
The Organizing Committee of Shanghai International Ballet Competition(SIBC)


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【上海(中国)2018年8月14日新華社=共同通信JBN】8月11日夜、第6回上海国際バレエコンクール(Shanghai International Ballet Competition、SIBC)が閉幕した。過去9日間、世界中から出場者、審査員およびゲストが上海に集結し、コンクールで卓越したパフォーマンスを披露するとともに中国のバレエの将来を模索した。


6日間のエキサイティングなコンクールでは、ステージ上で未来のバレエスターたちの実り多き収穫を目にした。シニア部門では、男子・女子の金賞はいずれも中国人ダンサーであるシ・ユエ(Shi Yue)とアオ・ディンウェン(Ao Dingwen)が獲得した。女子銀賞はオーストリアのプリスカ・ツァイゼル(Prisca Zeisel)に、男子銀賞は中国のワン・チャンフェン(Wang Zhanfeng)とチャン・シヌオ(Chang Sinuo)に贈られた。モンゴルのアヌジン・オトゴントゥグス(Anujin Otgontugs)と中国のチュー・チエン(Zhu Qian)は女子銅賞を受賞した。ともに中国のワン・ジアユエ(Wang Jiayue)とコウ・ツーチュアン(Kou Zuquan)が男子銅賞を獲得した。ジュニア部門では、中国のリー・スーイー(Li Siyi)が女子の優勝者となった。同じく中国のチャン・イークン(Zhang Yikun)が女子銀賞、中国人ダンサーのリー・ハン(Li Hang)とウー・ユエ(Wu Yue)が男子銀賞を獲得。グオ・ウェンジン(Guo Wenjin)(中国)、ソ・ヘソン(Seo Hyeseung)(韓国)およびパク・ユジン(Park Yujin)(韓国)が女子銅賞、中国のヤン・チンチェン(Yan Qingchen)とチャン・シューハオ(Zhang Xuhao)が男子銅賞を勝ち取った。振り付け賞は、Bleeding Loveの振り付けを担当したリュウ・ティンティン(Liu Tingting)、Tomb Figureを担当したフェイ・ボー(Fei Bo)、Beyond the Smokeを振り付けたワン・ユァンユァン(Wang Yuanyuan)およびAdieuを担当したウー・フーシェン(Wu Husheng)の4人の振り付け家に贈られた。オーストラリアのダンサー、アーロン・スミス(Aaron Smyth)が印象的なパフォーマンスにより審査員特別賞を受賞した。ポルトガルのダイアナ・リベイロ・ブランダオ(Diana Ribeiro Brandao)と中国のハン・ツェユァン(Han Zeyuan)はコンテンポラリー・パフォーマー賞を獲得した。南アフリカのバレリーナであるペイジ・マケリゴット(Paige McElligott)と中国のダンサーであるルオ・ジンフェイ(Luo Jingfei)、ホァン・シャオシュアイ(Huang Shaoshuai)およびスン・ペンシャンに奨励賞が贈られた。コンペティションで中国のユアン・アンプ(Yuan Anpu)がパートナー賞を受賞した。

ソース:The Organizing Committee of Shanghai International Ballet Competition(SIBC)

The 6th Shanghai International Ballet Competition drew to a successful close


SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 14, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On the evening of 11th August, the 6th Shanghai International Ballet

Competition (SIBC) wrapped up. Over the past nine days, contestants, jury

members and guests from around the world came together in Shanghai, presenting

brilliant performances in the competition in the meantime of exploring the

future of Chinese ballet.

Opened for registration in February, the 6th SIBC received applications from

124 dancers worldwide this year. After the preliminary contest, 73 competitors

from 16 countries including China, the United States, Canada, Russia, Japan,

South Korea, Mongolia, Ukraine, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Germany,

Poland, Australia, Austria and Portugal eventually arrived in Shanghai for the

later rounds. They were divided into Junior Division for dancers aged 15-18 and

Senior Division for those aged 19-26. Participants entered quarterfinal,

semi-final and final with solos, duos or optional contemporary dance. Many

participants are rising ballet stars who have already won prizes from top

international competitions such as the USA International Ballet Competition,

Varna International Ballet Competition, South African International Ballet

Competition, Japan International Ballet competition, South Korea International

Ballet competition, Mongolia International Ballet Competition and International

Dance Festival Tanzolymp.

Six days of exciting competition witnessed fruitful harvest of these future

ballet stars on this stage. As for the Senior Division, the winners of the gold

medals for males and females were Chinese Dancers Shi Yue and Ao Dingwen. The

silver prize for women went to Zeisel Prisca from Austria and males to Wang

Zhanfeng and Chang Sinuo from China. Mongolian dancer Otgontugs Anujin and

Chinese dancer Zhu Qian were awarded the third prize for females. Wang Jiayue

and Kou Zuquan, both from China, took the bronze medals for males. In terms of

Junior Division, Chinese girl Li Siyi took the crown of the female group. Zhang

Yikun, also from China, won the silver prize for females while Chinese dancers

Li Hang and Wu Yue claimed the silver prize of the male group. Guo Wenjin

(China), Seo Hyeseung (South Korea) and Park Yujin (South Korea) won bronze

medals for females while the bronze medal for males was awarded to Chinese

contestants Yan Qingchen and Zhang Xuhao. Choreography Award went to four

choreographers including Liu Tingting, the choreographer of Bleeding Love, Fei

Bo, the choreographer of Tomb Figure, Wang Yuanyuan, the choreographer of

Beyond the Smoke and Wu Husheng, the choreographer of Adieu. Australian dancer

Aaron Smyth took Special Jury Award for Best Performer with his impressive

performance. Ribeiro Brandao Diana from Portugal and Han Zeyuan from China were

the winners of Contemporary Performer Award. South African ballerina McElligott

Paige, along with Chinese dancers Luo Jingfei, Huang Shaoshuai and Sun

Pengxiang were granted with Encouragement Award. Yuan Anpu from China took

Partner Award in the competition.

Source: The Organizing Committee of Shanghai International Ballet Competition





