
Carl Zeiss AG


AsiaNet 73605 (0892)

【オーバーコッヘン(ドイツ)2018年5月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



2017/18会計年度(2018年3月31日終了)上半期にZEISS Groupは好業績を挙げ、収益は前年同期比9%増の27億7300万ユーロ(2016/17年度上半期は25億5000万ユーロ)で、為替の影響を調整すると13%もの増収となった。金利税引き前利益(EBIT)は3億8000万ユーロで、前年同期(3億8400万ユーロ)と比べてマイナスの為替の影響にもかかわらず高かった。受注は28億3900万ユーロ(2016/17年度上半期は27億4300万ユーロ)に達した。

ZEISS社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のミヒャエル・カシュケ博士(教授)は「半導体製造技術と産業計測、医療技術を中心にしたハイテク分野の事業が、ZEISS Groupの成長を可能にし、さらなる前進を助けている。バランスの良い未来志向の事業ポートフォリオと幅広い世界展開によって、引き続き利益を得ている」と述べた。



詳しい情報はhttp://www.zeiss.com/pressconference を参照。


ZEISSは光学・光電子工学分野で活動する国際的な大手技術企業である。ZEISS Groupは計測技術、顕微鏡、医療技術、眼鏡レンズ、カメラ・映写レンズ、双眼鏡、半導体製造装置を開発、生産、供給している。ZEISS Groupは40カ国以上に進出し、世界中に50以上の販売・サービス拠点、30超の生産拠点、約25の研究開発施設を置いている。2016/17年度の売上高は約53億ユーロで、従業員は約2万7000人。同社は1846年にドイツのイエナで創設され、ドイツのオーバーコッヘンに本社を置いている。


Jorg Nitschke, Press Spokesman



ソース:Carl Zeiss AG

ZEISS Presents Half-Year Figures: High Tech Drives Growth


OBERKOCHEN, Germany, May 18, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

ZEISS Presents Half-Year Figures: High Tech Drives Growth

Revenue achieved in first half of fiscal year grows to EUR 2.8 billion - EBIT

at prior-year level despite negative currency effects

The first six months of fiscal year 2017/18 (ended 31 March 2018) were

successful for the ZEISS Group and saw its revenue rise by 9 percent to EUR

2.773 billion (1st six months of 2016/17: EUR 2.550 billion), and as much as 13

percent after adjustments for currency effects. At EUR 380 million, the

earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) were high despite clearly negative

currency effects compared to the previous year (EUR 384 million). Incoming

orders hit EUR 2.839 billion (1st six months of 2016/17: EUR 2.743 billion).

"It is our business in the high-tech fields of semiconductor manufacturing

technology, industrial metrology and medical technology in particular that are

enabling our growth and helping further advance the ZEISS Group," said Prof.

Dr. Michael Kaschke, President and CEO of ZEISS. "We are benefitting once again

from our balanced and future-oriented portfolio and our broad global footprint."

ZEISS generates around 90 percent of its business outside Germany. This

positive business trend is borne in particular by the dynamically developing

economies in the APAC region.

ZEISS has increased expenditure on research and development by around 20

percent to EUR 298 million (1st half of 2016/17: EUR 247 million).

More information at http://www.zeiss.com/pressconference.

About ZEISS  

ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the

fields of optics and optoelectronics. The ZEISS Group develops, produces and

distributes measuring technology, microscopes, medical technology, eyeglass

lenses, camera and cinema lenses, binoculars and semiconductor manufacturing

equipment. The ZEISS Group is represented in more than 40 countries and has

over 50 sales and service locations, more than 30 manufacturing sites and about

25 research and development centers around the globe. In fiscal year 2016/17

the company generated revenue approximating €5.3 billion with around 27,000

employees. Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen,


Contact for the press

Jörg Nitschke, Press Spokesman



SOURCE: Carl Zeiss AG




