AsiaNet 78727
ローザンヌ(スイス)、2019年5月15日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
新型光センサーを開発するアクトライト(ActLight SA)は本日、シリーズCエクイティファイナンスの完了を発表しました。
スイスコム・ベンチャーズ(Swisscom Ventures)がinvestiere.ch、新規投資家クアン・ファンズ(Quan Funds)他の民間投資家と共にリードインベスターを努めました。アクトライトは調達した資金を自社のTOF(Time-Of-Flight)ソリューションのさらなる開発、とりわけスマートフォン、自動走行車、その他革新的装置の深度センサーを大幅に改良すべく作られた3D TOFセンサーアレイや単一光子距離計(Single Photon Range Meters)のデモ機製造のサポートに使う予定です。
アクトライト社はTOFベースの距離測定(ユーザー検出、ジェスチャー制御、視覚認識など)、バイタルサイン・モニタリング、3D/2Dカメラのような、もののインターネット(IoT)の世界における光センサーの様々なアプリケーションの効率と精度を大幅に上げるCMOSベースの画期的フォトニクス技術であるダイナミックフォトダイオード(Dynamic PhotoDiode)で特許を取得しています。
Video: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/886627/ActLight_LIGHT.mp4
Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/886628/Actlight_Logo.jpg
Serguei Okhonin
共同創業者 & CEO
ActLight SA Announces Closing of Its Series C Round of Financing
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, May 15, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
ActLight SA, the company developing a novel class of light sensors, announced
today the closing of their Series C equity financing.
Swisscom Venture served as the lead investor, along with investiere.ch, new
investor Quan Funds and other private investors. ActLight SA intends to use the
proceeds from the financing to support further advancement of its Time-Of-Flight
(TOF) solutions, particularly to produce demonstrators of 3D TOF Sensor Arrays
and Single Photon Range Meters, which are designed to significantly improve
the depth sensing performances in smartphones, self-driving vehicles and
other innovative devices.
"This financing round is a significant milestone for us as we continue to
advance our technology pipeline and we would like to welcome all of our new and
current investors and thank them for sharing our entrepreneurial vision.
They help us shaping the future of light sensing," said Serguei Okhonin, Co-Founder
and Chief Executive Officer. "With these funds, we intend to pursue the development of
very innovative TOF light sensors which we believe can respond to the big needs of
innovation in depth sensing and expand the array of applications in this field."
ActLight SA patented the Dynamic PhotoDiode, a breakthrough CMOS-based
photonics technology that allows to substantially enhance the efficiency and
accuracy of various light sensing applications in the Internet of Things (IoT)
space, like TOF based distance measuring (i.e. user detection, gesture control
and visual recognition), vital signs monitoring, 3D/2D cameras and much more.
ActLight SA operates in markets like mobile and wearable devices, healthcare,
autonomous driving, drones and robotics.
The Dynamic PhotoDiode has been chosen and licensed by a leading semiconductor
company to be integrated in one of their chips for vital signs monitoring in
wearable devices; more deals in different markets are progressing in our
opportunity pipeline.
Video: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/886627/ActLight_LIGHT.mp4
Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/886628/Actlight_Logo.jpg
Serguei Okhonin
Co-Founder & CEO
Source: ActLight SA