Digital Realtyが新規の50MW施設でシンガポール・コネクテッド・キャンパスを拡大

Digital Realty

Digital Realtyが新規の50MW施設でシンガポール・コネクテッド・キャンパスを拡大

AsiaNet 77272 (0154)

【シンガポール2019年1月30日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*シンガポールにおけるDigital Realty(デジタル・リアルティ)の3番目の施設は、市場浸透の継続と強力な長期的需要を明確に示している

データセンター、コロケーション、総合接続ソリューションで世界をリードするプロバイダーであるDigital Realty( )(NYSE: DLR)は30日、長期土地賃貸借契約に基づいて土地を取得し、高成長市場であるシンガポールにおける同社3番目の施設となるDigital Loyang II(SIN12)を開発する。

取得した土地は1万2800平方メートルで、シンガポールにおけるDigital Realtyの2番目の施設Digital Loyang I(SIN11)に隣接し、シンガポール東部にあるLoyang Driveに位置している。この新しいDigital Loyang II(SIN12)シンガポール・データセンターは2020年第3四半期に全面稼働する予定で、Digital Loyangコネクテッド・キャンパスの大幅な拡大とさらなる発展を明確にする。


Loyang Driveの新しいデータセンターは、シンガポールの中心ビジネス街から25キロ足らずのところにあり、地元および世界の顧客に50メガワット(MW)の限界出力容量を提供する。この高層施設は総計3万4000平方メートルの設置面積を提供し、より多くの国際企業がコア・デジタル資産をシンガポールの基幹市場に進出させる機会を拡大する。

既存のSIN11と計画中のSIN12の両施設は、同地域向けの主要海中地上局のChangi North Cable地上局の近くに戦略的に位置している。Digital RealtyはすでにSingapore Internet Exchange(SGIX)と提携し、Jurong West(SIN10)とLoyang East(SIN11)にあるDigital Realtyのシンガポール・データセンターでローカルピアリングを提供する。両施設の顧客は、より大きく、かつコスト効率に優れたコネクティビティー・オプションによってこの関係から恩恵を受ける。シンガポール両端にあるこれらのピアリング・オプションは、同国のピアリング・ソリューション・エコシステム全体のレジリエンシーを向上させる。

Digital RealtyのAPACマネージングディレクターであるマーク・スミス氏は「デジタル変革は2021年までにシンガポールの国内総生産(GDP)に100億米ドルを寄与する。有力なグローバルテクノロジー企業はますますシンガポールでのデジタルフットプリントの拡大を目指しており、Digital Realtyのような有力インフラストラクチャー・プロバイダーはシンガポールのテクノロジー環境向けに信頼できる基盤を提供する大きなチャンスに恵まれている。当社の顧客は常にデジタルサービスに投資して事業を変革しており、われわれはこれらの変革を通じて顧客をサポートすることにコミットしていく」と語った。

スミス氏はさらに「SIN12の顧客はDigital Realtyのグローバルエコシステムを活用することによって、世界クラスの通信プロバイダー、サービスプロバイダー、ビジネスパートナーで構成されるキャリアニュートラルなオペレーティング環境にアクセスできる。グローバルなDigital Realtyプラットフォームの強化されたスピードおよびコネクティビティーは、当社の顧客に低レイテンシーおよび極めて信頼性が高いアップタイプを提供することを目標にしている」と語った。



Digital RealtyのA・ウィリアム・スタイン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「われわれはシンガポールで当社のプラットフォームを拡大し、この中核となる金融およびコロケーション・ハブで当社の関係とエコシステムの強化を継続できることを大変うれしく思う。SIN12を当社のLoyangコネクテッド・キャンパスに追加することによって、顧客は当社のグローバル・データセンター・プラットフォームを通じて、リーチとコネクトし、それを拡大し、新しいビジネスチャンスを発見する新しい方法を手に入れることになる。シンガポールは従来から当社のグローバルフットプリントの主要なハブであり、デジタル変革の強固な既存インフラストラクチャーおよび強力なサポートを提供しており、世界中の顧客にとって有力なデスティネーションであり続けている」と語った。



