Iiyama City Showcases Rich Natural Landscape, Historical Culture to Foreign Media Members

The Shinshu-Iiyama Tourism Bureau of Iiyama City, Nagano Prefecture, organized a press tour for foreign correspondents stationed in the Tokyo area on September 2 to 4 to introduce its rich natural landscapes and historical culture as tourism attractions.


Shinshu-Iiyama Tourism Bureau

Iiyama City Showcases Rich Natural Landscape, Historical Culture to Foreign Media Members

Shinshu-Iiyama Tourism Bureau, Japan, Sep. 25, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --

The Shinshu-Iiyama Tourism Bureau of Iiyama City, Nagano Prefecture, organized a press tour for foreign correspondents stationed in the Tokyo area on September 2 to 4 to introduce its rich natural landscapes and historical culture as tourism attractions.

Located in the north of Nagano Prefecture, where the 1998 Winter Olympics were held,  Iiyama City is famous for its untouched natural scenery, featuring the Chikuma River and several mountain ranges surrounding the city.

With Iiyama Castle established by Uesugi Kenshin, one of the most famous warlords of Japan’s Warring States Period, the city flourished as a castle town with many temples and shops. Toson Shimazaki, a Meiji Period novelist, praised its beauty scenery, calling the city "snow country's little Kyoto."

The press tour started at the Shinetsu-Shizenkyo Activity Center, where tourists can gather information about outdoor activities available around the city, such as cycling and trekking. It also offers rental equipment services for these activities.

Participants visited the Mayumi Takahashi Museum of Doll Art, where visitors can enjoy both the world of heartwarming dolls and the warmth of the traditional Japanese countryside that served as a source of inspiration for making the dolls.

The participants also had firsthand experiences, including metal engraving, a papermaking workshop and fruit picking. The papermaking workshop particularly drew media members’ attention as they learned to make Japanese “Washi” without any chemical in a traditional method rooted in the area.

On the 2nd day, the participants went on hiking in the Shinetsu Trail, which runs along the ridge of the Sekida Mountains. They enjoyed 2 hours of hiking, exploring plants and wildlife along the path. One of the participants said, “It was really fun and I would recommend people to come”.

At night, the media members participated in a practice session of a local festival, having a precious opportunity to interact with the local people.

On the last day, the press tour members enjoyed walking through Kosuge Village in northern Nagano, known as one of the three most sacred places for shugendo, Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism.

After the press tour, participants expressed their desire to further explore Iiyama City’s culture and history.






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