日本のリテーラーの80%がFOODEX JAPANで金龍魚のオリザノールこめ油のデビューショーに参加
日本のリテーラーの80%がFOODEX JAPANで金龍魚のオリザノールこめ油のデビューショーに参加
AsiaNet 77815 (0419)
【東京2019年3月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】日本の千葉で開催される国際的な食品と飲料の展示会である4日間 FOODEX JAPAN(国際食品・飲料展)が3月5日、公式に開かれ、食品と飲料の年次世界大会の開幕を告げた。企業はFOODEX JAPANの開幕式で新製品を発表するのが一般的だ。それが、企業が日本の市場とその先に参入するための最良の機会だからだ。それでもファミリーマート、ローソンや丸紅、その他を含む100近いよく知られたリテーラーや食品会社が発表の場に現れるのは「注目に値する」。そして金龍魚(ARAWANA)のオリザノールこめ油の発表もそのケースだった。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190311/2398943-1-a
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190311/2398943-1-b
調達マネジャーの1人は「私は金龍魚のオリザノールこめ油に驚いた。私は金龍魚こめ油製品が「International Rice Oil Quality Award (国際こめ油品質賞)」を受賞して以来、金龍魚こめ油製品を注目してきた。われわれは彼らのニュースを1年間フォローし、注目してきた。われわれはたぶん、今日選んで決めるだろう」と述べた。金龍魚こめ油は東京、大阪、沖縄の何百ものスーパーマーケットや高級レストランとともに日本市場に参入してからの1周年を祝った。金龍魚はもうすぐ発表される新製品を携えて、新年に「100の販売店」を達成するべく今、出発する。オリザノールこめ油は、日本市場の潜在的な空間をより大きなものにした。
Eighty Percent of Japanese Retailers Attended the Debut Show of ARAWANA GUWEIDUO Rice Bran Oil at Foodex Japan
TOKYO, March 12, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
The four-day Foodex Japan, an international expo of food and beverages held in
Chiba Japan was officially opened on March 5th, marking the beginning of the
annual global convention of food and beverages. It is common for companies to
release new products at the opening ceremony of Foodex Japan, because it is the
best opportunity for a company to enter the Japanese market and beyond. It is
"remarkable", however, when nearly a hundred well-known retailers and food
companies, including FamilyMart, Lawson, and Marubeni etc., appear at a release
as was the case with the release of ARAWANA GUWEIDUO Rice Bran Oil.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190311/2398943-1-a
(The first anniversary of Japan's launch and new product launch event of
ARAWANA Rice Bran Oil)
The raw materials used in GUWEIDUO Rice Bran Oil are all grown in rice fields,
where raise ducks or crabs together, irrigated with the fresh water from Liao
River in the northeast China. Every grain of rice grows in an eco-friendly and
natural environment, and is enriched in all sorts of natural nutrients. With
the cutting-edge physical pressing technique, every single drop of the rice oil
contains oryzanol and phytosterol, whose contents are both >=10000ppm. The
screw cap shaped like a Chinese rice box not only delivers oriental charm, but
it is also a practical design to keep the oil fresh. High-end rice oil has been
redefined by ARAWANA as natural, safe and healthy.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190311/2398943-1-b
(Tokyo premiere of new GUWEIDUO Rice Bran Oil)
"I was surprised by ARAWANA GUWEIDUO Rice Bran Oil. I've been following ARAWANA
Rice Bran Oil products ever since they won the 'International Rice Oil Quality
Award'. We have been following their news for a year, and we've been watching.
So, we probably will make choice today," said one of the procurement managers.
ARAWANA Rice Bran Oil has celebrated the one year anniversary since it entered
the Japanese market with hundreds of supermarkets and high-end restaurants in
Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa. ARAWANA now sets off to achieve "100 dealers" in the
new year with their upcoming new product. GUWEIDUO Rice Bran Oil has indeed
made the potential space of the Japanese market even bigger.