持続可能性は、新しいSIN12データセンターの設計および建設の重要な特徴である。Digital Realtyは、業界をリードする持続可能な設計基準を実証するとともに、受賞歴のあるDigital Jurong West(SIN10)およびDigital Loyang I(SIN11)施設の実績を強化するこの新しい施設がBCA Green Mark認定を受けることを目指している。この新しい施設はシンガポールの商用データセンターで最も競争力のある電力使用効率(PUE)の達成を目標に設定し、間接気化冷却を使用してPUEを1.2から1.3に軽減することを目指している。効率的な冷却システム設計と制御は、蒸発減を最小限に抑え、水使用効果率を向上させてシンガポールのデータセンターの平均よりも低くする。これらの持続可能な設計機能は、汚染の削減、騒音吸収、さらに全体のスペース最適化の向上など大きな恩恵をもたらすと期待され、これらはアイランド都市国家のシンガポールで開発する際の重要な要因である。

Digital Realtyは世界最大のデータセンターの所有者、開発者、オペレーターの1つであり続ける。Digital Realtyは世界で極めて信頼されるデータセンター施設の設計、建設、運営のリーダーである。同社は2018年、11年間連続して99.999%のアップタイムを達成し、世界の約200のデータセンターで14億5000万分の稼働時間を超えた。新しいシンガポール・データセンターは「設計によるセキュア」の原則を採用し、信頼性があるセキュアなインフラストラクチャーに対する高まる需要に応えることができる顧客に極めてセキュアなロケーションを提供する。世界中に展開するDigitalの経験豊富な設計および建設チーム、品質管理プロセス、ずば抜けたグローバルな運用基準、比類のない資金調達利用によって、同社は世界で最もセキュアで信頼される有力な重要インフラストラクチャー・プロバイダーの1つになった。

▽Digital Realtyについて

Digital Realtyは、北米、欧州、アジア、オーストラリアにある安全で豊富なネットワークを持つデータセンターのポートフォリオ全体で、2300以上の企業のデータセンター、コロケーション、相互接続戦略をサポートしている。Digital Realtyの顧客には、クラウド、情報技術サービス、通信、ソーシャルネットワーキングから金融サービス、製造業、エネルギー、ヘルスケア、消費者向け製品まで、あらゆる規模の国内外の企業が含まれている。Digital Realtyのデータセンター・ソリューションに関する詳細については、 を参照するか、Twitterで@ digitalapac をフォロー、または で当社の業界に関する洞察を参照。


Andrew P. Power

Chief Financial Officer

Digital Realty

+1 (415) 738-6500

Media Inquiries

Omer M. Wilson

Senior Director of Marketing

Asia Pacific

Digital Realty

+65 6505 3951

ソース:Digital Realty

Digital Realty Expands Singapore Connected Campus With New 50 MW Facility


SINGAPORE, Jan. 30, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Digital Realty's third facility in Singapore highlights continuing market

penetration and strong secular demand

Digital Realty ( ) (NYSE: DLR),

a leading global provider of data centre, colocation and

interconnection solutions, announced today the acquisition of land on a

long-term ground lease to develop Digital Loyang II (SIN12) data centre in

Singapore, the company's third facility in the high-growth market.  

The acquired land parcel totals 12,800 square metres and is adjacent to Digital

Realty's second Singapore facility -  Digital Loyang I (SIN11), located at

Loyang Drive on the east side of Singapore.  The new Digital Loyang II (SIN12)

Singapore data centre is expected to be fully operational by the third quarter

of 2020, marking a significant expansion and further development of the Digital

Realty Loyang connected campus.  

