AsiaNet 73485 (0839)
【北京(中国)2018年5月11日新華社=共同通信JBN】新華社通信傘下の中国経済情報社(China Economic Information Service、CEIS)は4月26日、有名な歴史と文化の都市である大同のTourism Development Index(観光開発インデックス)をリリースした。
開放的な都市環境により、大同を訪れる外国人旅行者は大幅に増加しており、旅行者のほとんどはホテルと景勝地でのサービスに大変満足している。大同花園大飯店(Datong Garden Hotel)は世界の旅行者間の口コミで卓説したホテルになった。
一方、大同にはかつて古代ローマとも比肩された世界に名高い文化観光資源があり、同市は中国が発表した24の文化的・歴史的都市の最初のグループの1つである。古都・大同における環境保護の意識構築は日ごとに進んでいる。雲崗石窟、恒山、懸空寺といった世界歴史文化遺産は大同が世界に示す「名刺」である。大同は明王朝の土の長城や要塞といった遺跡に依存しながら、ユニークな国境要塞観光のブランドを立ち上げた。Changcheng I National Scenic Driveがそれで、大同の活火山の集団と森林土壌の自然資源は圧巻だ。春節の古都ランタンショー、ライド・ツアー、マラソンといった全ての文化イベントは世界中の旅行者を引き付ける、大同の代表的な観光ブランドである。
ソース:China Economic Information Service (CEIS)
Big Data Help with the Tourism Prosperity of the International Historic and Cultural City, Datong
BEIJING, China, May 11, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
On April 26, China Economic Information Service (CEIS) of Xinhua News Agency
released the Tourism Development Index of Datong, China in the famous
historical and cultural city, Datong.
The first city-level ancient city tourism big data index in the world was
produced by combining the real-time information perception technology of the
data era with the natural landscape and history-related resources of Datong,
which is the "observatory" of the prosperity of Datong's tourism as well as the
"weather indicator" for building a world-leading all-for-one tourism city.
According to the data of the first quarter of 2018, the index has seen a
wavelike rise since its first release in September 2017, indicating the
favorable overall strength of the tourism industry of Datong. Especially, the
number of domestic and foreign tourists received by Datong during major
holidays is soaring rapidly, which shows the perfect tourism service capacity
of Datong at present.
The open city environment results in the significant increase of international
tourists to Datong, most of whom are highly satisfied with the hotel service
and scenic area service. "Datong Garden Hotel" has become a word-of-mouth
excellent hotel among the global tourists.
Datong was a typical city of coal energy in the past. Since the 18th National
Congress of the Communist Party of China, Datong has been constantly enhancing
pollution control and developing clean coal technology and new energy
technology. The air quality of Datong has maintained No. 1 in Shanxi Province
for five years in a row, which has shown its resolution to perfect its
ecological construction to the world. The image of Datong has turned from the
"black coal" to the "blue sky".
Meanwhile, Datong is one of the first batch of 24 famous historic and cultural
cities issued by China, with world-famous cultural tourism resources that once
rivaled the ancient Rome. The ecological civilization construction of the
ancient city of Datong has been progressing with each passing day. The world
historic and cultural heritages of Yungang Grottoes, Hengshan Mountain, and the
Hanging Temple are the "business cards" of Datong to the world; relying on the
heritages like the earthy great wall and fortresses of the Ming Dynasty, Datong
has built the unique frontier fortress tourism brand -- the Changcheng I
National Scenic Drive; the natural resources of volcanic clusters and soil
forests of Datong are magnificent; and all the cultural events like the Spring
Festival ancient city lantern show, the riding tour, and the marathon are
distinctive tourism brands of Datong that attract the global tourists.
Source: China Economic Information Service (CEIS)
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