OCEANPECがWROエコシステムの開設に先立ちADNOC、Cuallix Bankとの提携を発表

World Resource Organization

OCEANPECがWROエコシステムの開設に先立ちADNOC、Cuallix Bankとの提携を発表

AsiaNet 78613 (0785)

【東京、シンガポール2019年5月8日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】World Resource Organization(WRO)は金融、資源、先端技術を一つにまとめる包括的ブロックチェーン・エコシステムを構築するため、OCEANPEC (Singapore)が設立した。2019年5月のエコシステム開設に先立ち、OCEANPECは資源・金融分野の一流企業2社、アブダビ国営石油会社(Abu Dhabi National Oil Company、ADNOC)、Cuallix Bankと提携を結んだことを発表する。これらよく組織された2社との提携はWROの世界的ネットワーク強化を大いに後押しする。


事業のニーズが急速に拡大しているため、OCEANPECは中核業務にどのようにブロックチェーン技術を採用し、適用するかを検討していた。このブロックチェーンへの技術的移行は、資源、金融、高度の安全確保の必要性を伴う石油・エネルギー部門では極めて重要である。WROのエコシステムがこれらの機能を一括するために創設され、石油と金融の先導者であるADNOC、Cuallix Bankとの提携は強みとなるだろう。



米国を本拠とするCuallix Bankは別のブロックチェーン企業Ripple (XRP)と共同で米国、メキシコ間の国際決済を提供する初めての金融サービス機関である。Cuallix Bankとの提携はWROエコシステムの堅牢な決済、国際送金インフラストラクチャーの構築に間違いなく役立つ。ブロックチェーン技術により、資源業界のすべての資金移動はより迅速、追跡可能で低コストになるだろう。

World Resource Organizationはビジョンの一環として、国際的な利用者、投資家向けにエコシステムを拡大するため、さらに多くの提携関係の構築に取り組み続ける。

ソース:World Resource Organization

OCEANPEC announces partnership with ADNOC, Cuallix Bank ahead of WRO ecosystem launch


TOKYO and SINGAPORE, May 7, 2019/PRNewswire=KYTODO JBN/--

The World Resource Organization (WRO) was established by OCEANPEC (Singapore)

to build an all-inclusive blockchain ecosystem that will combine finance,

resources and high-technology services all under one roof. Ahead of the

ecosystem launch in May 2019, OCEANPEC is pleased to announce that it has

signed partnerships with two prestigious companies in the resource and finance

sectors: Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Cuallix Bank. Partnering

these two well-recognized entities will be a tremendous boost in strengthening

the WRO global network.

OCEANPEC's business operations currently focus on the import and export of

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and other energy commodities. Other corporate areas

include oil refining, natural gas sales, power stations, wholesale of oil products,

and energy equipment manufacturing. To date, OCEANPEC has 10 local offices

working on natural gas, crude oil, precious metals and gemstones in Mainland China,

Singapore, Hong Kong, Mongolia, South Korea, United States (Houston),

North America (Mexico), Middle East (Abu Dhabi), Australia (Darwin), and Switzerland.

As its business needs are rapidly expanding, OCEANPEC has been looking into

how to adapt and adopt blockchain technology into its core business functions.

This technological shift towards blockchain is extremely important in the oil and

energy sector, which involves resources, financing and the need for high-level

security. As the WRO ecosystem was created to encompass these functions, having

ADNOC and Cuallix Bank -- both leaders in the oil and finance sectors -- on

board will prove to be an asset.

This is especially more so as the WRO intends to integrate crude oil, LNG,

gasoline and diesel settlement into its ecosystem by Q3 2019.

ADNOC is state-owned, and the largest crude oil company in the United Arab

Emirates. It also provides world-class shipping, maritime, port, logistics and

oil field services to international customers. In the resource industry, which

includes the likes of OCEANPEC and ADNOC, the blockchain technology will come

in handy for logistics and raw material procurement departments, for example.

Through the use of blockchain technology's smart contracts which are

decentralised and transparent, electronic evidence and data (such as invoices,

purchase records, bills of lading) transmission/storage, supply chain

management, goods and authentication can be processed in the WRO ecosystem.

With the support of ADNOC coming on board, this will encourage other oil and

energy giants to be part of the WRO ecosystem.

Cuallix Bank, based in the United States, is the first financial services

organization to collaborate with Ripple (XRP), another blockchain company, to

offer cross-border payments between America and Mexico. Having Cuallix Bank as

a partner will definitely help build a robust payment and cross-border remittance

infrastructure in the WRO ecosystem. With blockchain technology, all financial transfers

in the resources industry will be made swifter, traceable, and at lower transaction costs.

As part of its vision, the World Resource Organization will continue to work to build on

more relevant partnerships to scale up its ecosystem for global users and investors.

SOURCE  World Resource Organization




