Swiss Tech Company Berlinger Special AG to Introduce a New Generation of its Universally-used BEREG-KIT Security Bottles this Autumn

Berlinger Special AG

Swiss Tech Company Berlinger Special AG to Introduce a New Generation of its Universally-used BEREG-KIT Security Bottles this Autumn


GANTERSCHWIL, Switzerland, June 16, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

     A new generation of anti-doping security bottles

    Swiss technology company Berlinger Special AG has developed a totally new

generation of the security bottles which it supplies for anti-doping testing

worldwide over the past few months. The new "BEREG-KIT Geneva" security bottles

are currently being subjected to extensive internal tests, and should begin to

be delivered to anti-doping organizations all over the globe in the second half

of 2017.

(Logo: )

(Photo: )

    The new BEREG-KIT Geneva is a further refinement of the Berlinger

anti-doping security bottles that has been developed using the very latest

technology, and incorporates a number of enhanced security features. Once

again, this new generation of Berlinger security bottles will be manufactured

entirely within Switzerland and to the highest quality standards.

    The new anti-doping bottles from Berlinger Special AG will make it even

more difficult to create counterfeit doping samples or tamper with existing

samples, and will help the anti-doping authorities to conclusively prove such

illegal activities. The new BEREG-KIT Geneva will also equip sports event

organizers with the most advanced tool in the world for securely storing and

transporting doping samples.

    Developed under the strictest security

    The latest generation of Berlinger security bottles, the BEREG-KIT Geneva,

has taken over ten months to develop under the strictest security provisions.

The new products are currently undergoing comprehensive testing in a programme

extending over several months in which their component materials and their

anti-counterfeit credentials are being rigorously examined by both internal

units and state-certificated institutions.

    A key role was also played in this further development of the existing

BEREG-KITs by the two forensic examination reports which were recently produced

by the independent McLaren Commission on behalf of the World Anti-Doping Agency

(WADA). The reports' findings have all been channelled into the new product's

development, where they have also been supplemented by a series of forensic

tests specially commissioned by Berlinger Special AG. Needless to say, this

latest generation of Berlinger anti-doping security bottles also meets all the

criteria for being certificated as "tamper-evident", meaning that the

specialists at Berlinger Special AG are able at any time to identify any doping

samples which have been counterfeited or tampered with.

    No changes to handling or product design

    For security reasons, Berlinger Special AG will not be publishing any

images of the new BEREG-KIT Geneva security bottles until they are supplied to

their first customers. In fact, the new bottles will be almost identical to

their predecessors to the untrained eye. Swiss-based manufacturer Berlinger

Special AG has also made extensive efforts to ensure that the BEREG-KIT Geneva

bottles' various new security features have no impact on how they are handled

and how doping samples are provided. So there will be no changes in the use of

the bottles for either athletes or the supervisory authorities.

    First deliveries this autumn

    The current extensive tests of the new BEREG-KIT Geneva security bottles

should culminate this summer in a series of field presentations to selected

anti-doping organizations. Once these have been concluded, the new generation

of bottles will go into production in Switzerland. The first deliveries of the

new bottles are scheduled for autumn of this year.

    Further information:

     Berlinger Special AG

     Media Relations


     Hans Klaus, media spokesman

     Basteiplatz 7

     8001 Zurich

     Phone: +41-79-357-0357

     Phone: +41-43-544-1744


SOURCE:  Berlinger Special AG




