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【プリンストン(米ニュージャージー州)2018年6月25日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
臨床研究の質と効率を大幅に向上させる世界有数のソリューションプロバイダーであるWCG(R)(WIRB-Copernicus Group(R))のClinical Services Division(臨床サービス部門)は、国内最大の独立系遺伝学専門家サービスプロバイダーであるInformedDNA(R)と戦略的パートナーシップを結んだ。両社はこのパートナーシップを通じ、遺伝学を用いた臨床試験の設計と実施において、バイオ医薬品企業、契約研究機関(CRO)、諸機関および研究者施設を支援するための「Center for Genetics and Precision Medicine in Clinical Trials(臨床試験における遺伝学・精密医療センター)」を設立する。
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戦略的パートナーシップの下、WCGとInformedDNAは「臨床試験における遺伝学・精密医療センター」を立ち上げ、臨床試験の最適化に当たってInformedDNAの豊富な遺伝学資源、専門知識をWCGの500人の専門家の世界的ネットワークとその所有する業界のKnowledge Base(TM)とを一体化させる。WCGは、全業界がスポンサーとなっているプロトコルの95%に対する深い理解を、InformedDNAの全国に分散する遺伝学専門家50人の業界トップのチームおよびその全治療分野にわたる広範な遺伝学データベースと結び付ける。それとともに両社は、臨床試験における遺伝学の最適な適用に関する比類なき洞察と指導を提供していく。具体的には、臨床試験で患者を特定、募集、管理するために遺伝学の力を活用するだけでなく、治験およびプロトコル設計において遺伝情報を適用するという課題と機会に取り組む。
遺伝病の遺伝子治療で初の食品医薬品局(FDA)認可に向け準備をしていた際にInformedDNAと協力した完全一体型の商用遺伝子治療会社Spark Therapeuticsのコマーシャル部長であるロン・フィリップ氏は「遺伝子と精密医療の臨床開発を支援する新たな経路を築いていくことは、遺伝病で命が制限されることのない世界をつくるのに不可欠だ。遺伝子検査やカウンセリングへのアクセスを確保するためのWCGとInformedDNAの取り組みは、遺伝子医薬品の臨床開発を支援するために不可欠なステップであり、希少疾患や遺伝病に苦しむ何百万人もの患者に恩恵をもたらす可能性がある」と語った。
▽WCG(WIRB-Copernicus Group)について
WCG(http://www.wcgclinical.com/ )(WIRB-Copernicus Group(http://www.wcgclinical.com/ ))は、臨床研究の質と効率を大幅に改善する世界有数のソリューションプロバイダーである。業界初の臨床サービス組織(CSO)であるWCGは、生物医薬品企業、CROおよび諸機関が最高水準の被験者保護を維持しつつ、新たな治療や治療法を患者に提供することを可能にしている。詳細はwww.wcgclinical.com を参照、またはTwitterで@WCGClinicalのフォローを。
InformedDNAは、個人やヘルスケア提供者が家族の既往歴やゲノミクスを正確に解釈するのを助け、精密医療の明るい未来を実現する。InformedDNAは、遺伝学的検査の適切な利用に関する権威であり、独立した理事会が認定する遺伝学専門家を最大の常勤スタッフとし、その専門知識を活用して健康計画、病院、雇用主、地域の臨床医および患者が全て最高品質の遺伝子サービスにアクセスできるようにしている。臨床試験のサポートに加え、InformedDNAは主に臨床的遺伝子カウンセリング、遺伝子検査の利用管理、遺伝的リスク評価・予防の個別化ソリューションを提供している。詳細はhttps://informeddna.com を参照。
Ken Li
Public Relations
CG Life
Craig Sowell
Chief Marketing Officer
WIRB-Copernicus Group
ソース:WCG Clinical Services
WCG (WIRB-Copernicus Group) Clinical Services Division Partners with InformedDNA to Help Sponsors Design and Execute More Effective Clinical Trials
PRINCETON, New Jersey, June 25, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
-- Companies join forces to deliver new solutions that optimize genetics in
clinical trials in the era of precision medicine
WCG(R) (WIRB-Copernicus Group(R)) Clinical Services Division, the world's
leading provider of solutions that measurably improve the quality and
efficiency of clinical research, has entered a strategic partnership with
InformedDNA(R), the nation's largest independent provider of genetics expert
services. Through this partnership, the companies will create the "Center for
Genetics and Precision Medicine in Clinical Trials" to support
biopharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations (CROs),
institutions and investigator sites in the design and conduct of clinical
trials that use genetics.