Trusted foundation to power current and future customers' digital ambitions

The new data centre in Loyang Drive will be located less than 25 kilometres

from Singapore's central business district and will provide up to 50 megawatts

(MW) of critical power capacity to regional and global customers.  

The multi-story facility will offer a total footprint of 34,000 square metres and

will ultimately broaden opportunities for more international companies to

expand their core digital assets into the key Singapore market.  

Both the existing SIN11 and planned SIN12 facilities are strategically located

close to the Changi North Cable landing station, a key sub-sea internet landing

station for the region.  Digital Realty already enjoys a relationship with

Singapore Internet Exchange (SGIX) to provide local peering at Digital Realty's

Singapore data centre facilities in Jurong West (SIN10) and Loyang East

(SIN11).  Customers in both facilities benefit from this relationship through

greater and more cost-effective connectivity options.  These peering points on

both ends of the island enhance the overall resiliency of the peering solution

ecosystem in Singapore.  

"Digital transformation is set to contribute US$10 billion to Singapore's gross

domestic product (GDP) by 2021," said Mark Smith, Managing Director APAC for

Digital Realty.  "With leading global technology companies increasingly looking

to expand their digital footprint in Singapore, there is a significant

opportunity for leading infrastructure providers like Digital Realty to provide

the trusted foundation for the nation's technology landscape.  Our customers

are constantly investing in digital services to transform their businesses, and

we remain committed to supporting them through these transformations."  

"By leveraging Digital Realty's global ecosystem, SIN12 customers will have

access to a carrier-neutral operating environment, consisting of a world-class

range of telco providers, service providers and business partners.  

The increased speed and connectivity of the global Digital Realty platform aims to

provide low latency and highly reliable uptime for our customers," added Mr. Smith.  

Reinforcing Singapore as a key global interconnected hub

Data centres represent the backbone of the IT sector and remain crucial to

achieving Singapore's ambition to become a fully digital economy and support

the rapid digital transformation of Southeast Asia.  Singapore's connectivity

to major markets in the region, strong network infrastructure, conducive

business environment and political stability are among of the top reasons

international and local operators continue to seek data centre growth in the region.  

"We are excited to expand our platform in Singapore and to continue building

upon our relationships and ecosystem in this core financial and colocation

hub," said Digital Realty Chief Executive Officer A. William Stein.  "With the

addition of SIN12 to our Loyang connected campus, customers will soon have new

ways to connect, extend their reach and find new business opportunities through

our global data centre platform.  Singapore has traditionally been a key hub

for our global footprint, and given its robust existing infrastructure and

strong support for digital transformation, it remains a leading destination for

customers from around the world," added Mr. Stein.  

The construction and management of a data centre will also provide a wide array

of job opportunities from development to the ongoing operations of the future

facility.  As economic magnets, data centres have often been able to create

significant opportunities and returns on investment for their customers, owners

and countries in which they operate.  

Prioritizing a sustainable digital ecosystem

Sustainability is a critical feature of the design and construction of the new

SIN12 data centre.  Digital Realty expects to pursue BCA Green Mark

certification for the new facility, demonstrating the company's commitment to

industry-leading sustainable design standards and building upon the established

track record of its award-winning Digital Jurong West (SIN10) and Digital

Loyang I (SIN11) facilities.  The new facility is expected to use indirect

evaporative cooling to reduce power usage effectiveness (PUE) to between 1.2 to

1.3, with the goal of achieving the most competitive PUE for a commercial data

centre in Singapore.  Efficient cooling system design and controls aim to

minimize evaporation losses, which will improve water-use efficiency to well

below the average rating for data centres in Singapore.  These sustainable

design features are expected to generate significant benefits such as reduced

pollution, noise attenuation and an increase in overall space optimization, all

of which can be critical factors when developing on the island city-state.  

