Osaro最新の食品向け自動化テクノロジーを発表、従来困難であった不定形食品のばら積みピッキングが可能に。「FOOMA JAPAN 2018」にデンソーウェーブと共同出展



~国際食品工業展「FOOMA JAPAN 2018」にデンソーウェーブと共同出展

AsiaNet 73918

【サンフランシスコ2018年6月11日PR Newswire】

Osaroは2016年に、自社の人工知能テクノロジーを用いて、大規模商用向けAIロボティクスソリューションを開発すると表明しました。この度、Osaroは、自社の深層強化学習プラットフォームをより深化させ、食品業界向けに最新のソリューション「Osaro FoodPick」をお届けいたします。

Osaroが、株式会社デンソーウェーブ製ロボットとのコラボレーション、およびイノテック株式会社のコンサルティング面での協力を得て、公開する「Osaro FoodPick」は、深層学習や人工知能、ロボット・テクノロジーを用いて、食品製造工程を自動化することができる業界待望のソリューションであり、FOOMA JAPAN2018(国際食品工業展:6月12日~15日 東京ビッグサイト)デンソーウェーブブース(ブース小間番号:6T-23)にて実際にご覧になれます。



Osaro, Inc. CEO Derik Pridmoreコメント

この度、デンソー社のハードウェアを組み合わせた食品向けプラットフォームの力量と柔軟性をお見せできることに胸が高鳴っております。日本の食品製造業者は長らく、競争力は有しながらも高価格な労働力や資金コストという問題があり、より先進的な自動化テクノロジーを渇望しておりました。今回のFOOMA JAPAN2018にて、我々の「Osaro FoodPick」を公開できることを喜ばしく思います。

Osaroの開発チームもこの新しいソリューションをFOOMA JAPAN2018で公開できる機会に胸が躍っています。Osaroのメンバーはデンソーウェーブブースにてお待ちしております。

イノテック株式会社 取締役 鏑木 祥介 コメント


<Osaro, Inc. 概要>

Osaroはサンフランシスコに拠点するAI企業であり、産業用ロボット(自動倉庫システム、製造自動化、食品ラインシステム、Eコマースなど)向けの統合認識・制御ソフトウェアを提供しています。Osaroのビジョン/コントロールソフトウェアは深層学習、強化学習、センサーフュージョン、モーションプランニングその他の技術を融合させたものです。Osaroは、多様なロボットやセンサーと互換性のある機能の開発に注力しています。Osaroのクラウド・データやGPUインフラは最もフレキシブルなインテリジェント・ピッキング・システムとなるべく設計されております。Osaroは2018年初旬に、最初の製品「Osaro Pick」をEコマース向け自動倉庫(ASRS)を対象に販売を開始しました。

<イノテック株式会社 概要>


<株式会社デンソー/株式会社デンソーウェーブ 概要>



Osaro And DENSO WAVE Unveil New Food Automation Technology At FOOMA JAPAN 2018


SAN FRANCISCO, June 11, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Osaro promised in 2016 to create advanced intelligent robotics software

solutions for large scale, commercial use cases by applying its proprietary AI

technology. Today, Osaro is delivering on that promise by expanding the scope

of their deep reinforcement learning platform to the food industry with its

latest solution, Osaro FoodPick.

In collaboration with DENSO Robotics, and in consultation with Innotech

Corporation, Osaro is proud to publicly unveil FoodPick, which performs

automated food assembly tasks using deep learning and other AI and robotics

techniques. This long sought-after solution is now a reality and on display at

DENSO WAVE's booth at FOOMA JAPAN 2018.

"Osaro is excited to show the power and flexibility of our platform to

integrate DENSO WAVE for use in food applications," said Osaro's CEO Derik

Pridmore. "With its competitive labor force and high capital costs, Japan's

food suppliers have been hungry for more advanced automation technologies for a

long time, and we are honored to be announcing Osaro's FoodPick here at FOOMA


To drive this development, Osaro has partnered with DENSO WAVE, a producer of

automated data capturing products and industrial robots headquartered in Agui,

Japan. This collaboration combines DENSO Robotics, and Osaro's artificial

intelligence specifically designed for automating non-uniform food assembly.

Osaro's system has the ability to reduce labor requirements, minimize energy

consumption, ensure safety, and maximum returns for the food machine industry.

Without sacrificing speed, accuracy, or flexibility, Osaro has successfully

achieved a new food system delicate enough to pick and place karaage chicken

into a bento box. It is able to consistently assemble non-uniform items in a

beautiful manner.

The Osaro team behind this new software is excited for the opportunity to

showcase their work at FOOMA JAPAN 2018, an international food machinery and

technology exhibition running from June 12-15 in Tokyo. Osaro personnel will be

available for meetings at DENSO WAVE's booth: 6T-23 at the Tokyo Big Sight

exhibition center.

Osaro is also pleased to announce the successful deployment of its technologies

at Innotech's Yokohama headquarters, a major milestone in an ongoing

partnership between Osaro and the electronics corporation. Osaro plans to

continue to work with Innotech to introduce further sophistications to its

picking system, including improvements in classifying error instances, 6D

picking, and enhancing accuracy even with the most challenging goods. Innotech

is currently accepting meetings to privately demo Osaro's technology with

companies serious about investing in AI automation, especially in the food

assembly and e-commerce logistics sectors.

"Innotech was founded in the 1980s and has seen many technological revolutions

since. Our staying power has been generated by investing in groups that are the

cutting edge of R&D," says Yosuke Kaburagi, Director of Robotics Automation

Projects at Innotech. "In today's landscape, that means providing reliable

automation products to our end users. We are accomplishing that by teaming up

with Osaro, and offering new AI technology that is just now becoming possible."

About Osaro:

Osaro is a San Francisco based machine learning company offering integrated

perception and control software for industrial scale robotic deployments (ASRS

systems, auto manufacturing, food prep, ecommerce, etc). The company's vision

and control software solutions incorporate deep learning, reinforcement

learning, sensor fusion, motion planning and other techniques. Osaro is focused

on deployable functionality compatible with various robots and sensors. The

company's cloud-based data and GPU infrastructure is designed for the most

flexible intelligent picking system on the market. Osaro began deploying its

first solution, OsaroPick, which integrates with e-commerce automated storage

and retrieval systems, in Japan in early 2018.

About Innotech:

Innotech Corporation is an Electronics Design Service principally engaged in

the development and sale of semiconductor related products and electronic

components. Its Semiconductor Design segment is involved in the import and sale

of electronic design automation (EDA) software.


DENSO WAVE is a subsidiary of DENSO that focuses on automatic identification

and data capture, industrial robots, and industrial controllers for

manufacturers. The parent company, DENSO is one of the largest global

automotive suppliers of advanced technology, systems and components.

Contact: Press@Osaro.com

SOURCE:  Osaro  