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"Precision medicine demands that we rethink the traditional drug development
process," said Donald A. Deieso, PhD, Executive chairman and CEO of WCG. "The
disease, as well as the proposed treatment, must be carefully considered in the
context of the patient's individual genetic makeup. To that end, we are
delighted to partner with InformedDNA to introduce genetic-oriented clinical
trial solutions that will support our clients as they work to deliver the
extraordinary promise of precision medicine."
Under the strategic partnership, WCG and InformedDNA will launch the Center for
Genetics and Precision Medicine in Clinical Trials, which will unite
InformedDNA's substantial genetics resources and expertise with WCG's global
network of 550 experts in clinical trial optimization and its proprietary
industry Knowledge Base(TM). WCG combines its deep understanding of 95% of all
industry-sponsored protocols with InformedDNA's industry-leading team of 50
nationally-distributed genetics specialists and its extensive genetic database
across all therapeutic categories. Together, the partners will deliver
unparalleled insights and guidance regarding the optimal application of
genetics in clinical trials. Specifically, they will tackle the challenges and
opportunities of applying genetic information in trial and protocol design as
well as harness the power of genetics to identify, recruit, and manage patients
in clinical trials.
"With the rise in precision medicine, protocols have become increasingly
complex," said David Nixon, chairman and CEO of InformedDNA. "This complexity
presents challenges in the design of clinical trials that include genetic
components, but also the opportunity to uncover greater value in the process
through a proper genetic focus. Through our partnership with WCG, we will teach
research sponsors how to effectively apply genetic expertise to their studies
so that they can derive the most value from their research."
The companies will offer a genetics and clinical development solution to
optimize the design of protocols and to ensure that all genetic information is
appropriately applied to study design. The solution will enable sponsors to
identify hard-to-find patient populations, reduce their exposure to risk,
identify broader potential therapeutic indications, and increase the overall
value of each trial subject.
Rebecca Sutphen, MD, FACMG, InformedDNA's Chief Medical Officer, added, "As the
focus of clinical research increasingly shifts toward rare and orphan diseases,
as well as greater personalization, patient recruitment becomes a significant
challenge: How do you find and engage the right patients to participate in
these studies? Obviously, trial sponsors and clinical research sites must
harness the power of genetic information. But first, they must access the
expertise and infrastructure to collect that genetic information, and then
apply it to enhance and manage different methods of recruitment."
WCG has a proven record of driving study enrollment in rare disease and
hard-to-reach populations. InformedDNA maintains a global network of genetic
datasets that facilitate the rapid identification of patients with unique or
rare conditions. Together, they offer a patient engagement solution that
leverages both of these strengths, as well as the power of genetic testing and
counseling to identify patients for clinical studies based on
genotype/phenotype requirements. They will also offer genetic counseling and
genetic test interpretation services to patients and investigators, which are
proven to increase provider satisfaction and patient retention.
"Forging new pathways to support clinical development in genetics and precision
medicine is critical to help create a world where no life is limited by genetic
disease," said Ron Philip, head of Commercial at Spark Therapeutics, a fully
integrated, commercial gene therapy company that worked with InformedDNA as
Spark prepared for the first FDA approval for a gene therapy for a genetic
disease. "The efforts of WCG and InformedDNA to ensure access to genetic
testing and counseling are an essential step to support the clinical
development of genetic medicines and could benefit millions of patients
suffering from rare and genetic diseases."
About WCG (WIRB-Copernicus Group)
WCG ( http://www.wcgclinical.com/ ) (WIRB-Copernicus Group
(http://www.wcgclinical.com/) ) is the world's leading provider of solutions
that measurably improve the quality and efficiency of clinical research. The
industry's first clinical services organization (CSO), WCG enables
biopharmaceutical companies, CROs, and institutions to accelerate the delivery
of new treatments and therapies to patients, while maintaining the highest
standards of human subject protections. For more information, please visit
www.wcgclinical.com or follow us on Twitter @WCGClinical.
About InformedDNA
InformedDNA helps individuals and healthcare providers accurately interpret
family health history and genomics, bringing the promise of precision medicine
to life. InformedDNA is the authority on the appropriate use of genetic testing
- leveraging the expertise of the largest full-time staff of independent
board-certified genetics specialists to help ensure health plans, hospitals,
employers, community clinicians and patients all have access to the highest
quality genetic services. In addition to supporting clinical trials,
InformedDNA's key offerings include clinical genetic counseling, genetic
testing utilization management, and personalized hereditary risk assessment and
prevention solutions. For more information, visit: https://informeddna.com.
Media Contact:
Ken Li
Public Relations
CG Life
WCG Contact:
Craig Sowell
Chief Marketing Officer
WIRB-Copernicus Group
SOURCE: WCG Clinical Services