中国発の伝統中国医学のシャンプー、Tiger Shampooが日本市場で好評
中国発の伝統中国医学のシャンプー、Tiger Shampooが日本市場で好評
AsiaNet 77252 (0148)
【東京、福岡(日本)2019年1月29日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Tiger Shampooはごく最近、2019年1月21日に日本市場に参入した。参入に際して、シャンプーの効果を評価する顧客調査を実施した。調査は、伝統中国医学の優れた特質によってTiger Shampooが日本で人気となり、日本人の顧客に認知され称賛されるようになっていることを示した。
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(Tiger Shampooに関心を示す顧客)
ソース:Tiger Shampoo
Tiger Shampoo, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Shampoo from China, is Well-received in the Japanese Market
TOKYO and FUKUOKA, Japan, Jan. 29, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/
Tiger Shampoo recently entered the Japanese market on January 21, 2019. At the
time, surveys of customers were conducted to assess the shampoo's performance.
The surveys showed how Tiger Shampoo has become popular in Japan and has been
recognized and praised by Japanese consumers because of the good properties of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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(Customers interested in Tiger Shampoo)
Among the shops, we randomly interviewed guests at RELAXX hair salon in Tokyo
Ometesando, and a high-end hotel in fukuoka.
Yuya toyama, the representative of RELAXX said: "I have always been interested
in Chinese Traditional Medicine. This shampoo is developed according to
traditional Chinese prescriptions. I have both oily hair and dandruff, I used
this three times a week and it is amazing. The flakes and dry scalp are gone.
Nothing else compared to the results I saw."
At same time, a guest in hotel said "At the beginning, my friend gave it to me
as a gift from China. I love the smell, after washing my hair it leaves a
pleasant smell and my hair is clean and refreshed. I recommended it to my
friends. They also love it."
SOURCE: Tiger Shampoo