


AsiaNet 71934 (0133)

【ダボス(スイス)2018年1月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


世界の経営幹部や政府機関リーダーは、第4次産業革命(インダストリー4.0)がもたらすチャンスに影響を与え、これを利用する自己組織の準備態勢に自信を欠いている-と、デロイトグローバルの調査報告「The Fourth Industrial Revolution is Here--Are You Ready?(第4次産業革命はもう来ている。準備はできているか?)」が明らかにした。


デロイト グローバルのプニート・レンジン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「インダストリー4.0を推進する技術革新は、類のない世界的コネクティビティーと人口動態変化の環境で、社会と経済の激変をもたらしている。大きなチャンスの時だが、リスクもある。われわれはこの調査を開発し、第4次産業革命が自社と社会に影響を及ぼすうえで、幹部がどのように広がる変遷の中で舵を取り、より効果的に影響を与える領域を見つけるか理解を深めた」と語った。




























フォーブス・インサイツ(Forbes Insights)はデロイト グローバルとともに、インダストリー4.0に関する見解を理解するためにCXO 1603人の世界規模の調査を行った。すべての回答者は、10億米ドル以上の年間収益を上げている組織(平均収益は74億米ドル)に属している。これらのCXOは、オーストラリア、ブラジル、カナダ、中国、デンマーク、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、アイスランド、インド、日本、メキシコ、オランダ、ノルウェー、南アフリカ、スペイン、スウェーデン、英国、米国にある組織を率いている。回答者は10業界を代表し、総サンプルの12パーセントを超える業界はない。調査は2017年8月に実施された。


Deloitte(デロイト)とは、デロイト トウシュ トーマツ リミテッド(DTTL)(英国の法令に基づく保証有限責任会社)およびそのネットワーク組織を構成するメンバーファームの1つ、あるいは複数を指し、DTTL(Deloitte Globalとも呼ばれる)および各ファームはそれぞれ法的に独立した別個の組織体である。DTTLは顧客にサービスを提供しない。メンバーファームの当社グローバルネットワークに関する詳細は詳細http://www.deloitte.com/about を参照。

Deloitte(デロイト)は、監査・保証業務、コンサルティング、ファイナンシャルアドバイザリーサービス、リスクアドバイザリー、税務およびこれらに関連するサービスで世界をリードするプロバイダーである。全世界150を超える国・地域のメンバーファームのネットワークは、Fortune Global 500(R)に含まれる5社のうち4社にサービスを提供している。デロイトの約26万4000人がどのように業務を遂行しているかはwww.deloitte.comを参照。


Claire Hassett

Managing Director

Deloitte Global Communications, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Mobile: +1 571 247 5137


Christine Selph

Global Communications, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Mobile: +1 347 429 2891



Deloitte Finds Executives Optimistic About Industry 4.0, But Lacking Confidence in Their Organizations' Influence and Preparedness


DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 23, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

-- Global research explores C-suite views on readiness for the impact of the

Fourth Industrial Revolution on society, strategy, the workforce and technology


Senior business executives and government agency leaders from around the world

lack confidence in their organizations' readiness to influence and harness the

opportunities offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0),

according to a research report by Deloitte Global entitled "The Fourth

Industrial Revolution is Here--Are You Ready?"

Industry 4.0 is characterized by the marriage of physical and digital

technologies, such as analytics, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing

and the internet of things (IoT). Deloitte Global surveyed 1,600 C-level

executives across 19 countries and conducted select in-person interviews to

explore their readiness to leverage Industry 4.0 to benefit customers,

employees, communities and other key stakeholders.

"The rapidly advancing technologies driving Industry 4.0 are bringing about

social and economic change rapidly in an environment of unparalleled global

connectivity and demographic change," said Punit Renjen, Deloitte Global CEO.

"It's a time of great opportunity, but also risk. We developed this research to

better understand how executives are navigating the pervasive shift and to

uncover areas where they can more effectively influence how the Fourth

Industrial Revolution impacts their organizations and society."

The questions focused on four major topics: social impact, strategy,

talent/workforce, and technology. The survey results indicate that while

executives conceptually understand the changes Industry 4.0 will bring, they

are less certain how they should act to benefit from those changes. In each of

the four areas of impact, the survey uncovered some degree of contradiction:

Social Impact:

Optimism versus ownership – While executives see a more stable future with less

inequality, they are less confident about the roles they or their organizations

can play in influencing society in an Industry 4.0 era.

    -- An overwhelming (87 percent) proportion believe the Fourth Industrial

       Revolution will lead to more social and economic equality and

       stability, and two out of three say business will have much more

       influence than governments and other entities in shaping this future.

