AsiaNet 77643(0327)
【ヨハネスブルク、マプト(モザンビーク)2019年2月28日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Sasolは、モザンビークのカントリーディレクターにオビディオ・ホセ・サルメント・ロドルフォ(Ovidio Jose Sarmento Rodolfo)氏を任命すると発表した。
同氏はモザンビークのBPでその職歴を開始し、そこでは収益性の面から潤滑油事業の転換を開始する戦略を提案した。一方IPGでは、マプト、ベイラ、モアティゼの3つの石油ターミナルプロジェクトの設計段階を主導し、調整した。Inpetro Energyでは、燃料の受領、貯蔵、配送を含むすべての運用を管理した。
Sasol Exploration and Production Internationalのギルバート・Y・イェビ上級副社長は「われわれはオビディオ氏を歓迎するとともに、業界および経営的展望に関する彼の幅広い知識を考えれば、同氏の任命がSasolだけにとどまらずモザンビークのすべての関係者にとって有益となると確信している」と述べ、次のように語った。
Alex Anderson
Head of Group Media Relations
Direct telephone: +27 (0) 10 344 6509
Mobile +27 (0) 71 600 9605
Matebello Motloung
Senior Specialist: Media Relations
Direct telephone: +27 (0) 10 344 9256
Mobile: +27 (0) 83 773 9457
ソース:Sasol Limited
Sasol Appoints New Country Director for Mozambique
JOHANNESBURG and MAPUTO, Mozambique, Feb. 28, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Sasol is pleased to announce the appointment of Ovidio Jose Sarmento
Rodolfo as Country Director for Mozambique.
Ovidio comes to Sasol with solid experience in the oil and gas industry in
various engineering, managerial, commercial and leadership roles. Ovidio holds
a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's degree in Business Administration.
He has occupied various senior management roles in both international and state
owned companies.
He started his career with BP in Mozambique where he proposed a strategy
that initiated the turnaround of the lubricants business in terms of
profitability, while at IPG he led and coordinated the design phase of three
oil terminal projects in Maputo, Beira and Moatize. At Inpetro Energy, he
managed all operations covering the reception, storage and dispatch of fuels.
Gilbert Y Yevi, Senior Vice President for Sasol Exploration and Production
International commented, "We are delighted to welcome Ovidio on board and
confident that his appointment will benefit not only Sasol, but all our stakeholders
in Mozambique, given his extensive knowledge of the industry and the operating landscape."
"Over the past decade, the availability of gas from the Pande and Temane
gas fields has helped to grow the domestic gas market in Mozambique, enabling
the wholesale and retail supply of gas. In addition, the development of gas
infrastructure stimulated by Sasol and its partners has helped to drive
socio-economic development and economic diversification. Today, about a third
of Mozambique's electricity is generated from Pande and Temane gas. We believe
that Ovidio will be a great asset to our company in bringing new thinking and
perspectives in continuing our strong partnership with Mozambique and its people."
He concluded by saying that Ovidio's appointment is yet another testament
of our commitment to the development of Mozambique in partnership with and
through Mozambicans by building on our foundation of win-win in-country partnerships.
About Sasol:
Sasol is a global integrated chemicals and energy company. Through our
talented people, we safely and sustainably create superior value for our
customers, shareholders and other stakeholders. We integrated sophisticated
technologies in world-scale operating facilities to produce and commercialise
commodity and specialised chemicals, gaseous and liquid fuels, and
lower-carbon electricity.
Issued by:
Alex Anderson, Head of Group Media Relations Direct telephone: +27 (0) 10
344 6509; Mobile +27 (0) 71 600 9605;
Matebello Motloung, Senior Specialist: Media Relations Direct telephone:
+27 (0) 10 344 9256; Mobile: +27 (0) 83 773 9457;
Source: Sasol Limited