2018年Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Roadを海南で開催

海南省人民政府(The People's Government of Hainan Province)

2018年Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Roadを海南で開催

AsiaNet 76140 (2065)

【海口(中国)2018年11月7日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国の海南省ボアオ(博鰲)で先日、2018年Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road(「一帯一路」メディア協力フォーラム)が開かれた。90カ国から来た205のメディアと団体および国際機関を代表する256人のゲストがメディア協力のための提携関係を合同で築くことについて考えを出し合い、海南周辺の訪問を通して中国の発展状況についてよりよく知るために集結した。

「Contributions by All and Benefits to All(皆による貢献と皆への恩恵)」というテーマで、人民日報、中国共産党海南省党委員会、海南省人民政府がフォーラムを主催した。主催者として、劉賜貴海南省党委書記が過去30年間の海南省経済区の発展を紹介した。劉氏は、中国的な特徴を持つ海南自由貿易試験区および自由貿易港の建設に参加し、合同で経済・貿易交流を推進し、また、「一帯一路」メディア協力と交流のための重要なプラットフォームを構築するようゲストに促した。



アルジェリア出身の作家兼教授、Union of Arab Journalistsアルジェリア支部とWriters, Friends and Allies of Chinaの会員のベンハレド・アブデルクリム氏は、海南への旅を通して中国の文化、効率的農業、経済、都市開発、観光産業を系統的および包括的に理解したと語った。

ソース:The People's Government of Hainan Province

2018 Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road was held in Hainan


HAIKOU, China, Nov. 7, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Recently, the 2018 Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road opened in Boao,

Hainan, China. 256 guests representing 205 media and institutions from 90

countries and international organizations gathered together to exchange ideas

on jointly establishing an alliance for media cooperation and know much more

about China's development condition through the visit around Hainan.

With a theme of "Contributions by All and Benefits to All", the forum was

hosted by People's Daily and the CPC Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the

People's Government of Hainan province. As the host, Liu Cigui, Party chief of

Hainan introduced the development of the Hainan Provincial Economic Zone in the

past 30 years. He invited the guests to participate in the construction of the

Hainan pilot free trade zone and free trade port with Chinese characteristics;

and jointly promote economic and trade exchanges and to build an important

platform for Belt and Road media cooperation and exchanges.

During the forum, foreign media guests visited several cities of Hainan. "The

ecological environment here is really good," said Alejandro Ramos, president of

Notimex. He took photos in the Shamei Village of Qionghai City and wanted to

know much more about the story and construction experience of this place which

he would bring back to his country.

Mohamed Zahar, president of the Tunisian weekly magazine 'Realites', said that

Hainan not only has a beautiful ecological environment and a strong humanistic

environment, but also has advanced medical tourism service concepts which have

already in line with the advanced regions in the world in many aspects.

Benkhaled Abdelkrim, a writer and professor from Algeria, member of the

Algerian branch of the Union of Arab Journalists and Writers, Friends and

Allies of China, said that he has a systematic and comprehensive understanding

of Chinese culture, efficient agriculture, economy, urban development and

tourism industry through his trip to Hainan.

Source: The People's Government of Hainan Province




