世界規模の英語能力ベンチマーク「EF EPI英語能力指数2018年版」 日本の順位は88か国・地域中49位に転落、英語レベルは「低い」を維持

EF Education First (EF)

世界規模の英語能力ベンチマーク「EF EPI英語能力指数2018年版」


AsiaNet 76032

【チューリヒ2018年11月2日PR Newswire】

世界116か国で海外留学・語学教育事業を展開する国際教育事業のリーディングカンパニー、イー・エフ・エデュケーション・ファーストは、本日、世界88か国・地域、130万人の英語テストビッグデータを活用した、英語能力のベンチマーク、「EF EPI英語能力指数2018年版」を発表しました。

     (Logo:  )

     (Photo:  )

EF EPI英語能力指数(EF English Proficiency Index)は、EFが公開・提供する無料のオンライン英語能力測定テストEF SET ( )の受験データを元に、非英語圏の国と地域 における英語能力を経年的に計測・追跡するためのベンチマークとして毎年発表しているもの。

2018年のランキングでは、スウェーデンが 3年ぶり4度目の世界ランク1位に返り咲いたほか、シンガポールがアジア圏で初めてトップ3にランクインしました。一方、日本の英語能力指数は、前年より0.54ポイント下落の51.80 (前年実績52.34)で、全88か国中49位(同37位)とランキングを大きく落とし、3年連続で「低い」英語能力 レベルにとどまりました。

EF EPI 英語能力指数2018年版の主なポイントは以下の通りです:

1. 全8版を通して日本のランキングは年々下落

2. 調査対象国・地域、受験者数は88か国、130万人に拡大

3. 業種間の英語能力の差は減少、あらゆる業界で英語のニーズが拡大

4. 職種別では、法務や経営企画、ITなどの専門職の英語能力がより高い傾向に

EF EPI 英語能力指数2018年の世界ランキングおよびレポート全文は、以下のサイトでご覧いただけます。


2018年 EF EPI 英語能力指数 世界ランキング

順位    国と地域          EF EPI       英語能力

                          スコア        レベル

1      スウェーデン       70.72       非常に高い

2      オランダ           70.31       非常に高い

3      シンガポール       68.63       非常に高い

4      ノルウェー         68.38       非常に高い

5      デンマーク         67.34       非常に高い

6      南アフリカ         66.52       非常に高い

7      ルクセンブルグ     66.33       非常に高い

8      フィンランド       65.86       非常に高い

9      スロベニア         64.84       非常に高い

10     ドイツ             63.74       非常に高い


49     日本               51.80        低い



Sweden Returns to Top Spot in World Ranking of English Proficiency Reveals EF’s Annual Proficiency Index


ZURICH, November 2, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

EF's survey of 1.3 million adults highlights global trends in English


    EF Education First [ ] released its annual global ranking

of English proficiency today, drawing on data from 1.3 million non-native

English speakers in 88 countries and regions. For the fourth time in eight

years, Sweden tops the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI

[ ]), bumping last year's top-scorer, the Netherlands, to

second place.

         (Photo: )

     (Logo: )

    "Our EF EPI research shows that countries and individuals continue to

invest in English education, recognizing the importance of the language as a

lever for

competitiveness," said Dr. Minh N. Tran, EF's Senior Director of Research.

"Since EF started publishing this ranking, it has become the de facto reference

point for governments, companies, and educators when they discuss English


    Key findings of this year's EF EPI include:


    - Europe remains the global leader in English proficiency. Eight of the top

10 spots in the ranking are held by European countries.

    - Africa shows stronger gains in English proficiency than any other region,

with Algeria, Egypt, and South Africa improving by two or more points.

    - For the first time ever, an Asian nation enters the top three slots, with

Singapore ranking third. However, Asia continues to possess a large regional

divide between the highest and lowest proficiency countries.

    - Latin America is the only region to show a slight overall decline in

English proficiency. Scores in the region remain more uniform than anywhere

else, with only a small gap between the lowest and highest proficiency


    - Women continue to outpace men in English skills worldwide, and this

gender gap has been widening since 2016.

    - New correlations indicate that societies with higher English proficiency

are more egalitarian. Among other metrics, these countries enroll more girls in

preschool and report a greater proportion of women with bank accounts.

    The EF EPI is based on test scores from the EF Standard English Test (EF

SET), [ ] the world's first free standardized English test.

Thousands of schools, companies, and governments worldwide use the EF SET for

large-scale testing.

    The EF EPI 2018 report and regional fact sheets are available for download

at The EF EPI 2018 ranking is below.

    About EF Education First

    EF Education First is a global education company focusing on language,

academic, cultural exchange, and educational travel programs. With a mission to

open the world through education, EF was founded in 1965 and has 580 schools

and offices in more than 50 countries.

    EF English Proficiency Index 2018 Ranking of Countries and Regions:


                                   EF EPI Proficiency

    Rank Country or Region    Band

       1 Sweden               Very High

       2 Netherlands          Very High

       3 Singapore            Very High

       4 Norway               Very High

       5 Denmark              Very High

       6 South Africa         Very High

       7 Luxembourg           Very High

       8 Finland              Very High

       9 Slovenia             Very High

      10 Germany              Very High

      11 Belgium              Very High

      12 Austria              Very High

      13 Poland               High

      14 Philippines          High

      15 Switzerland          High

      16 Romania              High

      17 Croatia              High

      18 Serbia               High

      19 Portugal             High

      20 Czech Republic       High

      21 Hungary              High

      22 Malaysia             High

      23 Greece               High

      24 Slovakia             High

      25 Bulgaria             High

      26 Lithuania            High

      27 Argentina            High

      28 India                Moderate

      29 Nigeria              Moderate

      30 Hong Kong SAR        Moderate

      31 South Korea          Moderate

      32 Spain                Moderate

      33 Lebanon              Moderate

      34 Italy                Moderate

      35 France               Moderate

      36 Costa Rica           Moderate

      37 Dominican Republic   Moderate

      38 Belarus              Moderate

      39 Senegal              Moderate

      40 Uruguay              Moderate

      41 Vietnam              Moderate

      42 Russia               Moderate

      43 Ukraine              Moderate

      44 Macau SAR            Moderate

      45 Georgia              Low

      46 Chile                Low

      47 China                Low

      48 Taiwan               Low

      49 Japan                Low

      50 Pakistan             Low

      51 Indonesia            Low

      52 Albania              Low

      53 Brazil               Low

      54 Ethiopia             Low

      55 Guatemala            Low

      56 Panama               Low

      57 Mexico               Low

      58 Sri Lanka            Low

      59 Peru                 Low

      60 Colombia             Low

      61 Bolivia              Low

      62 Egypt                Low

      63 Bangladesh           Low

      64 Thailand             Low

      65 Ecuador              Low

      66 Iran                 Very Low

      67 Morocco              Very Low

      68 Tunisia              Very Low

      69 Honduras             Very Low

      70 El Salvador          Very Low

      71 United Arab Emirates Very Low

      72 Nicaragua            Very Low

      73 Turkey               Very Low

      74 Jordan               Very Low

      75 Venezuela            Very Low

      76 Syria                Very Low

      77 Azerbaijan           Very Low

      78 Kuwait               Very Low

      79 Oman                 Very Low

      80 Kazakhstan           Very Low

      81 Algeria              Very Low

      82 Myanmar              Very Low

      83 Saudi Arabia         Very Low

      84 Afghanistan          Very Low

      85 Cambodia             Very Low

      86 Uzbekistan           Very Low

      87 Iraq                 Very Low

      88 Libya                Very Low

SOURCE: EF Education First (EF)  




