
FDI国際歯科連盟(FDI World Dental Federation)


AsiaNet 77937

ジュネーブ(スイス)、2019年3月20日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

世界オーラルヘルスデー(WOHD:World Oral Health Day)の今日、FDI国際歯科連盟(FDI World Dental Federation)は、13か国で5歳から16歳の子供を持つ親に子供の学校で正しい口腔ケアについての授業が行われているかどうかを訊ねた調査結果を発表しました。不十分な口腔ケアが子供の口腔の発達に悪影響を与え、年間5千万の授業時間が失われる可能性があります[1]。また子供の自信や社会能力、その後の人生での成功の可能性にも影響する場合があります。ですから、口腔の健康は子供の健康全般と幸せにとって不可欠なのです。







調査結果をふまえ、教師や親のアクト・オン・マウスヘルス(Act On Mouth Health)を支援するために、FDIは口腔の健康の重要性に関する興味深い授業を行うツールとなるマルチメディアの教材、マウスヒーローズ(Mouth Heroes)を学校向けに開発しました。5歳から9歳の子供たちを対象としたマウスヒーローズでは、「トゥーシー(Toothie)」という子供向けのキャラクターが、健康に関するライフスキルを発達させる愉快な旅に子供たちを連れて行きます。教師が口腔の健康を授業に取り入れるのを支援することで、マウスヒーローズはプラスの変化を促します。その上、親が子供の口腔の健康習慣を学ぶ助けとなる多数の資料が、WOHDのキャンペーンのサイトから入手できます。



毎年3月20日の世界オーラルヘルスデー(WHOD)は、口腔疾患の予防と抑制に対する世界的な認識を高めるため、FDI国際歯科連盟が始めました。http://www.worldoralhealthday.org/;#WOHD19 #SayAhh

WOHDグローバルパートナー:ヘンリー・シャイン(Henry Schein)、フィリップス・ソニッケア(Philips Sonicare)、ユニリーバ(Unilever)



[1]  Kwan SYL、Petersen PE、Pine CM、 Borutta A「健康推進校:口腔健康推進の機会」Bull World Health Org(世界保健機構紀要)2005;83:77–685 https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/83/9/677.pdf  から入手可[2019年3月11日アクセス]


特に明記しない限り、全ての数字はユーガブ(YouGov Plc)による。総サンプルサイズは成人16,477人、そのうち4,367人は5歳から16歳の子を持つ親。実地調査は2月18日から3月4日に実施。この調査はオンラインで実施。数字は重み付きで、オーストラリア、ブラジル、ドイツ、英国、米国、メキシコ、ポーランドの全成人(18歳以上)の代表値。またアルジェリア、中国、インド、インドネシア、モロッコ、サウジアラビアのオンラインの全成人(18歳以上)の重み付き代表値。

Video - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/838035/FDI_Survey.mp4

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/838036/FDI_World_Dental_Federation.jpg


UK Schools Rank Last in Providing Oral Health Education, FDI Survey of 13 Countries Says


GENEVA, March 20, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Today on World Oral Health Day (WOHD), FDI World Dental Federation (FDI)

released the results of a survey from 13 countries, which asked parents with

children aged 5–16 if their child's school provided lessons on good oral care.

Poor oral health can negatively affect how a young mouth develops and leads to

more than 50 million school hours being lost each year1. It can also affect a

child's confidence, social skills as well as potential for success later in life.

Oral health is, therefore, essential to a child's general health and well-being.   

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


The survey reports that UK schools rank last in promoting good oral health.

When asked if their child's school provided lessons on the importance of good

oral care, only 29% of parents from the UK said this was the case, which was

dramatically lower than the results from 12 other countries. This puts the UK

at the bottom of the list behind USA (53%), Australia (54%), Germany (69%),

China (77%), Saudi Arabia (81%), Poland (84%), Morocco and Algeria (86%),

Indonesia (87%), Brazil and India (91%), and Mexico (93%).  

49% percent of parents from the UK also 'didn't know' how often their child's

school gave lessons on good oral care, with parents from Australia and the USA

not that far behind at 35% and 32%, respectively. This was in stark contrast to

the results from Germany (19%), Saudi Arabia (12%), Poland (10%), China,

Indonesia and Morocco (9%), Algeria (6%), India (5%), Brazil (3%) and Mexico (1%).

FDI President Dr Kathryn Kell said, "The survey results show that not all

parents know if their children are receiving oral health education at school.

We must fill this knowledge gap, as oral diseases are the most prevalent

disease globally and affect 3.58 billion people; equivalent to half of the

world's population. What's more, 486 million children suffer from tooth decay

of primary teeth, which can cause premature tooth loss, pain, sleep disruption,

problems eating and other health issues for young children." She emphasized

that "Schools must be encouraged to teach children about good oral care".

The good news is that 71% of parents across all countries agreed that schools

should teach children about good oral care and 51% also recognized that parents

play a role in oral health education.

WOHD Task Team Chair Dr Edoardo Cavalle stated, "Good oral health habits start

early, and we need to encourage children to brush their teeth twice a day with

a fluoride toothpaste and help them avoid foods and drinks high in sugars. We

also need to prioritize regular dental check-ups. Millions of school days are

lost each year because of poor oral health, seriously affecting a child's

ability to perform at school. Together, parents and teachers must play a key

role in helping to educate children on the importance of keeping a healthy

mouth and teeth, which will help secure the general health and well-being of

future generations."

In response to the survey findings and to help teachers and parents Act On

Mouth Health, FDI has developed Mouth Heroes for schools, a multimedia teaching

resource that provides tools to deliver engaging lessons about the importance

of good oral health. Aimed at children aged 5–9 years, Mouth Heroes features a

child-friendly spokesperson called 'Toothie', who takes children on an exciting

journey to develop health-related life skills. By assisting teachers to

integrate oral health into lessons, Mouth Heroes can help drive positive

change. In addition, there are many resources available through the WOHD

campaign website to assist parents in learning about good oral health practices

for their children.

Press material: www.worldoralhealthday.org/press

About World Oral Health Day

Celebrated annually on 20 March, World Oral Health Day (WOHD) was launched by

FDI World Dental Federation to raise global awareness on the prevention and

control of oral diseases. www.worldoralhealthday.org; #WOHD19 #SayAhh

WOHD Global Partners: Henry Schein, Philips Sonicare, Unilever; and WOHD

Supporters: 3M, Planmeca, Wrigley


1. Kwan SYL, Petersen PE, Pine CM, Borutta A. Health promoting schools: an

opportunity for oral health promotion. Bull World Health Org. 2005;83:677–685.

Available from: https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/83/9/677.pdf [accessed 11

March 2019].

About the Survey

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size

was 16,477 adults of which 4,367 were parents with children aged 5-16.

Fieldwork was undertaken between 18th February – 4th March.  The survey was

carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of

all adults (aged 18+) in Australia, Brazil, Germany, UK, USA, Mexico and Poland

and are weighted and representative of all adults online (aged 18+) in Algeria,

China, India, Indonesia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.

Video - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/838035/FDI_Survey.mp4

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/838036/FDI_World_Dental_Federation.jpg

Source:  FDI World Dental Federation




