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【ブベー(スイス)2018年5月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
*2030年までに5000万人の子どもをより健康的な生活に導く支援をする「Nestle for Healthier Kids(さらに健康的な子どもたちのためのネスレ)」
国連国際家族デーの15日、ネスレは「Nestle for Healthier Kids」のグローバルイニシアチブを発表した。このプログラムにはより健康的な製品のさらなる開発を続けることと、家族向けの栄養と運動についてのアドバイスが含まれている。2030年までに5000万人の子どもたちがさらに健康的な生活を送れるように支援することを目的とする。
Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/691592/Nestle_for_Healthier_Kids_Logo.jpg
ネスレは既に毎年、同社製品ポートフォリオの約3分の1を見直している。業界をけん引している同社のイノーベション能力を生かし、より多くの果物、野菜、繊維の多い穀類、微量栄養素を含めた子ども向け食品・飲料をさらに強化している。ネスレはまた糖類、食塩、飽和脂肪の使用量を引き続き減らす。最近発売された製品の中には、Gerber Grabbers Strong Veggiesの野菜とフルーツピューレ、Nido有機ミルクパウダー、糖類を減らしたNesquik Alphabet全粒粉朝食シリアルなどがある。
10年以上にわたり、ネスレは製品の栄養価を向上させてきた。Nestle for Healthier Kidsグローバルイニシアチブを携えて同社はこの取り組みを長期にわたって続けることを誓う。
ネスレがさらに健康な子どもたちのためにしていることついての詳しい情報はhttps://www.nestle.com/healthierkids を参照。
ネスレのコミットメントについての詳しい情報はNestle in Society(https://www.nestle.com/asset-library/documents/library/documents/corporate_social_responsibility/nestle-in-society-summary-report-2017-en.pdf )を参照。
Nestle Launches Global Initiative to Help Children Lead Healthier Lives
VEVEY, Switzerland, May 15, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
"Nestle for Healthier Kids" to help 50 million children lead healthier
lives by 2030
On the United Nations International Day of Families, Nestle announced its
global "Nestle for Healthier Kids" initiative. The program includes the further
development of healthier products and advice for families on nutrition and
exercise. It aims at helping 50 million children lead healthier lives by 2030.
Since its foundation, Nestle has been committed to helping parents and
caregivers provide the right nutrition to their children. With this new
initiative Nestle is accelerating the transformation of its food and beverage
portfolio worldwide. In 2017 alone, the company launched more than 1000 new
products to meet the nutritional needs of children. In the same year, it
provided 174 billion servings of fortified foods and beverages in 66 countries
where people lack essential micronutrients such as iron, iodine and vitamin A.
Mark Schneider, Nestle CEO, said: "Childhood is a time where life-long
habits are formed. We want to help parents make healthier choices for their
children. This is why we are accelerating our efforts to support families in
raising healthier kids and we call on others to join us in this endeavor."
Nestle already reformulates around one third of its product portfolio every
year. It will use its industry-leading innovation capability to further enhance
foods and beverages for children with even more fruits, vegetables, fiber-rich
grains and micronutrients. Nestle will also continue to reduce sugars, salt and
saturated fats. Some recent product launches include Gerber Grabbers Strong
Veggies vegetable and fruit purees, Nido organic milk powder and Nesquik
Alphabet whole grain breakfast cereals with reduced sugar.
For over a decade, Nestle has improved the nutritional value of its
products. With "Nestle for Healthier Kids", the company pledges to continue
this work for the long term. Its immediate goals by 2020 are to:
- Add at least 750 million portions (80g) of vegetables to its products;
- Add at least 300 million portions (16g) of fiber-rich grains, pulses,
nuts & seeds to its products;
- Further reduce sugars by 5%. Since 2000, the company has reduced sugars
by over 34%;
- Further reduce salt by 10%. Since 2005, the company has reduced salt by
over 20%;
- Complete the commitment taken in 2014, to reduce saturated fats by 10%
in all relevant products that do not meet WHO recommendations;
Nestle will also enhance programs and online services designed to provide
parents and caregivers with more nutritional knowledge, healthy recipes and
practical tips. In 2017, over 300 partnerships worldwide have helped the
company reach more than 14 million children.
For more information on what Nestle is doing for healthier kids:
For more information on Nestle commitments: Nestle in Society [
Source: Nestle