Digital Realty remains one of the world's largest owners, developers and

operators of data centres.  Digital Realty is a leader in the design,

construction and operation of highly reliable data centre facilities around the

world.  The company achieved five nines of uptime for the 11th consecutive year

during 2018, surpassing 1.45 billion of operating minutes across nearly 200

data centres worldwide.  The new Singapore data centre will adopt "Secure by

Design" principles, offering its customers a highly secure location, one that

is ready to meet the increasing demand for reliable and secure infrastructure.  

Digital's experienced global design and construction team, quality control

process, exceptional operational global standards and unparalleled access to

funding makes it one of the most secure, trusted and leading critical

infrastructure providers in the world.  

About Digital Realty

Digital Realty supports the data centre, colocation and interconnection

strategies of more than 2,300 firms across its secure, network-rich portfolio

of data centres located throughout North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia

and Australia.  Digital Realty's clients include domestic and international

companies of all sizes, ranging from cloud and information technology services,

communications and social networking to financial services, manufacturing,

energy, healthcare and consumer products.  For more information about data

centre solutions from Digital Realty, visit, follow us

on Twitter at @digitalapac and visit our industry insights at  

For Additional Information

Andrew P. Power

Chief Financial Officer

Digital Realty

+1 (415) 738-6500

Media Inquiries

Omer M. Wilson

Senior Director of Marketing

Asia Pacific

Digital Realty

+65 6505 3951

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements which are based on

current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ

materially, including statements related to: our purchase of land plots and

associated construction, expected timing and benefits of a new Digital Loyang

II (SIN12) data centre in Singapore.  These risks and uncertainties include,

among others, the following: reduced demand for data centers or decreases in

information technology spending; decreased rental rates, increased operating

costs or increased vacancy rates; increased competition or available supply of

data center space; the suitability of our data centers and data center

infrastructure, delays or disruptions in connectivity or availability of power,

or failures or breaches of our physical and information security infrastructure

or services; our dependence upon significant customers, bankruptcy or

insolvency of a major customer or a significant number of smaller customers, or

defaults on or non-renewal of leases by customers; breaches of our obligations

or restrictions under our contracts with our customers; our inability to

successfully develop and lease new properties and development space, and delays

or unexpected costs in development of properties; the impact of current global

and local economic, credit and market conditions; our inability to retain data

center space that we lease or sublease from third parties; difficulty acquiring

or operating properties in foreign jurisdictions; our failure to realize the

intended benefits from, or disruptions to our plans and operations or unknown

or contingent liabilities related to, our recent acquisitions; our failure to

successfully integrate and operate acquired or developed properties or

businesses; difficulties in identifying properties to acquire and completing

acquisitions; risks related to joint venture investments, including as a result

of our lack of control of such investments; risks associated with using debt to

fund our business activities, including re-financing and interest rate risks,

our failure to repay debt when due, adverse changes in our credit ratings or

our breach of covenants or other terms contained in our loan facilities and

agreements; our failure to obtain necessary debt and equity financing, and our

dependence on external sources of capital; financial market fluctuations and

changes in foreign currency exchange rates; adverse economic or real estate

developments in our industry or the industry sectors that we sell to, including

risks relating to decreasing real estate valuations and impairment charges and

goodwill and other intangible asset impairment charges; our inability to manage

our growth effectively; losses in excess of our insurance coverage;

environmental liabilities and risks related to natural disasters; our inability

to comply with rules and regulations applicable to our company; our failure to

maintain our status as a REIT for federal income tax purposes; our operating

partnership's failure to qualify as a partnership for federal income tax

purposes; restrictions on our ability to engage in certain business activities;

and changes in local, state, federal and international laws and regulations,

including related to taxation, real estate and zoning laws, and increases in

real property tax rates.  For a further list and description of such risks and

uncertainties, see the reports and other filings by the company with the U.S.

Securities and Exchange Commission, including the company's Annual Report on

Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 and Quarterly Reports on Form

10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2018, June 30, 2018 and September 30,

2018.  The company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise

any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future

events or otherwise.  

SOURCE  Digital Realty




