AsiaNet 72667
モスクワ、2018年3月15日/PRNewswire/ --
2018年2月24日、FLOGmall は、アルトコインで様々な商品を購入できる、eコマース・プラットフォームをローンチしました。ビットコイン(Bitcoin)やイーサリウム(Ethereum)以外の、トップ10やトップ100にも入らないコインを用いて商品を購入できる、初の事例となります。
FLOGmall (https://www.flogmall.com/ru )は、様々な商品やサービスを売買する世界中のユーザーを対象とした、国際的なeコマース・プラットフォームです。同プラットフォームは、商品を売るオンライン・ストアにとっても、個人的に物品の売却について掲示を行う一般のユーザーにとっても、便利なものとなります。
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/654023/FLOGmall_Logo.jpg )
1. 店舗に関する動画プレゼンテーション(顧客の信用を獲得)
2. 店主から公共への動画メッセージ(競合他店の中で、自店舗を覚えてもらう)
3. 各商品/サービスに関する動画広告(文字や写真より、顧客が商品を購入するよう説得しやすい)
4. 重要なイベントについて告知するための動画ブログ(SNSでブログを持つことで、世界中から購読者を確保することが可能に)
5. オンライン動画の販売(ストリーミング)、動画オークション、ゲーム・モデル
6. プラットフォーム上での動画広告(自ブランドや商品を宣伝し、即座に販売に繋げる)
FLOGmall (https://www.flogmall.com/ru )とは、売り手と買い手を全く新しい形でつなぐ、ブロックチェーン・ベースのプラットフォームです。
ソース: FLOGmall
FLOGmall Launches Alpha Version of E-Commerce Platform
MOSCOW, March 15, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
On February 24, 2018, FLOGmall successfully launched the alpha version of
its e-commerce platform where products can be purchased for various altcoins.
This is the first case where products on a platform can be paid for not just
with Bitcoin or Ethereum, but also with other alternatives not in the top 10 or
even the top 100.
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/654023/FLOGmall_Logo.jpg
FLOGmall [https://www.flogmall.com/ru ] is an international e-commerce
platform created for users from around the world who buy and sell various goods
and services. The platform will be of interest both for online stores selling
their goods and for ordinary users posting privately about selling products.
The platform also has some special features. In particular, products in
stores on the platform are presented in a new, unique format called LiveStore.
It is a combination of blog and video content about sellers, stores, goods, and
LiveStore features include:
1.Video presentation of the store (a growth in trust from customers)
2.Video messages from the store owner to the public (helps the store to
remain memorable among competitors)
3.Video ads for each product/service (more likely to convince a customer to
make a purchase than through a text or photographs)
4.Video blog for reporting on important events (having a blog in social
networks helps to amass subscribers from around the world)
5.Online video sales (streaming), video auctions, game models
6.Video advertising on the platform (promote your brand and goods, and
immediately convert them into sales).
Through LiveStore sellers are able to easily create their own marketing
campaigns by bringing in videobloggers, which removes the need for costly
marketing and offers a better way to present products, thereby attracting a
loyal consumer base. Meanwhile, buyers get honest information about sellers,
the ability to make secure purchases (using smart contracts), and can purchase
all sorts of products from around the world.
Often, when looking at products and services in catalogs or online, buyers
can't get a complete picture of the store itself. This leads to issues with
trust toward the seller and having to make purchases essentially blind. With a
videoblog, however, buyers are able to see sellers with their own eyes, as if
visiting their physical store. This is a clear benefit of using video content
in sales.
FLOGmall [https://www.flogmall.com/ru ] is a blockchain-based platform that
brings buyers and sellers together in a completely fresh way.