AsiaNet 73598 (0884)
【ジョンストン(米ロードアイランド州)2018年5月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
*2018 FM Global Resilience Index(2018年FM Globalレジリエンス指数)はフランスのサイバーリスクの上昇と台湾のリスク急減を指摘する一方、米国の政治リスクの急増も指摘
サイバー攻撃のリスクはかつて過度に騒ぎ立てられたものの、現在は企業の生存を脅かしている。その重大性は地域によって大幅に異なっている。例えば、フランスでは昨年、固有のサイバーリスクは上昇したものの、台湾では急減した。これは、2018 FM Global Resilience Index(http://www.fmglobal.com/resilienceindex )に掲載されたサイバーリスクの最も大きな変化を示した2カ所である。
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/693158/2018_FM_Global_Resilience_Index.jpg
世界最大の商業・産業資産保険企業の1つであるFM Globalのトマス・A・ローソン会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「われわれの使命は、世界の企業幹部に強力なインテリジェンスを提供し、企業幹部がどこに施設を設置し、どのパートナーを選択し、どのようにリスクを管理するか決定することをサポートすることである。このResilience Indexによって、企業リーダーは、サイバーリスクを含めレジリエンスの地域上の差異について、これまで以上に深く理解することができる」と語った。
その他の調査結果を含むニュースリリース全文はウェブサイトhttps://newsroom.fmglobal.com/releases/cyber-attacks-global-conflict-fire-and-killer-storms-among-threats-driving-new-worldwide-resilience-ranking を参照。
ソース:FM Global
Steve Zenofsky
APR, Fellow PRSA
Phone: +1 (401) 415-1945
E-mail: Steven.Zenofsky@fmglobal.com
Cyber Attacks, Global Conflict, Fire and Killer Storms Among Threats Driving New Worldwide Resilience Ranking
JOHNSTON, Rhode Island, May 18, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- 2018 FM Global Resilience Index sees France's cyber risk climbing and
Taiwan's falling, while United States' political risk spikes
The risk of cyber attack, once overhyped, now threatens businesses' very
existence. Its severity varies significantly with geography: For example,
inherent cyber risk has climbed in France over the past year while plummeting
in Taiwan, two of the biggest changes in cyber risk in the 2018 FM Global
Resilience Index (http://www.fmglobal.com/resilienceindex ).
Photo -
The index—an annual ranking of 130 countries and territories by the resilience
of their business environments—is an online, interactive resource to help
global executives plan where to do business. Cyber risk is one of 12 drivers
determining the index's overall resilience rankings.
"Our mission is to give global business executives powerful intelligence to
support their decisions about where to site facilities, what partners to
select, and how to manage their risks," said Thomas A. Lawson, chairman and
chief executive officer at FM Global, one of the world's largest commercial and
industrial property insurers. "With the Resilience Index, business leaders can
dig deeper than they ever have into geographical differences in resilience,
including cyber risk."
The index reflects data related to economics, natural hazards and supply
chains, and addresses deep concerns about business risks such as cyber attacks,
political upheaval, fire and hurricanes. Resilience, the flipside of risk,
means resisting business disruption and rebounding quickly if it occurs.
Civil liberties affect cyber risk
For global business leaders, cyber attacks raise the specter of stalled
operations, disrupted supply chains, class-action lawsuits and permanent brand
France fell 33 places in the cyber resilience dimension of this year's index
from 68th to 101st of 130 regions. The drop reflects a deterioration in civil
liberties within the country rating and a slight uptick in the country's
internet penetration.
Internet penetration also explains Australia's nine-place fall in cyber
resilience. The country and continent dropped from 66th to 75th of the 130
regions ranked in the Index, driven by a 3-percent increase in internet
Taiwan's cyber resilience, on the other hand, soared 57 places from 107th to
50th, the biggest rise in the index, due in large part to an increase in its
civil liberties.
To view the full news release containing additional findings, click here (
CONTACT: Steve Zenofsky, APR, Fellow PRSA, Phone: +1 (401) 415-1945, E-mail: