
国際対話センター (KAICIID)


AsiaNet 69328



KAICIID(アブドッラー国王宗教・文化間対話のための国際センター)のファイサム・ビン・ムアンマル (http://www.kaiciid.org/who-we-are/governance/faisal-bin-abdulrahman-bin-muaammar )事務総長は、宗教指導者が暴力の誘因の防止および誘因への対抗を目指して特別に設計された初めての行動計画 - 宗教指導者や関係者が残虐な犯罪につながる可能性のある暴力の誘因を防止し誘因に対抗するための行動計画- の立ち上げにあたり国際対話センター (KAICIID)の代表を務めました。この計画は、2017年7月14日に開催されたニューヨーク国連本部での会議にて、アントニオ・グテーレス事務総長の指揮の下で立ち上げられました。


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/535721/KAICIID_Action_Plan.jpg )

この行動計画は、国際対話センター (KAICIID)(http://www.kaiciid.org )

、 世界教会協議会(WCC)(https://www.oikoumene.org/en )および宗教と伝統平和のネットワーク (https://www.peacemakersnetwork.org/about-us )の支援のもと、国際連合大量虐殺防止と保護する責任事務局 (http://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention )によって、国際的および宗教的レベルで2年間に渡って集中的に協議を行った上で策定されました。




KAICIIDのファイサム・ビン・ムアンマル (http://www.kaiciid.org/who-we-are/governance/faisal-bin-abdulrahman-bin-muaammar )事務総長は次のように述べています。「教団の指導者との取り組みの中で、宗教に基づく人々に対する暴力の誘因と、暴力を正当化するための宗教の悪用が近年驚くほど急増しているのを目の当たりにしてきました。宗教指導者はこれらの喫緊の課題への解決策を見出すべく熱心に協力して取り組んでいます。これらの課題の解決策を見つけようとする試みは、宗教指導者を締め出す傾向にあります。宗教指導者、政策立案者、市民社会を対話に参加させるあらゆる角度からの取り組みが、効果的な解決策を構築する唯一の方法です。」


ソース:国際対話センター (KAICIID)


KAICIID, United Nations Join Forces to Prevent Incitement to Violence


NEW YORK, July 17, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

        "Alarming spike in the misuse of religion to justify violence": KAICIID

Secretary General at UN Launch of Action Plan

    KAICIID Secretary General Faisal Bin Muaammar


r ] represented the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) at the launch of

the first ever

action plan specifically designed to enable religious leaders to prevent and

counter incitement to violence - the Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and

Actors to Prevent and Counter Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to

Atrocity Crimes. The plan was launched on 14 July 2017 by Secretary-General

Antonio Guterres at a meeting at United Nations Headquarters in New York.  

       (Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/535721/KAICIID_Action_Plan.jpg )

    The Plan of Action was developed over two years of intensive consultations

at the global and regional levels organized by the United Nations Office on

Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect

[http://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention ], with the support of the

International Dialogue Centre [http://www.kaiciid.org ] (KAICIID), the

World Council of Churches [https://www.oikoumene.org/en ] (WCC), and the

Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

[https://www.peacemakersnetwork.org/about-us ].  

    The plan was developed in response to an alarming spike in recent years in

hate speech and incitement to violence against individuals or communities,

based on their identity. Incitement to violence, in public discourse and the

media, is both a common warning sign and a precursor of atrocity crimes. The

Action Plan is the first document to focus on the role of religious leaders and

actors in preventing incitement to violence that could lead to atrocity crimes

and the first to develop context specific regional strategies with this


    Implementation of the Plan of Action will contribute to the prevention of

atrocity crimes, especially in areas affected by religious and sectarian

tensions and violence and enhance the respect, protection and promotion of

human rights, including the rights to freedom of opinion and expression,

freedom of religion or belief and peaceful assembly.

    Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres said: "All

religions teach respect for life, and recognize human beings as fundamentally

equal.  These principles summon us to show respect for all human beings, even

those with whom we might profoundly disagree or whose cultures might seem

alien. I urge the widest possible dissemination and implementation of this Plan

of Action.  It can help to save lives, reduce suffering, and realize our shared

vision of peaceful, inclusive and just societies in which diversity is valued

and the rights of all individuals are protected."

    Faisal Bin Muaammar


r ], Secretary General of the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) said: "In

our work with leaders of religious communities, we have seen an alarming spike

in recent times of incitement to violence against people based on their

religion, and in the misuse of religion to justify violence. Religious leaders

are keen to work together to find solutions to these pressing challenges.

Attempts to find solutions to these challenges have tended to exclude religious

leaders. A 360-degree approach which brings religious

leaders, policymakers, and civil society to the dialogue table is the only way

to build solutions that work."

    The Plan of Action is pioneering both in its focus on religious leaders and

actors, and in the wide range of organizations and stakeholders that

contributed to its development. It contains concrete recommendations to prevent

incitement to violence, strengthen communities' resistance to incitement, and

build mechanisms for a united response.





