AsiaNet 73098 (0665)
【広州(中国)2018年4月16日新華社=共同通信JBN】Gree Electric Appliances Inc.of Zhuhaiは4月16日、中国輸出入商品交易会(以下、「広州交易会」と表記)において、先週、北京冷凍展示会で世界デビューしたAIマルチVRF(可変冷媒フロー)ユニットGMV6を展示した。
Gree Overseas Sales Companyのオウヤン・チョン副ゼネラルマネージャーは広州交易会でのプロモーションで、AI技術をしっかり組み込んだことで、GMV6はスタンバイ状態での低エネルギー消費、自己適応の位置調整、自己診断、その他いくつかの機能を有していると紹介した。
従来のエアコンでは、隠れたトラブルを予測し、事前にエラーを排除するのは困難だ。 自己予測および自己診断技術により、GreeのAIマルチVRFユニットは、ユニットのアプリの状態をタイムリーに検知し、コンプレッサーのコアパラメーターの分析を実行、既存の稼働パラメーターとエラー保守データを学習し続け、ユニットの稼働特性とエラーとの対応関係を確立し、エラーの診断、予測を進める。
Greeの中東における独占販売代理店であるBasic Electronics Co., Ltd. 副最高経営責任者(CEO)のハメド技師はプロモーションイベントで、大幅な節電に役立つこのスマートユニットに好意を表明、「エネルギー情報の多様化とインテリジェンスは、われわれが待ち望んでいるものだ。Greeが、期待の高かったAI革命を世界と共有していることを大変うれしく思う」と語った。
ソース:Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai
Gree AI Multi VRF Unit GMV6, a Big Hit at Canton Fair
GUANGZHOU, China, Apr. 16, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
On April 16, Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai exhibited the AI Multi VRF
(Variable Refrigerant Flow) Unit GMV6 at the China Import and Export Fair
("Canton Fair"), which had its world debut at Beijing Refrigeration Exhibition
last week.
During the promotion at the Canton Fair, Mr. Ouyang Jun, Vice General Manager
of Gree Overseas Sales Company introduced that, through in-depth combination
with AI technology, GMV6 has several functions such as low energy consumption
under standby status, positioning self-adaptation, self-diagnosis, and more.
Low standby energy consumption, energy-saving and eco-friendly
Generally speaking, apart from operation, the air conditioner is under standby
status in most of the time. To maintain the reliability of compressor startup,
however, traditional multi VRF units need to keep heating capacity with
electric heating belt to avoid liquid refrigerant from entering, which might
affect the lubricant. Therefore, the units will generate additional standby
energy consumption, which is 40W on average.
With Gree's innovative G-WFC technology based on weather forecast and
feedforward control strategy of compressor refrigerant transfer, GMV6 is able
to predict the variation trend of future weather and temperature in advance,
further control the compressor oil temperature heating belt intelligently,
which can reduce 80% of startup time for electric heating. Power consumption
under standby status for outdoor unit is as low as 1W.
Self-adaptation to different locations, a "smarter" air conditioner
In different regions and locations, consumers' user experience for the same
unit is not always the same. The built-in fixed programs of traditional units
fail to satisfy diversified demands in regions with high emergency needs under
complicated environment. This time, GMV6 successfully tackles the core
With the support of self-adaptive technologies to different locations, GMV6 can
judge the altitude of the unit through GPS and predict parameters by combining
the atmospheric pressure and automatically control the air flow, ensuring the
best user experience and also the efficient operation.
As for the air conditioning problem of slow defrosting in high latitude regions
under heating mode, GMV6 can obtain the optimal operation frequency for
compression under the conditions of different temperature and humidity,
formulate diverse defrosting modes with climate features, thus realizing
parameter self-adjusting and intelligent custom defrosting mode, bringing more
comfortable experience to the consumers.
Self-diagnosis as a preventive measure
It's difficult for traditional air conditioners to predict any hidden troubles
and eliminate the errors in advance. With self-prediction and self-diagnosis
technology, Gree AI Multi VRF Unit is able to conduct timely detection for the
application condition of the unit, carry out analysis on compressor core
parameters, keep learning the existing operation parameters and error
maintenance data, establish the corresponding relationship between unit
operation features and errors, and then proceed diagnosis and prediction for
the error.
Expressing his favor towards this smart Unit which helps save a lot of power,
Deputy CEO Eng.Hamed from Basic Electronics Co., Ltd., Gree's exclusive agent
in the Middle East, said at the promotion event, "the diversification and
intelligence of energy information is what we are longing for. I'm so glad to
see that Gree is sharing the highly-anticipated AI revolution with the world."
Under the background of globalization, every field is developing with
coordinated efforts, and the rapid development of manufacturing industry is
going to provide a wonderful life for the people all over the world. The
promotion of Gree AI Multi VRF Unit at Canton Fair further shares the
technological achievement of AI in air conditioning field to the whole world.
Source: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai