Clean Electricity Generation: 提携によりバイオ燃料が身近に
Clean Electricity Generation: 提携によりバイオ燃料が身近に
AsiaNet 73081
アムステルダム、2018年4月18日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
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再生可能エネルギーネットワーク(REN21)によると、世界的な電力消費に使用されるあらゆる資源のうち、19.3 %が再生可能エネルギーであり、その約3/4はバイオマスから生成されています。バイオコールの生産には、現在、とりわけ木材処理産業、持続可能な林業および緑化事業から出る木材の残余廃棄物が主に使用されています。バイオコールを使用することで化石炭素の排出が大幅に削減され、バイオマスの使用が増加します。これは必要とされるエネルギー転換において大きな役割を担っています。バイオコールを使用することで、石炭燃料の発電所を大きな改装をしなくても使用し続けることが可能になります。
この提携はClean Electricity Generation (CEG)とStorkが主導しています。Fluorの企業であるStorkが新たな生産施設を建築・維持する予定です。
バイオコールの最初の生産工場はエストニアに建築される予定です。CEGとStork は現在、フロントエンドのエンジニアリングと設備の設計に取り組んでいます。建設は本年度の第3四半期に開始します。それに平行して、フィンランドおよび北米を中心とした欧州外での建設にも継続して取り組んでいます。同社は、バイオコールの商業規模で生産できる設備の開発に成功しており、バイオコールを化石・石炭に代わる実現可能で持続可能な代替燃料にしています。CEGはすでにイギリスのダービーに生産施設を有し、高品質のバイオコールを生産しています。エストニアに建築する新たな工場はこの5倍の規模になります。
この提携に参加する企業は、他にも生産設備に必須の部品を供給するCarrier、投資会社のMomentum Capital、CEGの主な株主などが含まれます。さらに国際的な大手電力会社も参加希望を表明しています。
国際エネルギー機関(IEA)は、トレファクションについて、数年前は投資額が高く、開発に時間がかかりすぎると結論付けたものの、有望な技術として挙げています。現在、IEAはトレファイド・バイオマスを保管、輸送および処理において最も安価でリスクの低いバイオマスであり、世界的な商品として最良の形態と言っています。この提携によりトレファクション技術の進歩はさらに後押しされます。CEGのCEOを務めるErik Huis氏は、「私たちは、この技術の商業規模での利用を管理し、その知的財産権を有する唯一の団体です。そして今、パートナーと共に、バイオコールを世界的な標準にするという最後のハードルに挑みます。これによりバイオコールが持続可能なバルク商品となる道筋が開かれ、誰もが利用できるようになります。世界中の巨大エネルギー企業が私たちの歩みを注意して追随し、私たちのプロセスに並ぼうとするでしょう。なぜならこれは、彼らの保有する化石燃料処理チェーン全体で使用できる持続可能な代替燃料だからです」と、言います。同氏はさらに、「現在の発注量および今後の発注量を処理するには合計の3億5千万ユーロの投資が必要です」と付け加えました。
CEG の投資会社であるMomentum CapitalのCEOを務めるMartijn van Rheenen氏もこの提携を歓迎しています。彼は、「この提携により、当社は、実証済みの技術に基づくエネルギーの転換と当社の投資家の皆様への価値の創出という2つのユニークな組み合わせによる貢献が可能となりました。したがって、当社の産業資産ポートフォリオにおける生産設備は、産業界およびプロの機関投資家の両方が投資価値および長期的なキャッシュフローを求めて購入しています。」と、述べています。
CEGはオランダを拠点とするMomentum Capital(95%)とボストンを拠点とするTransformative Energy and Materials Capital (TEM Capital)(5%)の大手金融企業によるジョイントベンチャーです。詳しくは、http://www.cegeneration.comをご覧ください。
ソース: CEG (Clean Electricity Generation)
Clean Electricity Generation: Partnership Makes Biofuel Accessible to Everyone
AMSTERDAM, April 18, 2018, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Biocoal alternative fuel for power production and heating
At several locations around the world, a partnership of international
companies will start construction of facilities, where biocoal will be produced
on a commercial scale. This biocoal can be used as sustainable fuel in power
plants and heating installations all over the world, giving a boost to reducing
climate change.
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Of all resources used for global energy consumption, 19.3 percent is
renewable energy, of which almost three-quarters is generated from biomass,
according to the Renewable Energy Network (REN21). For the production of
biocoal, at present woody waste residues are mainly used, among others from the
wood-processing industry, sustainable forestry and green maintenance. The use
of biocoal reduces fossil carbon emissions significantly and increases the use
of biomass, which plays a major part in the necessary energy transition. By
using biocoal it is even possible to make existing coal-fired powerplants
sustainable without any major adjustments.
The partnership is initiated by Clean Electricity Generation (CEG) and
Stork. Stork, a Fluor Company, will build and maintain the new production
facilities. The building of the first new production plant for biocoal is
scheduled in Estonia. CEG and Stork are currently working on a front end
engineering and design of the installation. Construction starts at the third
quarter of this year. Parallel to that, they will continue working on
installations in Finland and outside of Europe with a main focus on North
America. Energy innovation company CEG will supply the patented technology. The
company has succeeded in developing a production facility for biocoal on a
commercial scale making biocoal a viable and sustainable alternative to fossil
coal. CEG already has a production facility in Derby, United Kingdom, where
high-quality biocoal is produced. In comparison, the new factory in Estonia
will be five times bigger.
Other participating companies within the partnership include among others
Carrier, which will supply essential parts for the production facilities, and
investment company Momentum Capital, majority shareholder of CEG. In addition,
several large international energy companies have indicated that they want to
join the partnership.
The sustainable residual flows of biomass are converted into biofuel
through so-called torrefaction technology. With this technology the biomass is
converted into sustainable coal via a thermal refining process. This creates a
relatively cheap biofuel with a high energy density. The biocoal in the form of
pellets can be used in traditional coal-fired plants, but also for industrial
heating processes, buildings or city district heating projects. Compared to
coal combustion, per tonne of biocoal, 2.5 tons of CO2 is saved. Moreover, the
energy value is higher and less storage and transport is needed than
traditional sustainable alternatives. During the production of biocoal, the
installation also produces green electricity and heat.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) names torrefaction a promising
technology, although a few years ago it concluded the investments were too high
and the development was too slow. Now, the IEA names torrefied biomass the
cheapest, lowest risk biomass for storage, transport and processing, and also
the best form of biomass as a global commodity. The partnership is now
accelerating this technology. Erik Huis, CEO of CEG said: "We are the only
party who is controlling this technology on a commercially applicable scale and
who owns the intellectual property of it. Now, together with all partners, we
take the final hurdle to raise biocoal to a worldwide standard. It will pave
the way to make biocoal a sustainable bulk product, so that it becomes
accessible to everyone. That is our ultimate goal. The energy giants of this
world follow every step we take closely and find alignment with our process,
because it is a sustainable alternative for their entire chain of fossil
processes." Erik Huis further adds: "The current orders and the orders ahead
require a total investment of EUR350 million."
Martijn van Rheenen, CEO of Momentum Capital, the investment company of CEG
is also pleased. "With this partnership we have a unique combination to
contribute to both the energy transition based on proven technology and the
creation of value for our investors. The production facilities in our
Industrial Assets portfolio are therefore both purchased by the industry and by
professional institutional parties for investing value and long-term cash
flow," he commented.
About CEG
CEG is an energy innovation company. CEG creates and realises solutions for
sustainable energy by processing biomass through torrefaction. It uses
sustainable means that are cleaner and less harmful to the environment which
replaces unsustainable and expensive resources.
CEG's unique torrefaction reactor converts biomass into a range of products
such as biochar, biochar dust, biocoal pellets and wood vinegar. CEG's biocoal
can then be fired into conventional power plants boilers which is a sustainable
alternative to burning conventional fossil coal. The additional benefit of the
CEG torrefaction process is the output of syngas that can be used in its syngas
generators and directly supply green power.
CEG is a joint venture with leading financial partners: Momentum Capital
based in the Netherlands (95%) and Transformative Energy and Materials Capital
(TEM Capital) based in Boston (5%). For more information:
SOURCE: CEG (Clean Electricity Generation)