
伊利集団(Yili Group)


AsiaNet 75161 (1615)

【ワヘニンゲン2018年9月13日新華社=共同通信JBN】「生命科学の町」と呼ばれるオランダのワヘニンゲンで中国とオランダの知性がぶつかり合った。「Enabling Connecting Globally by Innovation」をテーマにしたYili European Innovation Centerのアップグレード活動とYili Wageningen University Cooperative Laboratoryの開所式が9月12日、当地で大々的に開催された。

ワヘニンゲン大学のフレスコ最高経営責任者(CEO)、伊利集団(Yili Group)の張剣秋CEO、在オランダ王国中華人民共和国大使館、China Industrial and Commercial Council in the Kingdom of the Netherlands、中国国際商業会議所の各関係代表、中国とオランダの経済、科学、技術分野の専門家、伊利集団の国際パートナー、他の200人以上のゲストがこの行事に出席した。

伊利はワヘニンゲン大学と2014年、オランダに共同で中国の最高仕様の海外研究開発センターである「European Research and Development Center」を設立した。張剣秋CEOはアップグレード式で、Yili European Research and Development CenterがEuropean Innovation Centerに正式にアップグレードされたと発表した。伊利の革新への継続的取り組みをさらに示す。

中国国際商業会議所のチャン・イ副秘書長はこの行事に出席し、Yili European Research and Development Centerのアップグレードの実現により、さまざまな分野を網羅し、各国と各大陸の間に橋を架け、さまざまな文化を統合してきたとし、企業の技術的要求に応えるだけでなく、この研究機関のイノベーションを直接移転させるために利用することもできると表明した。中国と外国の非政府協力のすばらしい例と見なすことができ、将来の世界経済統合状況下での企業の発展の新たな基準を示すものである。


Yili European Research and Development Centerは設立以来、「食品安全早期警戒システム」、「母乳データベース」などの分野に注力し、食品安全の早期警戒システムの研究と確立、中国初の母乳研究データベースの改善や伊利と中国乳業の発展の継続的促進などに取り組んできた。



同じ日、中国国際商業会議所と伊利集団は「First Meeting of China-Netherlands Business Council」を共催、参加者は現状での中国とオランダの経済・貿易協力を共同して深く探った。

ソース: Yili Group




Creating Core Power in China's Dairy Industry by Innovation and Re-upgrading Global Wisdom Chain of Yili


WAGENINGEN, Sept. 13, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

The collision of intellectual sparks between China and the Netherlands was

witnessed by Wageningen in the Netherlands, which is called "City of Life

Sciences". On September 12, upgrading activity of Yili European Innovation

Center with the theme of "Enabling Connecting Globally by Innovation" and

opening ceremony of Yili Wageningen University Cooperative Laboratory were

grandly held here.

Fresco, CEO of Wageningen University, Zhang Jianqiu, CEO of Yili Group, and

relevant representatives of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in

the Kingdom of the Netherlands, China Industrial and Commercial Council in the

Kingdom of the Netherlands and China Chamber of International Commerce, several

experts of China and the Netherlands in the economic and scientific and

technological sectors, and international partners of Yili Group and other more

than 200 guests attended this event.

In 2014, Yili, together with Wageningen University in the Netherlands, jointly

established "European Research and Development Center", which is the overseas

research and development center with the highest specification in China. In the

upgrading ceremony, Zhang Jianqiu announced that Yili European Research and

Development Center was officially upgraded to European Innovation Center, which

further shows continuous efforts of Yili in innovation.

For this, Zhang Yi, deputy secretary general of China Chamber of International

Commerce attended this event and expressed that from establishment to upgrading

of Yili European Research and Development Center, it has covered different

fields, has built bridges between countries and continents, and has integrated

different cultures, which can be used to not only satisfy technological demand

of the enterprises, but also directly transfer innovation of the research

institute. It can be regarded as an excellent example of non-governmental

cooperation between China and foreign countries, setting a new benchmark for

the development of the enterprises under the situation of world economic

integration in the future.

Fresco expressed her opinion in her speech: "Wageningen University is one of

the best agricultural universities in the world and Yili is the biggest dairy

company in Asia. The collaboration between Wageningen University and Yili is

not only beneficial for the Chinese market, but more importantly, for the

global market. Still, millions of people suffer from poverty and malnutrition.

This pushes us to consider the ecosystem, soil, good protein source and many

other areas. We have a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but I

think a glass of milk a day can also keep the doctor away. I hope Yili and

Wageningen University can work together more to provide some healthy products

and bring positive effects to the whole society."

Since establishment, great efforts have been taken by Yili European Research

and Development Center in the fields of "early warning system for food safety"

and "breast milk database" and others, such as to study and establish an early

warning system for food safety, upgrade the first breast milk research database

in China, and continuously promote the development of Yili and dairy industry

in China.

In recent years, innovation has been regarded by Yili as the "core" power for

the development of the enterprise; different ways of innovation have been

established for the primary, secondary and tertiary industry in the industry

chain; multiple innovation institutions have been established at home and

abroad for the organization structure, in order to coordinate global wisdom and

plan for the future. In the "List of World Top-20 Enterprises in the Global

Dairy Industry" issued by RABOBANK, Yili has been ranking among the top ten in

the global dairy industry and has been ranking first in Asia for many years.

Zhang Jianqiu further stated that in recent years, with continuous acceleration

of diversification of consumer demand and the integration of global dairy

industry, innovation has become the "winning hand" for determining the future

of an enterprise. In this context, Yili puts forward the development concept of

"incubating the future by innovation and linking the world by wisdom", and

continuously promotes innovation and development of the dairy industry

centering on "empowerment" and "integration". In the future, Yili Group will

continuously promote innovation and enable innovation to be a "propeller" for

the development of Yili and even the dairy industry in China.

On the same day, the "First Meeting of China-Netherlands Business Council" was

jointly held by China Chamber of International Commerce and Yili Group, where

participants jointly and deeply explored economic and trade cooperation between

China and Netherlands in the current situation.

Source: Yili Group

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