Giving Pledge Welcomes 14 New Philanthropic Individuals and Couples

Gates PPT

Giving Pledge Welcomes 14 New Philanthropic Individuals and Couples


SEATTLE, May 30, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Global group includes 168 signatories from 21 countries who have dedicated the

majority of their wealth to philanthropy

Today the Giving Pledge [ ]  announced the addition

of 14 new individuals and couples to its growing list of signatories. The

philanthropy effort continues to expand internationally with the addition of

philanthropists from Australia, China, Cyprus, Monaco, Norway, Slovenia,

Tanzania, as well as the United States.

Created in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, the Giving Pledge

is a global, multi-generational initiative designed to help address society's

most pressing problems by encouraging the wealthiest individuals and families

to give the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

The 14 new signatories announced today are:

  1. Leonard H. Ainsworth - Australia

  2. Mohammed Dewji - Tanzania

  3. Dagmar Dolby - United States

  4. DONG Fangjun - People's Republic of China

  5. Anne Grete Eidsvig and Kjell Inge Rokke - Norway

  6. Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou - Monaco, Cyprus

  7. Nick and Leslie Hanauer - United States

  8. Iza and Samo Login - Slovenia

  9. Dean and Marianne Metropoulos - United States

  10. Terry and Susan Ragon - United States

  11. Nat Simons and Laura Baxter-Simons - United States

  12. Robert Frederick Smith - United States

  13. Harry H. Stine - United States

  14. YOU Zhonghui - People's Republic of China

Although the Giving Pledge is specifically focused on wealthy individuals, it

is inspired by the example set by millions of people at all income levels who

give generously - and often at great personal sacrifice - to make the world


"Philanthropy is different around the world, but almost every culture has a

long-standing tradition of giving back," said Melinda Gates, co-chair of the

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. "Bill and Warren and I are excited to welcome

the new, very international group of philanthropists joining the Giving Pledge,

and we look forward to learning from their diverse experiences."

The new additions to the Giving Pledge include entrepreneurs and business

leaders from a diverse set of backgrounds and sectors, including agriculture,

finance, gaming and entertainment, travel and leisure, and technology. They

will use their philanthropic resources to support a range of causes, including

climate change, environmental and ecological protection, education, poverty

alleviation, and medical and healthcare research.

The Giving Pledge also provides a forum for some of the world's most

influential and engaged philanthropists to discuss challenges and opportunities

and how to be effective with their giving. People who have taken the Giving

Pledge are united by a shared commitment to learning

[ ] and giving. The group convened this week

at the group's annual two-day learning conference, which provides them with the

opportunity to hear from outside experts and learn from each other about how to

give effectively across a range of issues. Topics discussed at this year's

annual gathering included criminal justice reform, early childhood education,

refugee aid, public health, and poverty alleviation.

About the Giving Pledge

The Giving Pledge is a global effort to help address society's most pressing

problems by encouraging the wealthiest individuals and families to give the

majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

The 168 pledgers range in age from 31 to 93. Globally, signatories represent 21

countries: Australia, Brazil, China (mainland and Taiwan), Cyprus, Germany,

India, Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, Monaco, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia,

Slovenia, South Africa, Tanzania, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United

Kingdom and the United States. In the United States, they are from 27 states

and the District of Columbia, with the largest contingents from California and

New York. Over the long-term, the Giving Pledge hopes to help shift the social

norms of philanthropy toward giving more, giving sooner and giving smarter.

Pledge signatories come together throughout the year to discuss challenges,

successes and failures, as well as how to be smarter about giving. The Giving

Pledge does not involve direct appeals, pooling money, or requirements to

support a particular cause or organization.

For the full list of pledgers and personal letters by many of these pledgers

outlining their commitment to give, visit

                For More Information, Press Only:

For inquiries about specific Giving Pledge signatories, please contact their

                       offices directly.

          For general inquiries about the Giving Pledge, please contact


Source: Gates PPT




