Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.がヒューストンにバイオポリマー部門新設を発表
Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.がヒューストンにバイオポリマー部門新設を発表
AsiaNet 78412(0684)
【ヒューストン2019年4月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.(カネカアメリカズホールディングInc.)は、ヒューストンに拠点を置く新しいバイオポリマー部門の創設を発表した。カネカのPHBHは柔軟性と耐熱性の両方を兼ね備えた植物由来の製品である。これは供給原料として再生可能な植物油を使用し、新規のバイオ発酵プロセスで製造される。この製品は、好気性、嫌気性または海洋性環境においてバイオベースでバイオ堆肥化できるだけでなく、耐熱性が強く、水蒸気に対するバリアとしても機能する。
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PHBHは米食品医薬品局(FDA)からFood Contact Approval(食品接触材認証)を受けており、すべての食品包装製品に適している。PHBHはコップ、食卓用食器(カトラリー)、食品トレイ、プレートなどの多くの製品に成形できる。
Christiane Waldron
Director of Business Development
Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.
Biopolymers Division
ソース:Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.
Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc. announces the creation of a new Biopolymers Division headquartered in Houston, Texas to start selling plant-based degradable plastic compounds in the United States
HOUSTON, April 23, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc. is proud to announce the creation of the new
Biopolymers Division based in Houston. Kaneka's PHBH is a plant-based product
that offers both flexibility and heat resistance. It is produced via a novel
bio-fermentation process which uses renewable plant oils as feed stock. Our
products are not only bio-based and bio-compostable in aerobic, anaerobic or
marine environments, they are also strongly resistant to heat and can act as a
barrier to water vapor.
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Our grades are stable under every day usage conditions. Given the right
conditions, under either anaerobic, aerobic or marine conditions in the natural
environment, the products will begin to biodegrade.
PHBH has been granted Food Contact Approval by the FDA and is suitable for all
food packaging products. PHBH can be formed into many products such as cups,
cutlery, food trays, plates etc.
Kaneka has been producing PHBH since 2011 and is currently expanding its
facilities in Takasago, Japan. Kaneka hopes to find an alternative solution to
the current single use plastic products as the company recognizes the need to
bring to market a plant-based product that will help reduce the Ocean and
Landfill pollution. Currently it is estimated that about 8 Million tons of
plastic end up in the Ocean every year which has created a massive
environmental issue in the world's Oceans.*
For further information about Kaneka's PHBH, please contact:
Christiane Waldron
Director of Business Development
Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.
Biopolymers Division
Reference Source
SOURCE Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc.