AsiaNet 77379
メキシコシティー(メキシコ)、2019年2月12日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
メキシコ人起業家でゴーギャバ(GO GABA)創立者のホセ・アントニオ・デルヴァジェ(Jose Antonio Del Valle)は、ビジネスを失敗に導いた数々の不運な出来事から立ち直る方法について起業家や一般大衆から助言をもらうため、ウェブではIwantmybusinessback.com、ソーシャルメディアでは#iwantmybusinessbackというキャンペーンを立ち上げました。
(ロゴ: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/819448/I_Want_My_Business_Back_Logo.jpg )
(写真: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/819450/GO_GABA_I_Want_My_Business_Back.jpg )
デルヴァジェ氏は2008年にゴーギャバ(GO GABA)飲料の開発を始めました。ギャバ(GABA:ガンマ-アミノ酪酸)は精神を覚醒させて、頭をクリアーにし、集中力を持たせると言われています。メキシコと厳選したヨーロッパ各国での商品化で、彼は更なる研究を委託し、初期投資を集めることができました。製品改良とブランディングに2年を費やした後、2017年にデルヴァジェ氏は業界の世界的大手と契約を締結しました。
皆様のアイディア、アドバイス、体験、意見をソーシャルメディアとhttp://www.iwantmybusinessback.com/ でシェアしてください。
ゴーギャバ(GO GABA)について
ゴーギャバ(https://www.gogaba.com/ )は、精神を覚醒させて集中力を高め、精神をクリアーにすると言われる天然成分で強化した機能性飲料です。ゴーギャバは、メキシコ起業家精神協会(Mexican Institute of Entrepreneurship)から影響力の大きい革新企業(High Impact Innovative Enterprise)に、グーグル(Google)からはハイポ(HiPo:High Potential)プログラムの一員に選ばれた5人のチームから成る小さな企業です。ゴーギャバは、起業家精神と革新のためのメキシコ・フランス協議会(Mexican French Council for Entrepreneurship and Innovation)が開催するメキシコ・フランス二国間コンテスト(Binational Mexico-France contest)で優勝。この機能性飲料はメキシコで販売、オランダに輸出されました。フランス、ドイツ、スウェーデン、ノルウェー、英国ではサンプリングに成功しました。
「I Want My Business Back」について
「I Want My Business Back(「ビジネスを取り戻したい」の意)」(http://www.iwantmybusinessback.com/ )は、振興企業を成長させて失敗の可能性のあるベンチャーから立ち直る方法についての議論をかき立てる目的で、メキシコ人起業家でゴーギャバ創立者であるホセ・アントニオ・デルヴァジェが立ち上げたイニシアティブです。
お問合せ: Felipe Lopez Moyao、電話: +521-5554530440、 press@iwantmybusinessback.com
ソース: ゴーギャバ/I Want My Business Back
GO GABA Founder Launches Campaign Iwantmybusinessback.com to Raise Awareness for Entrepreneurs
MEXICO CITY, February 12, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Mexican entrepreneur and GO GABA founder Jose Antonio Del Valle has
launched the campaign Iwantmybusinessback.com on the web and in social media
under #iwantmybusinessback in order to receive advice from entrepreneurs and
the public in general on how to bounce back from an unfortunate series of
events that led him to lose his business.
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/819448/I_Want_My_Business_Back_Logo.jpg )
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/819450/GO_GABA_I_Want_My_Business_Back.jpg )
Mr Del Valle began developing the GO GABA soft drink in 2008. GABA
(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is said to help sharpen the mind, providing clarity
and focus. Initial commercialization in Mexico and select European countries
enabled him to commission further research and attract start-up investment. In
2017, after working for a couple of years on a revamp of the product and
branding, Mr. Del Valle entered an agreement with one of the biggest global
companies in the industry.
The founder of GO GABA wants to raise his voice and invite the public in
general and other entrepreneurs to share their own experiences. Mr Del Valle
stated: "I am convinced that there are many people experiencing similar issues
while following their dreams. People that never managed to accomplish their
dream, or lost it somewhere along the way for different reasons. With this
initiative, I want to present my business story and hear what others have to
say.", says Mr Del Valle.
Everyone is invited to share their ideas, advice, experiences and opinions
on social media and on http://www.iwantmybusinessback.com.
GO GABA [https://www.gogaba.com ] is a functional soft drink, enriched with
natural ingredients that are said to help sharpen the mind, achieving greater
focus and mental clarity. GO GABA is a small enterprise with a team of 5 people
that has been recognized by the Mexican Institute of Entrepreneurship as a High
Impact Innovative Enterprise and by Google to be part of their HiPo program
(High Potential). GO GABA was a winner in the Binational Mexico-France contest
organized by the Mexican French Council for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
The functional soft drink was sold in Mexico and exported to The Netherlands.
It was sampled successfully in France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and the UK.
About "I Want My Business Back"
"I Want My Business Back" [http://www.iwantmybusinessback.com ] is an
initiative launched by Mexican entrepreneur and GO GABA founder Jose Antonio
Del Valle in order stimulate debate for entrepreneurs on how to grow new
businesses and bounce back from any potential unsuccessful ventures.
Contact: Felipe Lopez Moyao, Phone: +521-5554530440,
SOURCE: GO GABA / I Want My Business Back