
ケンブリッジ量子コンピューティング(Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited)


AsiaNet 75565

ケンブリッジ(英国)、2018年10月4日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --


ケンブリッジ量子コンピューティング(CQC:Cambridge Quantum Computing)は、2017年第3四半期に開始したプロジェクトの広範囲な実験およびJSRコーポレーション(JSR:JSR Corporation)との相互協力の結果、多参照標数をふまえた分子の励起状態を計算する最先端の量子アルゴリズム実行に成功したことを発表いたします。


CQCとJSRは、IBM Qネットワーク(IBM Q Network)の一部であり、さらに高度な研究はIBMが開発した最新鋭の量子プロセッサーにおいてCQCの量子化学の応用を実行し続けます。これらのテストに必要な量子アルゴリズムは、キスキット(Qiskit:https://qiskit.org/ )のオープンソース量子コンピューティング・フレームワークとシームレスな互換性を保つよう作られており、IBM Q エクスペリエンス(IBM Q Experience:https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/qx/experience )のIBMの16量子ビット量子コンピューターに実装、実施された実験で、開発に役立ちました。この互換性は、IBMの科学者たちを交えたCQCとJSRのパートナーシップにより可能になったもので、t|ket>(CQCに所有権のあるプラットフォーム非依存型ソフトウェアスタックとユーザーインタフェース)の一部である量子コンパイラーを使って実行しています。



CQCに関する詳細は、http://www.cambridgequantum.com をご覧ください。




JSR Corporationに関する詳しい情報は、http://www.jsr.co.jp/jsr_e/ をご覧ください。

ソース: ケンブリッジ量子コンピューティング(Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited)


CQC and JSR Corp. Issue Statement on Their Quantum Computing Project


CAMBRIDGE, England, October 4, 2018, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

    Results signal important advances in the commercialization of Quantum

Chemistry applications

    Cambridge Quantum Computing ("CQC") is pleased to announce that following

extensive experimentation and joint collaboration with JSR Corporation ("JSR"),

in a project that commenced in Q3 2017, they have successfully implemented

state-of-the-art quantum algorithms to calculate the excited states of

molecules that take into account multi-reference characteristics.

    Quantum chemistry is seen as the first real-world application of quantum

computing, where new computational methods can achieve results in the design

and discovery of new materials that has not, until now, been possible.

Successfully implementing quantum algorithms that account for multi-reference

states represents, for the first time, a new advance in building a solid

foundation for the simulation of more complex quantum chemistry applications,

and move from merely experimental and theoretical use cases for quantum

computing to actual real-world applications that have the potential to affect

society in fundamental and profound ways. This quantum application therefore

means that chemical and pharmaceutical companies and anyone who is interested

in new material discovery now has a practical way to work with quantum

computers that is not merely theoretical in scope.

    CQC and JSR are part of the IBM Q Network, and further advanced work will

continue with the implementation of CQC's quantum chemistry application on the

state of-the-art quantum processor that IBM has developed. The quantum

algorithms required for these tests are being designed to be seamlessly

compatible with the Qiskit [https://qiskit.org ] open-source quantum computing

framework and have benefitted in their development by experiments that were

implemented and tested on IBM's 16 qubit quantum computer in the IBM Q

Experience [https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/qx/experience ]. This

compatibility has been made possible due to the partnership between CQC and JSR

with scientists from IBM,  and is being implemented using a quantum compiler

that is part of t|ket> (CQC's proprietary and platform agnostic software stack

and user interface).

    About Cambridge Quantum Computing

    Established in 2014, Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) is a world leading

independent quantum computing company combining expertise in Quantum

Information Processing, Quantum Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum

Chemistry, Optimisation and Pattern Recognition. CQC design solutions that will

benefit from quantum computing even in its earliest forms.

    For more information about CQC, visit http://www.cambridgequantum.com

    About JSR Corporation

    JSR Corporation is a multinational company employing over 7,000 people

worldwide and a world leading materials supplier in a variety of technology

driven markets. JSR's global network is headquartered in Tokyo (Japan) and has

factories and offices in Japan, Europe, US, China, Taiwan and Korea.

    JSR is a research-oriented organization that pursues close collaborations

with leading innovators in a number of industries that are a key to the present

and future welfare of human society: electronic materials, life-sciences,

synthetic rubbers, display and optical materials.

    For more information about JSR Corporation, visit http://www.jsr.co.jp/jsr_e

SOURCE: Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited




