2017 CESでボーズの「ビヨンド・サウンド」体験を


AsiaNet 67011

2017 CESでボーズの「ビヨンド・サウンド」体験を



2017年1月5日――今週、ラスベガスで開幕するコンシューマー・エレクトロニクス・ショー(CES)では、トランスポーテーションとパーソナルモビリティの進化を先取りする、ボーズの画期的なテクノロジーコンセプトが明らかになります。会場では、ボーズがこれまでイノベーションを生み出してきたオーディオという分野を超えて、新たな分野でのイノベーションとなる「ビヨンド・サウンド」をご体験いただき、競争力の大きな可能性を秘めたテクノロジーの展望をご紹介します。その一端として、Bose Ride(R)サスペンション・シーティングシステムを搭載した自動運転車のシミュレーションデモを実施します。Bose Ride(R)は路面からの振動・揺れ・不快な動きを遮断するパーソナル・サスペンション技術であり、特許取得済みの有望技術として受賞歴もある技術です。




最新型の高級車であっても、車内にいる人はつねに振動を感じているものです。Bose Ride(R)はその振動を最小限に抑えることで、車内空間を変貌させます。車内はオフィスの延長となるほか、音楽を聴いたり、スポーツや映画を鑑賞したりすることのできるエンタテイメントスペースにもなります。雑音をシャットアウトしてリラックスした時間を過ごすもよし、友人や家族と連絡を取ったり、情報を集めたりするもよしと、自由な使いかたが可能になります。

CES 2017でボーズのビヨンド・サウンド体験を



ボーズは30年以上前からサスペンションおよびモーションコントロール技術の研究開発を続けています。最初は1980年代初頭、創業者であるアマー・ボーズ博士が始めたプロジェクト・サウンド(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5hSwaMxNIA )という自動車サスペンション改良研究でした。この革新的なブレークスルーが足がかりとなり、大型トラック向けのサスペンション技術であるBose Rideシステムの商業化が2010年に実現されました。

路面から伝わる振動や衝撃、上下動は時間とともに運転者を疲弊させますが、Bose Rideシステムはそれらを打ち消すことで、トラックのシートサスペンションのありかたを大きく変えました。北米の運送会社および個人経営のトラック運転手に採用され、7年間にわたって現場で使われてきた結果、Bose Rideシステムは運転手の快適性を大幅に向上させ、疲労と痛みを劇的に軽減していることが確認されています。

今回の「ビヨンド・サウンド」イベントでは、Bose Rideシステムが大型トラック用の単軸モーションコントロールからさらに前進し、いかに乗用車を含む幅広い車種に応用可能なアクティブ多軸モーションデザインに移行しているかという点についてもご確認いただくことができます。

CES 2017でボーズのビヨンド・サウンド体験を




BoseAwareは、ボーズの車載用サウンドシステムに使われている UltraNearfield(TM)ヘッドレストスピーカーと独自のアルゴリズムを活用して、聴覚情報を運転者が直感的に理解できるバーチャル空間をつくりだします。たとえば、左折指示は運転者の左耳近くで、ブラインドスポットの警告は頭の後ろからといった具合に、実際はスピーカーのないところから音が聞こえてきます。




CES 2017でボーズのビヨンド・サウンド体験を






Bose 'Beyond Sound' Experience During CES 2017


FRAMINGHAM, Massachusetts and LAS VEGAS, Jan. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Demonstrating a Vision for the Future of Transportation from Bose Automotive

This week, during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Bose is unveiling

automotive technology concepts that advance the evolution of transportation and

personal mobility in an entirely new way.  The "Beyond Sound" experience in Las

Vegas goes beyond Bose audio innovations -- and beyond what's possible from

unproven competitive technology.  At its event, Bose will demonstrate a

simulated autonomous vehicle equipped with Bose Ride(R) suspension seating -- its

patented and award-winning personal suspension technology that isolates

passengers from road vibrations, shaking and unwanted motion.  

Experience the interactive Multimedia News Release here:


Invited guests will be the first in the world to see and experience what future

vehicle cabins could look and feel like, shifting from the limitations of

familiar seating configurations and ride quality, to amazing mobile spaces

where passengers can enjoy unprecedented levels of stability, luxury, comfort

and productivity on the road.

