AsiaNet 78562(0752)
【ワシントン2019年5月3日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
*U.S. Financial Services Industry Associations(米金融サービス産業協会)が
American Council of Life Insurers(ACLI)(米国生命保険協会)、Insured Retirement Institute(全米退職年金保険協会)、Investment Company Institute(投資会社協会)とSecurities Industry and Financial Markets Association(米国証券業金融市場協会)は、この問題が討議されるG20金融部門で米国を代表する米財務省に書簡を送った。
その書簡(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2455213-1&h=197216827&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.acli.com%2F-%2Fmedia%2FACLI%2FPublic%2FFiles%2FPDFs-PUBLIC-SITE%2FPublic-Newsroom%2F050219_Jointtradesletter_Treasury.ashx%3Fla%3Den&a=letter )で、これらの協会は米国が「日本が議長国を務めるG20でこの問題を高める一環として、民間部門を通して老後のための貯蓄を促進する動機付けを肯定的に擁護するよう」求めた。書簡は民間企業への動機付け、そして個人の貯蓄を助けることを可能にする自己資金による退職の貯蓄手段を提供することの重要性を強調した。書簡はまた、公式のビジネス諮問手続きの「Business 20」を通して、日本で既にこの提案への支持を受けたと記した。
The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)は、消費者の金融と退職後の保障を促進する製品とサービス提供に専念する280の加盟会社の代表としてこれを支持する。9000万の米家庭が、生命保険、年金保険、退職後計画、長期介護保険、就業不能所得補償保険、再保険、歯や視力や他の追加給付金に関し、われわれのメンバーを頼りにしている。ACLIは、米国の州、連邦の加盟会社や、産業市場および安心のための生命保険商品を頼りにする家庭を支援する公共政策のための国際フォーラムを代表している。ACLI加盟会社は米国の業界資産の95%を代表する。
さらに詳細は以下を参照:acli.com (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2455213-1&h=699947353&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.acli.com%2F&a=acli.com ) 及びブログ・ACLI Perspectives、acli.com/perspectives
ツイッターは以下へ:@ACLINews (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2455213-1&h=130262723&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FACLINews&a=%40ACLINews )
当協会のLinkedInでの接続:linkedin.com/ACLI (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2455213-1&h=1591111808&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2F41728%2F&a=linkedin.com%2FACLI )
Facebookで当協会に「いいね!」を:facebook.com/ACLINews (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2455213-1&h=3517773493&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FACLINews%2F&a=facebook.com%2FACLINews )
American Council of Life Insurers 101 Constitution Ave, NW, Suite 700,
Washington, DC 20001-2133
ソース:American Council of Life Insurers
David Nielsen
U.S. Financial Services Industry Associations Call For U.S. Government Support Of G20 Prioritization Of Global Aging As An Ongoing G20 Area Of Common Interest
WASHINGTON, May 3, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Four of the largest U.S. associations representing retirement products and
financial services providers this week called on the U.S. government to
formally support the 2019 Japanese G20 Presidency's efforts to highlight the
common problems caused by aging populations in G20 member nations.
The American Council of Life Insurers, Insured Retirement Institute, Investment
Company Institute and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
wrote to the U.S. Treasury Department, which represents the United States to
the G20 Finance Track where this issue is being discussed.
In its letter (
), the associations called on the United States to be "an affirmative advocate
for incentives to promote savings for retirement through the private sector, as
part of the elevation of the issue under the Japanese G20 Presidency." The
letter highlighted the importance of providing incentives for private-sector,
self-funded retirement savings vehicles to empower individuals to save. The
letter also noted the support this proposal has already received in Japan
through the formal business advisory process, the "Business 20."
Japan's G20 Presidency has significantly elevated the importance of further
study and policy analysis regarding aging and providing retirement security to
people, which are important issues for all G20 governments.
The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) advocates on behalf of 280 member
companies dedicated to providing products and services that promote consumers'
financial and retirement security. 90 million American families depend on our
members for life insurance, annuities, retirement plans, long-term care
insurance, disability income insurance, reinsurance, dental and vision and
other supplemental benefits. ACLI represents member companies in state, federal
and international forums for public policy that supports the industry
marketplace and the families that rely on life insurers' products for peace of
mind. ACLI members represent 95 percent of industry assets in the United States.
To learn more, visit acli.com (
) and our blog, ACLI Perspectives, at acli.com/perspectives (
Follow us on Twitter: @ACLINews (
Connect with us on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/ACLI (
Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/ACLINews (
American Council of Life Insurers 101 Constitution Ave, NW, Suite 700,
Washington, DC 20001-2133
SOURCE American Council of Life Insurers
CONTACT: David Nielsen, +1-202-624-2419, DavidNielsen@acli.com