program, enabling them to increase production and

improve their livelihoods.

    Nespresso, in partnership with the non-profit organisation TechnoServe,

began working in 2011 to revive this forgotten coffee, which was very nearly

destroyed during years of conflict in the region. Since entering the country

five years ago, Nespresso and TechnoServe have worked with over 700 farmers,

teaching them essential coffee-farming skills and building production

infrastructure. Together, they have helped to establish the first five coffee

cooperatives in the country, and facilitated the construction and operation of

six wet mills in the Yei region. The work thus far has allowed farmers to earn

more money and contribute to the economic development of the region.  The

recent spread of the conflict to the Yei region, has impacted on the program

and has made it difficult for TechnoServe to continue with local farmer

training.  To overcome this, TechnoServe will start to reach the many farmers

who continue to tend their farms by broadcasting weekly agronomy trainings over

the radio.  

    Nespresso CEO, Jean-Marc Duvoisin, commented: "We believe in the potential

for coffee to create a positive impact for farmers in South Sudan and to

diversify the economic base of the country.  We remain strongly committed to

helping coffee farmers revive their industry. Our aim is to create a lasting

legacy that will contribute to peace and prosperity."

    The launch of this new coffee follows an announcement by the United States

Agency for International Development (USAID) earlier this year that it will

work with Nespresso and TechnoServe to invest $3.18 million over the next three

years in the project. The aim of the investment will be to help South Sudan to

diversify its export market away from a reliance on oil - currently

representing 99% of its exports- and raise the household incomes of smallholder

coffee farmers.

    Working in partnership

    "Life for farmers in South Sudan has been challenging for a long time, and

until very recently, most would not have thought that exporting high-quality

coffee was a possibility. Nevertheless, we have made good progress working with

the farmers to help build their skills and knowledge so they can improve the

quality and quantity of their crops in a sustainable way," said William

Warshauer, President and CEO of TechoServe. "While the working environment in

South Sudan has been challenging, governments and NGOs cannot do it alone.

Business investment is critical for long-term economic development, and

Nespresso has shown great leadership by entering South Sudan and continuing to

invest in the country."

    Exceptional coffee

    SULUJA ti South Sudan has been created solely from Robusta coffee resulting

in a bold silky texture and intense aromas of dried cereals and subtle woody

notes. SULUJA ti South Sudan is 'washed coffee', which requires a lengthier and

skilled process by the farmers, but this has resulted in a finer, gentler,

smooth textured and aromatic cup. SULUJA ti South Sudan will be available in

Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, US, France and UK in extremely limited

volumes as a result of the rarity of this coffee.

   * SULUJA ti SOUTH SUDAN means 'Beginning of South Sudan' in the indigenous

language Kakwa which is the dominant local language spoken in the majority of

the coffee areas in the region.

    About Nestle Nespresso SA  

    Nestle Nespresso SA is the pioneer and reference for highest-quality

portioned coffee. Headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, Nespresso operates in

64 countries and has more than 12,000 employees. In 2015, it operated a global

retail network of over 450 exclusive boutiques. For more information, visit the

Nespresso corporate website: http://www.nestle-nespresso.com.

    About the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality(TM) Program

    The Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality(TM) Program [


], launched in 2003 in collaboration with the NGO The Rainforest Alliance,

empowers coffee farmers by investing in community infrastructures, paying cash

premiums for superior coffee and best agricultural practices, and providing

farmers with training, financing and technical assistance to continuously

improve quality, sustainability and productivity - the three pillars

represented by the "triple As" in the program's name. This approach drives

improvements in social, environmental and economic conditions for coffee

farmers and farming communities.  There are currently more than 70,000 farmers

in 11 countries who are part of the Program.

SOURCE: Nespresso




