XCMGがbauma 2019に最新の重機や建設ソリューションを展示
XCMGがbauma 2019に最新の重機や建設ソリューションを展示
AsiaNet 78110(0539)
【ミュンヘン(ドイツ)2019年4月1日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国の大手機械メーカーXCMGは、ドイツのミュンヘンで4月4-8日に開催されるbauma 2019(国際建設機械・建設資材製造機械・鉱業機械・建設車両・関連機器専門見本市)で、新しい製品と建設機械ソリューションを展示する。
bauma 2019のXCMG展示場の最大の呼び物は、VシリーズとXC9シリーズのホイールローダーである。
新世代製品のXC9シリーズのローダーは「インテリジェント、高品質、高性能」を求める傾向に対応して発売された。これまでに発売された省エネで環境にやさしい5つのXC9シリーズのローダーは、国際的なオフロードのEurope Vや北米のT4Fの要件に対応する。
XCMGの土木機械は、bauma 2019ではバックホウ(穴掘り)ローダー、スキッドステアローダー、テレハンドラー、電気フォークリフトなどが注目される。中でも新しいフォークリフトは、新発売のXC5シリーズの電動平衡フォークリフト、XC4シリーズのウエアハウスフォークリフトである。この2種の製品は、より一層高度のパフォーマンスを提供するとともに安全かつ快適に運転することができる。
そのインテリジェントで最先端かつ耐久性のある製品に加えて、XCMGはbauma 2019で次のような完璧な建設ソリューションも展示する。
XCMG Foundationは、bauma 2019で掘削リグ、くい打ち機を展示する。インテリジェントな制御システムを備え、長持ちし、より安定して効率的な掘削リグであるXR240Eが含まれる。
XCMG to Bring Latest Machinery and Construction Solutions to bauma 2019
MUNICH, Germany, April 1, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
XCMG, the leading Chinese construction machinery manufacturer, will exhibit new
products and construction machinery solutions at bauma 2019, being held from
April 4 to 8 in Munich, Germany.
XCMG will bring a total of 16 products to the trade show, including new forklifts,
loaders, piling machines, road rollers, road graders, cranes as well as tunnel,
mining and bridge equipment. XCMG will be at booth FS.1105/2 of Messe Munchen.
"XCMG is committed to creating 'Advanced and Endurable' products that can cater
to our clients' different needs. We have a complete product portfolio,
intelligent manufacturing lines and industry-leading, innovative technologies
to support construction projects in extreme weather and geographical
conditions," said Jiansen Liu, the VP of XCMG.
Extreme conditions, strong equipment and one-stop solutions
The centerpieces of XCMG's exhibition at bauma 2019 are the V series and XC9
series wheel loaders.
The V series wheel loaders are advanced, high-efficiency and energy-saving. The
products cover the range of 1.8 to 12 tons, are integrated with innovative
technologies and mechanical devices, and can work in more rigorous conditions.
The LW1200KN is the heaviest loader ever made in China, which provides full
services in all working conditions and is able to load trucks highly efficiently.
The new-generation XC9 series loaders were launched in response to the trend of
"intelligent, high-quality and high performance." Energy-saving and friendly to
the environment, the five XC9 series loaders released so far meet international
off-road Europe V and North America T4F requirements.
In order to improve the adaptability of equipment in extreme environments, XCMG
has developed a series of innovative technologies to ensure their products can
deliver satisfactory performance at all times.
The loaders can operate in burning hot steel factories and excel in polar cold
conditions, while performing smoothly in humid or high-dust environments.
XCMG Earthmoving Machinery will highlight backhoe loaders, skid steer loaders,
telehandlers and electric forklifts at bauma 2019, among which the new
forklifts are new releases: the XC5-series electric counterbalanced forklift
and the XC4-series warehouse forklift. Products from both categories can
deliver higher performance while offering safe and comfortable operation.
In addition to its intelligent, advanced and endurable products, XCMG will also
present complete construction solutions at bauma 2019:
-Tunnel construction solutions covering drilling, deslagging, arching and shotcreting
-Underground mining solutions including equipment for excavation, mining,
loading, transportation and other process
-Bridge construction solutions that provide equipment for carrying,
transporting and putting up beams from 100 to 900 tons
XCMG Foundation will showcase drilling rigs and piling machines at bauma 2019,
including the XR240E, a long-lived, more stable and efficient rotary drilling
rig with an intelligent control system.
About XCMG
XCMG is a multinational heavy machinery manufacturing company with a history of
76 years. It currently ranks sixth in the world's construction machinery industry.
The company exports to more than 183 countries and regions around the world.
For more information, visit: www.xcmg.com.
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