
韓国仏教文化事業団(Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism)


AsiaNet 75153 (1600)

【ソウル(韓国)2018年9月14日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】トリノ市、スローフード(Slow Food)、ピエモンテ州は、MIPAAF(イタリア農林政策省)の協賛、スローフードインターナショナル(Slow Food International)の協力を得て9月22日から24日まで、国際スローフード・フェスティバル「テッラ・マードレ・サローネ・デル・グスト(Terra Madre Salone del Gusto)」を開催し、「寺院料理(Temple Food)(http://eng.koreatemplefood.com/)」体験を提供する。それは健康料理の一例で、韓国の仏教徒が修行するときの食事である。




テッラ・マードレ・サローネ・デル・グスト期間の3日間、毎日正午から午後1時半まで、Circolodella Stampa - Palazzo CerianaMayneri(Corso StatiUniti, 27, Torino)で韓国寺院料理の試食ワークショップが開かれる。人々は、韓国寺院料理の専門家ジョンクヮン師が提供する「バルコンヤン(BaruGongyang、精進料理店)」に関するレクチャーや実演に参加することが可能である。また、事前予約の先着20人は「バルコンヤン」の実体験プログラムにも参加できる。


韓国仏教文化事業団(Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism)が寺院料理を紹介する。2014年のテッラ・マードレ・サローネ・デル・グストや2015年のミラノ国際博覧会で大きな反響を呼んだためである。事業団は寺院料理のレストラン、「バルコンヤン」ワークショップ、会議を主催し、食料を通じた交流で食科学大学(University of Gastronomic Sciences)と強力な絆を確立した。



ソース:Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism

Natural 'Korean Temple food' is coming to Italy for Terra Madre Salone del Gusto


SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 14, 2018/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

The City of Turin, Slow Food, and the Region of Piedmont in collaboration with

MIPAAF (Italy's Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies) will

hold 'Terra Madre Salone del Gusto,' the International Slow Food Festival,

along with Slow Food International to offer an experience of temple food (

http://eng.koreatemplefood.com/), which represents one of health food varieties

and the diet of Korean Buddhists when practicing asceticism, from September 22

through 24.

Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here:


Temple food refers to the diet of the monks at temples that helps the practice

of ascetics, characterized, based on Buddha's teachings, by abstinence from

specific ingredients such as five pungent vegetables (garlic, scallions,

chives, onions and leeks) as well as meat, and instead includes natural food

ingredients in season. It is noted for dishes made of preserving food and

fermented food, available for consumption over a long period of time, such as

kimchi, to feature a sense of wisdom and health.

The three-day Korean temple food taste workshop during the Terra Madre Salone

del Gusto will take place every day from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m in Circolo della

Stampa - Palazzo Ceriana Mayneri (Corso Stati Uniti, 27, Torino). People can

participate in lectures and demonstrations regarding 'Baru Gongyang' provided

by Ven. Jeongkwan, an expert on Korean temple food, as well as programs that

allow the actual experience of 'Baru Gongyang' which will be open to the first

20 arrivals through advance reservations.

'Baru Gongyang' is a meditative way of eating with gratitude in the Buddhist

temple. Take time to consider where the food has come from, be thankful for the

nature and people that brought the food to us, and take only the amount that

can be consumed. It is an eco-friendly way of eating and at the same time

reflects a sense of equality based on community spirit.

The Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism will introduce temple food, as it has

received a great response at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2014, as well as the

Milan expo 2015. They organized Korean temple food restaurants, 'Baru Gongyang'

workshops and conferences. It established strong ties with the University of

Gastronomic Sciences by communicating through food.

Ven. Jeongkwan will give a special lecture at the University on September 25

about "Nature, Human and Food". On 26, she will present her signature dish,

"Braised shiitake mushrooms in grain syrup and pancakes made with potato and

beet." Various dishes of temple food will be served at dinner. Ven. Jeongkwan

has been recognized as the mentor to the chefs when featured on Season 3 of the

Netflix series 'Chef's Table' with the introduction of temple food.

To register for Terra Madre Salone del Gusto's temple food 'Baru Gongyang'

program: https://salonedelgusto.com/en/event/korean-monastic-barong-gongyang/

SOURCE  Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism





