


AsiaNet 74151

ロンドン、2018年6月28日/ニュースワイヤー/ --

ロンドンを拠点とする医療分野の人工知能(AI:Artificial Intelligence)企業とRoyal College of Physicians(王立医師会)、Stanford Primary Care(スタンフォード・プライマリ・ケア)およびYale New Haven Health(イェール・ニュー・ヘブン・ヘルス)による欧米間の提携が大きな偉業を達成

バビロンヘルスは今夜、ロンドンのRoyal College of Physiciansからライブ配信されたプレゼンテーションで、同社のAIは、数々の厳しい試験において(MRCGP試験の関連部門を含む)、臨床医師と同等の医療的助言を提供できる能力があることを実証したと世界で初めて発表しました[1]。

MRCGP試験は、研修中の一般開業医師(GP)が受ける最終試験で、Royal College of General Practitioners(RCGP、王立医師協会)により認定されます。この試験に合格した研修中のGPは、独立開業するうえで十分に高いレベルの能力と臨床技能があると認められます。





試験は重要ですが、医師は日々の臨床でより広範な病気と症状に対応しています。したがって、バビロンの科学者、臨床医およびエンジニアで構成されたチームは、Royal College of PhysiciansのMegan Mahoney医師(一般プライマリ・ケア主任、プライマリ・ケアおよび公衆衛生部門、スタンフォード大学)、およびArnold DoRosario医師(公衆衛生主任担当医、イェール・ニュー・ヘブン・ヘルス)と共同で、100の個別に考案された症例集(または「エピソード」)を使用し、7名の極めて経験豊富なプライマリ・ケア医師と比較することで、バビロンのAIを試験しました。



2. RCGPは過去の論文を公開しないため、バビロンはAIの試験準備と試験にRoyal College of Physiciansが直接公開したものや一般公開されている資料(すべて参照元記載)などから例題を使用しました。

3. 研修中のGPのCSA平均合格スコアは、2012年から2017年の一般公開されているRCGP試験結果のデータを使って計算しました。


バビロンの創設者でCEOを務めるAli Parsa医師は、今夜のニュースで次のように述べています。「世界保健機構の推定によると、世界中で500万人以上医師が不足しており、世界人口の半分以上が最も基本的な医療サービスにさえアクセスできていないことになります。最富裕国の人々でさえも、プライマリ・ケアはますますコストが上がり、利便性が欠け、その待ち時間から多くの場合利用できなくなっています。バビロンが提供する最新の人工知能の能力は、居住地や経済的背景またはその他の状況にかかわらず、誰でも最高クラスの臨床医に匹敵する医療的助言を自由に受けることを示しています。


バビロンの研究誌「AIによる症状チェッカーの評価(Evaluation of AI Powered Symptom Checker)」は同社のWebサイトからダウンロードできます。また、ArXiv.com (https://arxiv.org/ )からも近日中に閲覧できるようになります。



詳細は、下記までご覧ください: https://www.babylonhealth.com/







Babylon AI Achieves Equivalent Accuracy With Human Doctors in Global Healthcare First


LONDON, June 28, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    Transatlantic collaboration between the London-based medical Artificial

Intelligence (AI) company and the Royal College of Physicians, Stanford Primary

Care and Yale New Haven Health yields significant breakthrough

    Babylon Health tonight announced a world-first during a presentation

streamed live from London's Royal College of Physicians: The company's AI, in a

series of robust tests (including the relevant sections of the MRCGP exam), has

demonstrated its ability to provide heath advice which is on-par with

practicing clinicians[1].

    The MRCGP exam is the final test for trainee General Practitioners (GPs),

set by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). Trainee GPs who pass

this assessment have demonstrated their competence and clinical skills to a

level which is sufficiently high enough for them to undertake independent


    A key part of this exam tests a doctor's ability to diagnose.

    1. Babylon's technology provides health information, rather than a medical

diagnosis, for regulatory reasons. The tests carried out relate to the

diagnostic exams taken by doctors as a benchmark for accuracy, however,

Babylon's AI service remains an information service, rather than a medical


    Babylon took a representative sample-set of questions testing diagnostic

skills from publicly available RCGP sources[2], as well as independently

published examination preparation materials, and mapped these to the current

RCGP curriculum in order to ensure the questions resembled actual MRCGP

questions as closely as possible.

    The average pass mark over the past five years for real-life doctors was

72%[3]. In sitting the exam for the first time, Babylon's AI scored 81%. As the

AI is continues to learn and accumulate knowledge, Babylon expects that

subsequent testing will produce significant improvements in terms of results.

    Important though exams are, doctors are presented with a much wider range

of illnesses and conditions in their daily practice. Therefore, to further test

the AI's capabilities, Babylon's team of scientists, clinicians and engineers

next collaborated with the Royal College of Physicians, Dr Megan Mahoney (Chief

of General Primary Care, Division of Primary Care and Population Health,

Stanford University), and Dr Arnold DoRosario (Chief Population Health Officer,

Yale New Haven Health) to test Babylon's AI alongside seven highly-experienced

primary care doctors using 100 independently-devised symptom sets (or


    Babylon's AI scored 80% for accuracy, while the seven doctors achieved an

accuracy range of 64-94%.

    The accuracy of the AI was 98% when assessed against conditions seen most

frequently in primary care medicine. In comparison, when Babylon's research

team assessed experienced clinicians using the same measure, their accuracy

ranged from 52-99%.

    2. As the RCGP does not publish past papers, Babylon used example questions

- some published directly by the College, some which were sourced from publicly

available resources (which all are referenced) - during its AI exam preparation

and testing.

    3. Average CSA pass mark by trainee GPs was calculated using publicly

available RCGP test result data from the period 2012 - 2017.

    Crucially, the safety of the AI was 97%. This compares favourably to the

doctors, whose average was 93.1%.

    Dr Ali Parsa, Babylon's Founder and CEO said of tonight's news: "The World

Health Organisation estimates that there is a shortage of over 5 million

doctors globally, leaving more than half the world's population without access

to even the most basic healthcare services.  Even in the richest nations,

primary care is becoming increasingly unaffordable and inconvenient, often with

waiting times that make it not readily accessible.  Babylon's latest artificial

intelligence capabilities show that it is possible for anyone, irrespective of

their geography, wealth or circumstances, to have free access to health advice

that is on-par with top-rated practicing clinicians.

    "Tonight's results clearly illustrate how AI-augmented health services can

reduce the burden on healthcare systems around the world. Our mission is to put

accessible and affordable health services into the hands of every person on

Earth. These landmark results take humanity a significant step closer to

achieving a world where no-one is denied safe and accurate health advice."

    Babylon's research paper, entitled Evaluation of AI Powered Symptom

Checker, can be downloaded from the company's website and will be available

over coming days via Arxiv.com [ https://arxiv.org/ ].

    About Babylon

    Babylon's mission is to put an accessible and affordable health service in

the hands of every person on earth. Babylon uses a combination of cutting-edge

technology and the best available medical expertise to deliver 24-hours-a-day,

7-days-a-week access to digital health tools (including health assessment,

triage and health tools), to people across Europe, North America, Asia, the

Middle East and Africa, as well as video doctor consultations.

    For more information, please visit: https://www.babylonhealth.com/

    To access photographs and b-roll assets from tonight's event,


    To access the research paper as well as additional copies of this press

release, visit:https://www.babylonhealth.com/press/press-room

Source: Babylon Health  