By minimizing the constant movement passengers feel inside even the most

advanced luxury vehicles, Bose Ride technology transforms the cabin, making it

a natural extension of the office, or a personal entertainment hub for

listening to music, watching sports and enjoying movies; a sanctuary to relax

and unplug, or the perfect place to stay connected to friends, family and


"No one can predict exactly what vehicles will look like or how they'll operate

in the decades ahead, but our personal suspension technology is already proven,

and it can dramatically enhance the passenger experience regardless of how

transportation evolves," said Marc Mansell, vice president, Bose Automotive

Systems.  "If there are cars, there are roads.  And there simply is no other

system that makes a ride -- any ride -- as smooth as Bose."


Bose has been conducting research in suspension and motion-control for more

than three decades.  It began with Project Sound (

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5hSwaMxNIA ), a research initiative launched

by Dr. Amar Bose in the early 1980s to improve automotive suspension systems.  

The breakthroughs were revolutionary, and became the foundation for the

technology's first commercial application -- the Bose Ride system for

heavy-duty trucking, introduced in 2010.  

The Bose Ride system completely redefined the performance of truck seating

suspension by counteracting the road-induced shaking, bumps and jolts that can

harm drivers over time.  Adopted by fleets and individual owner-operators

across North America, the impact of commercialized Bose Ride systems have been

studied for seven years, showing it significantly improves comfort for

long-haul drivers, while dramatically reducing their fatigue and pain.  

At the "Beyond Sound" event, attendees will see how Bose Ride suspension

technology is advancing from single-axis motion control for use in heavy-duty

trucks to an active, multi-axis design for a wider range of vehicles, including

passenger cars.  


"Beyond Sound" attendees will also see and hear the best of what Bose is

delivering to the automotive industry right now -- its latest sound systems and

new SeatCentric(TM) audio advancements for both music and non-entertainment


Among the innovations is Bose Aware signal steering technology, engineered to

increase situational awareness and safety for drivers by improving their

ability to process and react to audible, non-entertainment information like

vehicle alerts, safety prompts, navigation signals and incoming phone calls.

Bose Aware technology is delivered by the Bose sound system's UltraNearfield(TM)

headrest speakers.  Using proprietary algorithms, the technology localizes the

car's audio information so it's reproduced and heard from where it makes most

sense -- but where there are no speakers.  A left-turn prompt is heard on the

driver's left side, for example, or a blind-spot warning would come from behind

the driver's head.

"There will be many new and different opportunities for the automotive industry

to serve consumers in the years ahead," Mansell said.  "Our demonstrations

illustrate some of the unexpected ways in which Bose will reach them, extending

far beyond the traditional in-vehicle listening experience."  


In the early 1980s, Bose engineers created the world's first factory-installed

premium automotive sound systems.  Unlike conventional or aftermarket

automotive systems, Bose systems were designed and tuned for a specific vehicle

-- and changed the industry.  Since then, Bose has developed proprietary

speaker designs, advanced amplification and signal processing technologies,

exclusive analysis and design tools, and technology for managing engine and

powertrain sounds inside vehicles -- all based on a heritage of research and


Today, Bose automotive sound systems are recognized globally as the industry

benchmark for performance and customer satisfaction, validated by independent

research rating Bose as the top choice among car consumers in multiple global

regions.  For more information, visit BoseAutomotive.com.


Bose Corporation was founded in 1964 by Dr. Amar G. Bose, then a professor of

electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Today,

the company is driven by its founding principles, investing in long-term

research with one fundamental goal: to develop new technologies with real

customer benefits.  Bose innovations have spanned decades and industries,

creating and transforming categories in audio and beyond.  Bose products for

the home, in the car, on the go and in public spaces have become iconic,

changing the way people listen to music.

Bose Corporation is privately held.  The company's spirit of invention, passion

for excellence, and commitment to extraordinary experiences can be found around

the world -- everywhere Bose does business.


CONTACT: Kevin Doak, +1 (508) 766-7788, kevin_doak@bose.com




