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【シカゴ2019年4月24日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】メディア業界が直面する最新の動向と最大の課題を明らかにするため、Cision( )(NYSE: CISN)は24日、2019年「State of the Media Report(メディアの現状リポート)」( )を発表した。これは同社の10回目の年次「メディアの現状リポート」となる。
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*ソーシャルメディアは重要性がかつてなく低下も、上昇もしている。2018年のソーシャルメディアの不安定な性質のために、ジャーナリストはソーシャルメディアの重要性についてますます複雑な感情を抱いている。調査対象のジャーナリストの38%が、Facebook News Feedへの変更などアップデートされた最新のソーシャルメディアアルゴリズムは、2019年の彼らの仕事に影響を与える最も重要なテクノロジーとなると回答している。これは昨年における上昇である。しかしその影響は必ずしもポジティブではない。ジャーナリストはコンテンツの発行のためにソーシャルメディアに依存することに懸念を抱いているからだ。
Cision Ltd.(NYSE: CISN)は、パブリックリレーションズ(PR)およびマーケティング・コミュニケーション専門家向けのアーンドメディアソフトウエアとサービスの大手グローバルプロバイダーである。Cisionのソフトウエアにより、ユーザーは重要なインフルエンサーを特定し、戦略的コンテンツの制作および配信、さらにその影響力の測定が行える。Cisionは、米州、欧州・中東・アフリカ(EMEA)およびアジア太平洋(APAC)の計22カ国にオフィスを構え、4000人以上の従業員を雇用している。Cision Communications Cloud(R)を含む受賞歴を持つ同社製品・サービスに関する詳細情報については、 を参照し、Twitter @Cisionのフォローを。
Jenn Deering Davis
VP of Communications & Content, Cision
Cision 2019 State of the Media Report Reveals a Decline in Distrust of the Media and Growing Concerns About Staffing and Resources
CHICAGO, April 24, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
To uncover the latest trends and biggest challenges facing the media industry,
Cision( ) (NYSE: CISN) today released its 2019 State
of the Media Report( ),
the company's tenth annual State of the Media.
This year's report was Cision's largest ever, surveying nearly 2,000 journalists
from 10 countries around the world, to learn about the main issues facing
the global media industry in 2019, and how PR and communications
professionals can better work with their journalist counterparts.
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(Caption:Cision 2019 State of the Media Report: The availability of audience metrics
like views and engagement has changed the way journalists evaluate stories)
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(Caption:Cision 2019 State of the Media Report: change from 2018 to 2019 in the
most impactful technologies: AI and social media)
Despite an increasing number of challenges facing journalists- from fake news
and misinformation campaigns, to shrinking budgets and newsrooms, to changes in
social media algorithms- the report reveals several optimistic findings. For
the second year in a row, respondents reported a decrease in the public's
distrust of the media; 63% of respondents felt the public lost trust this year,
which is down from 71% in 2018 and 91% in 2017.
"While fake news is still a concern, it's not journalism's top challenge this
year. Unfortunately issues around social media and resources lead the list of
concerns, especially in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom," said
Kevin Akeroyd, Cision CEO. "But the news isn't all bad; we are encouraged to
see a continued decrease in perceptions of public distrust in the media. Trust
is the major theme in this year's survey results; in fact, it seems tied to the
future of the industry in many ways. Telling a reliable, informative and
relevant story is more important than ever, and journalists are using audience
data to better understand what stories generate the traffic and revenue
journalists need to thrive in today's media environment."
Survey responses also reflect growing concerns around the changing role of
social media, an increasing reliance on data-driven storytelling, and the
relationship between media and communications professionals.
Other key takeaways from the report include:
-Journalists continue to rely more and more on data to make decisions about the
stories they focus on. 65% of journalists globally feel that detailed audience
metrics like views and engagement have changed the kinds of content they
publish. 43% of respondents focus primarily on readership or views, 20% focus
on engagement, and 15% focus on impact on revenue.
-PR and communications professionals are valuable partners to journalists,
especially in this turbulent media environment. However, 75% of journalists
said that fewer than 25% of the pitches they receive are relevant. Journalists
reported that the single most effective thing PR professionals can do to
improve their relationship with the media is to better understand the end
customer and provide information more relevant and customized to that audience.
-Social media is both less- and more- important than ever. Because of the
volatile nature of social media in 2018, journalists have increasingly complex
feelings about the importance of social media. 38% of journalists surveyed
agree that updated social media algorithms- such as changes to the Facebook
News Feed- will be the most important technology to impact their work in 2019,
which is an increase in the past year. That impact is not always positive, as
journalists have concerns about relying on social media for publishing content.
To read the full Cision 2019 State of the Media Report,click here
About Cision
Cision Ltd (NYSE: CISN) is a leading global provider of earned media software
and services to public relations and marketing communications professionals.
Cision's software allows users to identify key influencers, craft and distribute
strategic content, and measure meaningful impact. Cision has over 4,000 employees
with offices in 22 countries throughout the Americas, EMEA, and APAC.
For more information about its award-winning products and services,
including the Cision Communications Cloud(R), visit and follow
Cision on Twitter @Cision.
Media Contact:
Jenn Deering Davis
VP of Communications & Content, Cision
SOURCE: Cision
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