
World Internet of Things Exposition


AsiaNet 69999 (1377)

【南京(中国)2017年9月11日新華社=共同通信JBN】4日間のWorld Internet of Things Exposition(WIOT)が9月10日、中国・無錫で開幕した。世界の20カ国・地域の精鋭、500を超える企業・組織の代表が太湖の湖畔に集まり、業界の発展について意見交換するとともに、インターネット・オブ・シングス(IoT)の潮流に乗る機会をつかみ取る。

中国モバイル通信企業のJiangsu Company Limited無錫支店が提供した最新データが示すように、無錫の中国移動通信(China Mobile)が今年8月末までに発行したInternet of Things (IoT) Cardの数は携帯電話ユーザーの数を上回った。昨年同期の数字と比較すると、その数は500万カード増加した。

無錫は中国のIoT急発展の縮図にすぎない。中国は2009年に初めて「感知中国(Sensing China)」を提案した。中国国務院がセンサーネットワークの国家レベルの革新的な実証地域を無錫に設置することを承認し、中国のIoTスタートの合図を送ったのはこの年である。無錫は中国のIoT業界発展のホットスポットになり、コアIoT業界の営業収入は2016年には2000億人民元に跳ね上がり、15万以上の雇用を創出した。

China Economic Information ServiceとXinhua Wuxi IoT Consulting Centerが公表した最新の China Annual IoT Development Report 2016-2017(中国年次IoT発展報告書2016年-2017年)によると、中国はグローバル・コネクティビティー指数で23位にランク付けされ、依然として導入国とされているものの、2020年までに中国では10億のM2M(マシンツーマシン)接続が行われ、IoT産業の規模は1兆5000億人民元を超えると予測されている。





ソース:World Internet of Things Exposition

China's Technologies and Applications of Internet of Things Enter an Active Period of Innovation


NANJING, China, Sept.11, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On September 10, the 4-day 2017 World Internet of Things Exposition (WIOT)

kicked off in Wuxi, China. Elites from more than 20 countries and regions

across the globe and representatives of over 500 enterprises and organizations

gathered at the shore of Tai Lake to discuss the industry development, and

seize the opportunity in the tide of Internet of Things.

As indicated by the latest data provided by Wuxi Branch of China Mobile

Communications Corporation Jiangsu Company Limited, by the end of this August,

the quantity of Internet of Things (IoT) Cards issued by China Mobile in Wuxi

had exceeded the quantity of its cellphone communication users; compared with

the figures in the same period last year, it had increased by over 5 million


Wuxi is only a miniature of the rapid IoT development in China. China proposed

"Sensing China" for the first time in 2009. It was in that year that China's

State Council approved to build a national-level innovative demonstration area

of sensor networks in Wuxi, signaling the start of China's IoT. So far, Wuxi

has become a hot spot for China's IoT industry development, and the business

revenues from core IoT industries jumped to over 200 billion RMB in 2016,

creating more than 150,000 jobs.

According to the latest China Annual IoT Development Report 2016-2017 issued by

China Economic Information Service and Xinhua Wuxi IoT Consulting Center,

although China currently ranks the 23rd in the Global Connectivity Index, still

an adopter, it is expected that, by 2020, there will be 1 billion M2M

(machine-to-machine) connections in China and the scale of IoT industry will

exceed 1.5 trillion RMB.

NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) is a low-speed network, featured by low energy

consumption, extensive coverage and strong penetrability. At present, China's

three major telecom operators are accelerating their construction of low-speed

NB-IoT, and high-speed 5G networks are arriving soon. The unified communication

network standards and multi-layer coverage have overcome the previous

difficulty of fragmented IoT applications. Besides, prices of some sensors and

chips drop and the consumption demands for wearable devices, home security and

smart home emerges, paving the way for IoT technologies and applications to

enter an active period of innovation. As remarked by Wu Hequan, an academician

of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the pattern of China's IoT development is

now shifting from government-dominated to market-driven.  

From promoting the electronic "ID card" of cars to eliminate cars with fake

license plates, to issuing smart sphygmomanometers and blood-sugar tester to

enable family doctors to know the real-time state of chronic disease sufferers

and to mounting sensors to fans to "sense" the operating conditions of fans far

away, from life scenes like medicare and transport to production scenes like

environmental protection and manufacture, application innovation in China's IoT

can be "sensed" everywhere.

"It is a general trend for traditional industries to go smart, while IoT is a

necessary means to achieve it", said Ni Guangnan - an academician of Chinese

Academy of Engineering.

Professionals believe that, as China has huge market demands, driven by

national industry policies, and it learns while applying technologies, like in

high-speed railways, and promotes development through applications to make

breakthroughs in fundamental core technologies, it is absolutely possible for

China to take the lead in some IoT fields.

Source: World Internet of Things Exposition




