Tanla Solutions LtdがKarix Mobileの買収完了を発表
Tanla Solutions LtdがKarix Mobileの買収完了を発表
AsiaNet 78267 (0607)
【ハイデラバード(インド)2019年4月11日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Tanla Solutions Ltd(Tanla)(NSE: TANLA)(BSE: 532790)は11日、GSO Capital Partners L.P.(GSO)系列のファンドが所有する企業Banyan Investments Ltd(Banyan)からのKarix Mobile Pvt Ltd(Karix)およびその完全子会社Unicel Technologies Pvt Ltd(Unicel)の全株式の買収を完了した。
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/627459/Tanla_Solutions_Logo.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/869663/Tanla_Karix.jpg )
Tanlaはアレックス・ハウエル(Alex Howell)氏(GSOマネージングディレクター)をTanla取締役会のオブザーバーとして任命したと発表した。ハウエル氏はロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスの卒業生で、リーマン・ブラザーズ、野村、GSO(2012年以降)で働き、M&A、レバレジド&エクイティファイナンス、公信用市場など数々の分野の金融市場で14年間にわたる豊かな経験がある。
Tanlaは新しいミレニアム(千年紀)が始まる際に、インドのハイデラバードに本拠を置くモバイルメッセージングの専門家らの小グループとともに世界クラスのメッセージングサービスを構築するため創業した。Tanlaは今日、この領域において最大のクラウド通信プロバイダーのグローバルリーダーの1つであり、年間900億件以上のビジネスコミュニケーションを処理している。Tanlaは世界が通信する方法を革新し、クラウド通信ソリューションの高速化、平易化、簡素化を通じてその水準を継続的に引き上げ、世界中のエンタープライズからキャリアまで、さまざまなクライアントの厳しいニーズを満たす最先端の技術を導入している。Tanlaは、インドの主要な証券取引所に上場する株式公開企業である(NSE: TANLA, BSE: 532790)。
ソース:Tanla Solutions Limited
Tanla Solutions Ltd Announces Closure of Acquisition of Karix Mobile
HYDERABAD, India , April 11, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Tanla Solutions Ltd ("Tanla") (NSE: TANLA) (BSE: 532790) today completed
the acquisition ("Acquisition") of 100% shareholding of Karix Mobile Pvt Ltd ("Karix")
and its wholly owned subsidiary Unicel Technologies Pvt Ltd ("Unicel") from
Banyan Investments Ltd ("Banyan"), a company owned by funds affiliated with
GSO Capital Partners L.P. ("GSO").
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/627459/Tanla_Solutions_Logo.jpg)
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/869663/Tanla_Karix.jpg)
Consideration for the Acquisition was approximately Rs.340 Crores, comprising:
1) Rs.112 Crores in cash;
2) Preferential Allotment to Banyan of 2.20 Crores Equity Shares in Tanla at
a Face Value of Re.1 only, at a rate of INR 56.79 per share totaling Rs.125 Crores; and
3) Tanla assuming the debt on Karix's book of Rs.103 Crores.
This acquisition is being funded by Tanla with cash on balance sheet.
Post-acquisition, the shareholdings (on a fully diluted basis) of Tanla would be;
Promoters: 31.2%, and GSO: 14.6%.
As a result of the Acquisition, Karix has become a wholly owned subsidiary
of Tanla (and Unicel will remain a subsidiary of Karix), effective April 10th, 2019.
As a result of the Preferential Allotment to Banyan, Banyan will hold an
observer seat on Tanla's Board of Directors.
Tanla announces the appointment of Mr. Alex Howell (Managing Director at
GSO) as observer on Tanla's Board. Alex is an alumnus of London School of
Economics and brings with him more than 14 years of rich experience in
financial markets in a number of areas such as M&A, leveraged & equity
financings and public credit markets, having previously worked at Lehman
Brothers, Nomura, and (since 2012) GSO.
Commenting on the closure, Mr. Uday Reddy, the CMD of Tanla said:
"Tanla's acquisition of Karix is a landmark event in Indian telecom
history, bringing together two of the most influential players in the Cloud
Communication ecosystem. The combined teams are fully energized to demonstrate
substantial innovation and value-addition to delight stakeholders. The combination gives
rise to exciting opportunity for shrinking processes, timelines and costs."
Mr. Alex Howell added, "We look forward to this exciting new phase of
growth of the combined entities and look forward to Tanla developing into a
leader in Cloud Communications."
About Tanla
Tanla started its journey as the new millennium set in with a small group
of mobile messaging experts, with base in Hyderabad, India, to create a
world-class messaging service. Today, Tanla is a global leader in its domain as
one of the largest Cloud Communication providers, handling over 90 bn business
communications annually. Tanla is innovating the way the world communicates,
continuously raising the bar through enhanced speed, ease and simplicity of
Cloud Communication solutions, adopting cutting-edge technologies to meet the
discerning needs of a diverse clientele, from enterprises to carriers across
geographies. Tanla is a public limited company listed on leading Indian stock
exchanges (NSE: TANLA, BSE: 532790).
For Enquires, write to investorhelp@tanla.com
Source: Tanla Solutions Ltd