
FDI World Dental Federation


AsiaNet 72470 (0379)

【ジュネーブ2018年3月20日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】世界オーラルヘルスデー(WOHD)に際し、FDI世界歯科連盟(FDI World Dental Federation)は世界中の親に対し、どのようにわが子の口腔衛生の世話をしたか質問したが、その回答は改善の余地を示唆するものであった。健康な口腔を維持することは、その正しい機能を保ち、総体的な健康と幸せを維持するために極めて重要である。










http://www.worldoralhealthday.org; #WOHD18 #SayAhh

WOHDグローバルパートナー:ヘンリーシャイン(Henry Schein)、フィリップスソニッケアー(Philips Sonicare)、ユニリーバ(Unilever)


数値は、特に記載のない限りすべてユーガヴ(YouGov Plc)が提供した。総被験者数は成人1万1552人で、このうち4056人は18歳以下の子どもがいる。実地調査は2018年1月30日-2月8日にオンラインで行われた。数値は加重されており、各国の18歳以上の成人全体を代表している。18歳以下の子どもを持つ親の国別内訳は、英国(468人)、オーストラリア(311人)、エジプト(463人)、フィリピン(506人)、フランス(357人)、米国(295人)、モロッコ(386人)、スウェーデン(272人)、中国(529人)、アルゼンチン(469人)。

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/654729/FDI_Children_Dental.jpg

ソース:FDI World Dental Federation

FDI Global Survey Shows Children are not Getting Dental Check-ups Early Enough


GENEVA, Mar. 20, 2018, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

On the occasion of World Oral Health Day, FDI World Dental Federation asked

parents around the world how they cared for their children's oral health

growing up and the responses suggest room for improvement. Maintaining a

healthy mouth is crucial to keeping it functioning correctly and for

maintaining general health and well-being.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


A survey carried out in 10 countries found that only 13% of parents with

children aged 18 and under took their child to the dentist before their first

birthday - the recommended age for a first dental visit. Most parents first

took their child to the dentist when they were between one and three years old

(24%) or between four and six years old (22%), while 20% of parents reported

never having taken their child for a dental check-up.

"It's worrying to learn that most children are not getting a dental check-up at

the recommended age," said Dr Kathryn Kell, FDI President. "Good oral health

habits start early. Parents should visit the dentist after their child's first

tooth starts pushing as a preventive measure to avoid risk of developing early

childhood caries. Oral diseases can impact every aspect of life and are

associated with many general health conditions. This World Oral Health Day, we

want people to make the connection between their oral health and general health

and understand the impact that one has on the other. Knowing how to protect

your mouth and body at all ages contributes to a better quality of life."

Half (50%) of the parents who had taken their child to the dentist identified

the reason as being a regular dental check-up. However, while this was the most

frequent answer in the United Kingdom (82%), Sweden (77%), Argentina (65%),

France (63%), the United States (63%), Australia (56%), and China (34%); the

most reported response for going to the dentist in Egypt, the Philippines, and

Morocco was pain or discomfort in their child's mouth (56%, 43% and 38%


More than two-fifths (43%) of parents with children aged 18 and under said that

they personally ensured their child's teeth were brushed before bed time to

avoid oral diseases - a key message promoted by FDI. The survey also showed

that 40% of parents supervised their child's toothbrushing twice a day, and 38%

of them said they limited sugary foods and drinks in their child's diet to

avoid oral diseases. Only 26% reported to have personally cleaned their child's

teeth from as soon as the first tooth pushed out, and merely 8% mentioned

having encouraged their child to wearing a mouthguard when playing sports.

FDI recommends practicing good oral care, avoiding risk factors such as an

unhealthy diet - particularly one high in sugar, and having regular dental

check-ups to protect oral health and general health at all ages. Parents should

start cleaning their child's teeth before bed time when the first tooth starts

pushing through, supervise children's toothbrushing twice a day with a small

amount of fluoride toothpaste, and schedule regular dental check-ups starting

no later than the first birthday.

About World Oral Health Day  

Celebrated annually on 20 March, World Oral Health Day (WOHD) was launched by

FDI World Dental Federation to raise global awareness on the prevention and

control of oral diseases. http://www.worldoralhealthday.org; #WOHD18 #SayAhh

WOHD Global Partners: Henry Schein, Philips Sonicare, Unilever

About the Survey

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size

was 11,552 adults, of which 4,056 were parents with children aged 18 and under.

Fieldwork was undertaken between 30 January - 8 February 2018. The survey was

carried out online. The figures have been weighted and our nationally

representative of all adults aged 18+. The breakdown of those that were parents

with children aged 18 and under were as follows: UK (468), Australia (311),

Egypt (463), Philippines (506), France (357), USA (295), Morocco (386), Sweden

(272), China (529), and Argentina (469).

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/654729/FDI_Children_Dental.jpg )

Source: FDI World Dental Federation