    -- However, less than a quarter believe their own organizations can

       influence key societal factors such as education, sustainability and

       social mobility.


Static versus dynamic – Executives acknowledge they may not be ready to harness

the changes associated with Industry 4.0, but these reservations have not

compelled them to alter their strategies.

    -- Only one-third are highly confident they steward for their

       organizations during this time of change. Just 14 percent are highly

       confident that their organizations are ready to fully harness the

       changes associated with Industry 4.0.

    -- Many executives are sticking with a focus on traditional domains

        (i.e., developing products and increasing productivity) instead of

       shifting their focus toward developing talent and driving competitive

       disruption that could spur innovation and create value.


Evolution versus revolution – Executives are not confident they have the right

talent to be successful in Industry 4.0. However, they feel they are doing all

they can to build the right workforce, despite talent ranking low on their list

of priorities.

    -- Only a quarter are highly confident they have the right workforce

       composition and the skill sets needed for the future.

    -- Interestingly, 86 percent say they are doing everything they can to

       create a workforce for Industry 4.0. Yet, responses indicate that HR

       topics remain a low priority, other than aiming to increase worker


    -- For companies that have placed Industry 4.0 talent implications high

       on their priority list, they are exploring the potential for new roles

       that that allow people to play to their strengths while leveraging

       technology for greater innovation, alternative work environments, and

       new approaches to learning and development.


Challenged versus prepared – Executives understand they need to invest in

technology to drive new business models. However, they have a hard time making

the business case to fully address Industry 4.0 opportunities because of a lack

of internal strategic alignment and short-term focus.

    -- Executives acknowledge that their current investments in technology

       are strongly influenced by the desire to create new business models

       which they believe will have one of the biggest impacts on their


    -- However, very few executives say they are able to make a strong

       business case for investing in the technologies that define the Fourth

       Industrial Revolution. They cite a lack of internal alignment, a lack

       of collaboration with external partners, and a focus on the short


The research revealed that, overall, executives around the world are in the

early stages of readying their organizations to harness the full potential of

Industry 4.0. They will need to seize opportunities to strengthen key

connections that will benefit their clients, their people, their organizations,

their communities and society more broadly:

    -- Social impact. Accept that each and every organization has the power

       to influence, in multiple ways, the promise of the Fourth Industrial

       Revolution to create a more equitable and stable world.

    -- Strategy. Take a holistic approach to strategic planning, exploring

       how core capabilities can be enhanced by new ones to develop new

       products and services, and create new value for a broader range of


    -- Talent and workforce. Make it a priority to prepare workers to

       navigate the age of Industry 4.0 by creating a culture of learning and

       collaboration, and creating training opportunities--both within the

       organization and in underserved communities.

    -- Technology. View technology as the most powerful differentiator in an

       Industry 4.0 world and invest in integrating new applications that can

       support new business models. And--most importantly--understand that

       Industry 4.0 technologies shouldn't be limited to just one part of the

       organization, but integrated across the organization to better support

       a broad spectrum of responsibilities and stakeholders necessary to

       thrive in a 4IR world.

"I believe those who take a broad view will be the ones to succeed in this new

era," noted Renjen. "They will see connections between business and social

needs; between financial outcomes and innovative strategies; between workforce

productivity and people's sense of stability and well-being; between

integrating existing technologies and creating completely new solutions."

For more information and to view the full research results, read the report

here: (




Forbes Insights, in conjunction with Deloitte Global, conducted a global survey

of 1,603 CXOs to better understand their perspectives on Industry 4.0. All

respondents were from organizations with annual revenue greater than US$1

billion, with average revenue of US$7.4 billion. The CXOs lead organizations in

Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland,

India, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United

Kingdom and the United States. Respondents represent 10 industries, with no

industry constituting more than 12 percent of the total sample. The survey was

conducted in August 2017.

About Deloitte

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited ("DTTL"),

its global network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL (also

referred to as "Deloitte Global") and each of its member firms are legally

separate and independent entities. DTTL does not provide services to clients.

Please see: www.deloitte.com/about to learn more.

Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting,

financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services. Our network of

member firms in more than 150 countries and territories serves four out of five

Fortune Global 500(R) companies. Learn how Deloitte's approximately 264,000

people make an impact that matters at: www.deloitte.com.

CONTACT: Claire Hassett,

         Managing Director,

         Deloitte Global Communications,

         Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,

         Mobile: +1-571-247-5137,


         Christine Seph,

         Global Communications,

         Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,

         Mobile: +1-347-429-2891,


SOURCE:  Deloitte




