Teenagers and Higher-Income Households Most Likely to Struggle with Technology Addiction, Shows GfK Survey


Teenagers and Higher-Income Households Most Likely to Struggle with Technology Addiction, Shows GfK Survey


NUREMBERG, Germany, June 29, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - One in three people find it difficult to take a break from technology,

even when they know they should

     - China, Brazil and Argentina have highest levels who struggle to take a

tech break

     - People in Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium lead for finding it easy

to 'unplug'

    A third of people (34 percent) in an online survey of 17 countries firmly

agree[1] that they "find it difficult to take a break from technology (my

mobile device, computer, TV, etc.), even when I know I should". This compares

to less than half that number (16 percent) who firmly disagree[1] that it is

difficult to take a break.

    The findings from global research experts, GfK, show that, internationally,

gender makes next to no difference in people's struggle to turn off their

devices or 'unplug' from technology, with nearly equal percentages of both men

and women agreeing they find it difficult.

    However, the different age groups and income groups show distinct

differences in susceptibility to being 'always on'.

    Younger age groups struggle most with technology addiction

    Teenagers (15-19 year olds) are the most likely to struggle with technology

addiction, with just under half (44 percent) firmly saying they find it

difficult to take a tech break, even when they know they should. This dips to

41 percent for those in their twenties and to 38 percent for those in their

thirties. It then falls significantly for the older age groups - standing at 29

percent of those in their forties, 23 percent for those in their fifties and 15

percent for those aged 60 and over.

    Critically, the 50-59 and 60+ age groups are the tipping point, where there

are higher percentages who firmly indicate they have no problem turning off

their technology, than percentages saying they struggle to take a break.

    "I find it difficult to take a break from technology, even when I know I


     Agreement and disagreement per age group, across 17 countries

                                                       Disagree (bottom 2

     Age group                Agree (top 2 boxes)      boxes)

     15-19                    44%                      11%

     20-29                    41%                      8%

     30-39                    38%                      12%

     40-49                    29%                      18%

     50-59                    23%                      25%

     60+                      15%                      33%

     Source: GfK survey among 22,000 internet users aged 15+ in 17 countries

    High income households show biggest gap between those finding it easy or

difficult to take tech breaks.

    For people living in high-income households (across all 17 countries), 39

percent find it difficult to take a break from technology, even when they know

they should, while 11 percent find it easy - a gap of 28 percentage points.

This contrasts to those in low-income households, where 30 percent find it

difficult, while 20 percent find it easy - a gap of only 10 percentage points.

    "I find it difficult to take a break from technology, even when I know I


     Agreement and disagreement per household income group, across 17 countries

                                                       Disagree (bottom 2

                              Agree (top 2 boxes)      boxes)

     High income              39%                      11%

     Medium-high income       36%                      14%

     Medium-low income        31%                      17%

     Low income               30%                      20%

     Source: GfK survey among 22,000 internet users aged 15+ in 17 countries.

Each income band represents a quarter of the total income across all 17 markets

(e.g.high income = the top c.25% of earners)

    China and the Americas have highest percentages who find taking a

technology break difficult. Germans lead in finding it easy.

    At country level, China (43 percent) has the highest percentage of online

population who strongly agree that they find it difficult to break from

technology. This is closely followed by the Latin American countries surveyed

(Brazil 42 percent, Argentina 40 percent, Mexico 38 percent), with the USA

coming fifth (31 percent).

    On the other side, Germany has the highest percentage (35 percent) of

online population who strongly disagree that taking a break from tech is

difficult. This is followed by the Netherlands (30 percent), Belgium (28

percent) and Canada and Russia (both 27 percent).

    GfK's findings clearly show where the key markets lie at a number of levels

- from brands offering the latest devices targeting happily 'always-on'

consumers, to brands offering 'quality time' services that resonate with people

who like to break from technology.

    A complimentary report showing findings by gender, age and income for each

of the 17 countries is available here:


    [1]All data given in this release represent the bottom 2 (disagreement) and

top 2 (agreement) answers from on a 7-point scale where "1" means "don't agree

at all", and "7" means "agree completely" with the statement, "I find it

difficult to take a break from technology (my mobile device, computer, the TV,

etc.), even when I know I should".





