
Russian Export Center


AsiaNet 72680 (0480)

【東京、モスクワ2018年3月14日PRNewswire=共同通信JBN】ロシア輸出センター(Russian Export Center、REC)はロシア農業省とともに、千葉市で2018年3月6日から9日まで開催された第43回国際食品・飲料展(フーデックスジャパン、FoodEx Japan 2018)にロシア食品企業の合同スタンドを設置した。



この日の展示会で、駐日ロシア通商代表部のセルゲイ・エゴロフ首席代表はショーでロシア企業代表と一連の会合を行った。首席代表は、日本最大の農産品展示会であるフーデックスジャパンにロシア独自のスタンドを設置したことについて、日本市場への農産品輸出促進の節目になると力説し、いくつか有望な分野を挙げた。また「現在、日本の一部貿易企業は2018 FIFAワールドカップのブランド商品を日本で売ろうとしている。しかし、一部の例外を除いて、ロシア企業の対応の動きは十分ではない。われわれから見れば、日本市場参入を望むロシア企業にとってこの分野のチャンスは大きい」と語った。







ロシア輸出センター(Russian Export Center, JSC、REC)は、ロシア連邦政府の支援で輸出振興のために設立された政府機関である。センターは輸出業者にワンストップ・ショップを提供し、金融・非金融支援を与えて関連省庁と協力している。ワンストップ・ショップ・サービス立ち上げの一環として、ロシア輸出センターはロシア輸出信用・投資保険機関(EXIAR)とロシア輸出入銀行を統合する。センターは輸出サイクルの各段階で、非商品製造業者に幅広いサービスを提供、関連執行機関と協力し、輸出と海外経済活動に関するビジネス環境向上の提案を作成、定期的に企業、専門家コミュニティーと交流し、障壁克服や「システム」規制撤廃を支援する。







国際食品・飲料展(フーデックスジャパン、FoodEx Japan)は1976年から開催され、「食品・飲料」の最新情報を提供し、インバウンド、アウトバウンド双方の実際的なビジネス会合機会を創出することによって、アジア食品業界の一層の発展に寄与すること目指している。今年の第43回フーデックスジャパンには世界80カ国・地域から食品・飲料企業、貿易企業を含む約3250社が自社製品を出展し、会期中に食品サービス企業、販売業者、卸売業者などのバイヤー約8万2000人が訪問した。


ソース:Russian Export Center

Russian Food Companies Tap Into Japanese Market


TOKYO and MOSCOW, March 14, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The Russian Export Center (REC) together with the Russian Ministry of

Agriculture presented a joint stand of Russian food companies at FoodEx Japan

2018 held on March 6-9, 2018, in the city of Chiba (Japan).

Such well-known brands as Makfa, Fanagoria and Uniconf made their exhibitions

at the stand. Russian companies comprising the delegation at the show presented

their export oriented products and held a series of talks with potential

importers and distributors.

On March 6, 2018, the stand of REC was visited by Mikhail Galuzin, Ambassador

of the Russian Federation to Japan. During his time there, he claimed there

were all the prerequisites for the im-provement of trade and economic relations

between Russia and Japan. "Last year, dialog between business communities of

Russia and Japan gained significant momentum, first of all, between the Russian

Union of Industrials and Entrepreneurs and the Federation of Economic

Organizations of Japan. This is very important in terms of creating

preconditions for the growth of trade, investment cooperation and business

collaboration," highlighted Mikhail Galuzin.

The same day, Sergey Egorov, trade representative of the Russian Federation in

Japan, held a series of meetings with representatives of Russian companies at

the show. He emphasized that setting up of an independent Russian stand at the

largest agricultural exhibition in Japan, FoodEx Japan 2018, was a milestone

for the promotion of agricultural exports to the Japanese market, and

identified certain promising areas: "Today, some Japanese trade companies would

like to sell 2018 FIFA World Cup branded merchandise in Japan, but

corresponding activities of Russian companies, with a few exceptions, are not

enough. In our view, there is plenty of opportunities in this field for our

companies wishing to tap into the Japanese market."

REC has been actively promoting exports of agribusiness products. Today, there

are exports of finished goods to Asian countries, including confections, pasta,

and wine. The key channels of the promotion of Russian goods include

specialized business missions and special programs of partial reimbursement of

costs of transportation and participation in trade shows. "Additionally, REC is

working on the certification and promotion of our food products in foreign

markets," said Ruslan Tsargush, Director for the support of exports of the

agribusiness industry at REC.

Japanese companies have already shown interest in Russian products. On March 8,

2018, at the stand, a contract signing ceremony was held between Fanagoria and

a Japanese trader Ikemitsu Interprises regarding supplies of Russian wine to

Japan. According to Mikhail Lelyuk, Fanagoria’s Deputy CEO, Foreign Economic

Activities, the first lot may reach 8-10 thousand bottles. "We expect that in

the short run our supplies may reach 3-4 containers, that is nearly 50 thousand

bottles," he said.

Dates: March 6-9, 2018

Start of the event: March 6, 2018, 10:00 a.m. (local time).

Venue: Makuhari Messe


The Russian Export Center, JSC, (REC) is a government institution established

to support exports with the support of the Government of the Russian

Federation. The Center offers a one-stop-shop for exporters, providing

financial and non-financial support, and interacting with relevant ministries

and agencies. As part of establishing the one-stop-shop service, the Russian

Export Center integrates the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment

Insurance (EXIAR) and Eximbank of Russia, JSC. The Center offers a wide range

of services to non-commodity producers at each stage of the export cycle;

interacts with relevant executive bodies; draws up proposals on the improvement

of business environment regarding exports and foreign economic activities;

regularly interacts with business and expert community; helps to overcome

barriers and lift "systemic" restrictions.

For more information, visit the Russian Export Center's website:


The REC Group on social media:





FoodEx Japan 2018 has been held since 1976, and aims to contribute to further

developments in Asian food industry by providing all the latest information on

"Food and Beverage", and creates tangible business meeting opportunities for

both inbound and outbound. This year, the 43rd year of FOODEX JAPAN, some 3,250

exhibitors from about 80 countries and regions all over the world, including

food and beverage companies and trade companies, are scheduled to exhibit their

products. 82,000 buyers, including food service companies, distributors, and

wholesalers, are expected to visit FOODEX JAPAN during the exhibition period.


Source: Russian Export Center




