AsiaNet 78652(0803)
【ホーチミン市(ベトナム)2019年5月9日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】この5月、カラベル・サイゴン(Caravelle Saigon)の新しく改装された客室が正式に公開され、カラベル・サイゴンは旅行者と共有できることに大きな喜びを感じている。現時点で、改装、素晴らしいスタッフによる客室数と予約数の巧みな調整、全ての関係者の大変な忍耐の9カ月が過ぎた。しかし、すべてはその価値があった。
60年の時を進め、カラベル・サイゴンは今年、8階から12階のOpera Wingの新たな客室の扉を開けることで開業記念日の祝賀を開始する。これらの客室は広さ38.5平方メートル(415平方フィート)で、広々とした鏡面台付きウォークイン・クローゼットとバスルームは全面が輸入大理石で仕上げられている。大きな防音窓は自然光を取り込み、一方に歴史的なオペラハウス、他方に蛇行するサイゴン川の眺めを含む、比類のない市中心部の眺望をゲストに提供する。
各客室にはサムスンの49インチ・フラットスクリーンテレビ、無料Wi-Fiが完備され、装飾と表面仕上げは新たにアップグレードされ、カラベル・サイゴンが有名になった温かさと心地良さに忠実なままである。もし38.5平方メートルが不十分であれば、Signature PremiumまたはSignature Studioの客室を試すと良い。いずれもより大きな床面積、カウチ、歩行スペースを誇り、より長期のビジネス・休暇旅行に最適である。
5月15日から7月15日までの予約と宿泊が、予約コードNEW2019を入力すると、www.caravellehotel.com 掲載の各客室タイプ・朝食込みのオンライン最低価格から10%オフ。
予約はrsvn@caravellehotel.com へメールを。
▽Caravelle Saigonについて
1959年クリスマスイブの開業以降、カラベル・サイゴン(Caravelle Saigon)は、この偉大な都市で重要な全てのものの中心にあることで名声を得た。都心に位置するこのホテルは、オペラハウスとしても知られるサイゴン市民劇場(Saigon Municipal Theatre)、サイゴン大聖堂(Notre Dame Cathedral)、歴史的なドンコイ通り(Dong Khoi Street)、現代的なグエンフエ通り(Nguyen Hue Walking Street)、伝説的なベンタイン市場(Ben Thanh Market)のようなアイコニックなランドマークや場所へ歩いてすぐの距離にある。ホテルは壁の内側にありながら、重要な歴史的・文化的な出来事の中心にあり続けてきた。創建当時のオリジナルのデザインは、ベトナムでその種の建築物のうち最も高く最も近代的な建物の1つと称賛された。その後、戦時中の関与を経て、人気の映画や文学作品にカメオ出演した。
Ms. Ngo Xuan Thu
Marketing & Communications Manager
Email: thu.ngo@caravellehotel.com
Phone: +84-906569676
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190508/2460243-1
ソース:Caravelle Saigon
Caravelle Saigon's Newly-Renovated Guest Rooms are Open
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, May 9, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
This May marks the official release of Caravelle Saigon's newly-renovated guest
rooms that they are extremely excited to share with travelers. So far it's
taken nine month of renovations, masterful juggling of rooms and bookings by
their amazing staff, and great patience by all involved. But it has all been worth it.
Caravelle Saigon has held a special place in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City
since its opening on Christmas Eve back in 1959. It all started when they threw
open their doors to an expectant public eager to see its original design,
hailed at the time as one of the tallest and most modern buildings of its kind.
Fast forward 60 years and Caravelle Saigon start their birthday celebrations
this year by flinging open the doors to the new rooms in the Opera Wing on
floors 8 to 12. These start at approximately 38.5sqm (415sqft) in size with
spacious walk-in vanities and bathrooms beautifully finished with imported
marble throughout. Large soundproof windows stream in natural light which
offer guests unparalleled views across the heart of the city, including the historic
Opera House on one side and glimpses of the meandering Saigon River on the other.
Caught up in the tumult of conflict for almost two decades following its
opening, Caravelle Saigon became a home for journalists covering the war,
soldiers looking for some much needed R&R, and even Australian and New Zealand
Embassies as a place of work.
To this day, Caravelle Saigon remains that home-away-from-home not only for
guests caught up in the nostalgia of a bygone era but also for discerning
guests who expect everything that comes with a modern five-star hotel
experience. While history is at the core of the hotel experience, it doesn't
come at the expense of comfort and luxury.
Each room comes equipped with a 49" Samsung flat screen TV, free wifi and
newly-upgraded decor and finishes that stay true to the warm, comfortable
feeling that Caravelle Saigon has become renowned. If 38.5sqm is not enough,
then try the Signature Premium or Signature Studio rooms, each boasting a
larger floor area, couch and working space, perfect for longer business or
leisure trips.
Introductory offers
Book and Stay between May 15th and July 15th, receive 10% off the lowest online
rate shown on www.caravellehotel.com for each room category, including
breakfast, when quoting booking code NEW2019
For bookings, please email: rsvn@caravellehotel.com
About Caravelle Saigon
Since its opening on Christmas Eve 1959, Caravelle Saigon has gained renown for
being at the heart of everything important in this great city. Located in the
city centre, the hotel is a short walk to iconic landmarks and locations, such
as the Saigon Municipal Theatre, also known as the Opera House, Notre Dame
Cathedral, historic Dong Khoi Street, modern Nguyen Hue Walking Street, and the
legendary Ben Thanh Market. Within its walls, the hotel has been at the centre
of significant historic and cultural events as well, beginning with its original design
hailed at the time as one of the tallest and most modern buildings of its kind in Vietnam.
Then, there was its involvement during the war years, followed by cameo roles in
popular films and literature. While much of what lies at the heart of Caravelle Saigon
is historic, its rooms are modern and luxurious, making it the ideal place to make
your own history in one of the most enchanting cities in the world.
Media Contact:
Ms. Ngo Xuan Thu
Marketing & Communications Manager
Email: thu.ngo@caravellehotel.com
Phone: +84-906569676
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190508/2460243-1
Newly-renovated guestroom
SOURCE Caravelle Saigon
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