AsiaNet 78771 (0860)
【プリマスミーティング(米ペンシルベニア州)、ジャーマンタウン(米メリーランド州)、ヒルデン(ドイツ)2019年5月17日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc.(NASDAQ: INO)とQIAGEN N.V.(NYSE: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA)は20日、Inovioのヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)関連の進行性子宮頸部異形成治療用の免疫療法であるVGX-3100に反応する可能性が最も高い患者を特定するための診断試験を共同開発事業を発表した。この精密医療パートナーシップは、子宮頸部へのHPV感染に対する初の承認済み治療法と、同ウイルス関連の前がん性子宮頸部病変に対する初の非外科的治療法となる可能性があり、現在、2つの重要な第3相臨床試験(REVEAL 1および2)が行われている後期製品候補であるInovioのVGX-3100に焦点を当てたものである。金銭的取り決めは明らかにされていない。
QIAGENのピアー・M・シャーツ最高経営責任者(CEO)は「HPV感染症や前がん性疾患の治療に劇的な変化をもたらす可能性のあるVGX-3100の恩恵を受けられる患者を特定するための液体生検ベースのコンパニオン診断薬を開発することで、Inovioをサポートできるのをうれしく思う。当社のサンプルから解析に至るワークフローと、免疫腫瘍の精密医療向け診断ソリューションの開発経験は、この満たされていない大きな医療ニーズにInovioが応える手助けとして非常に適している。当社のチームはHPV関連の分子試験と子宮頸がんに関して豊富な経験を有しており、Inovioと共同でこの専門知識を生かせることを楽しみにしている。このプロジェクトは、Inovioがこのユニークな分子アッセイの力に現在貢献している新しいマイクロRNAバイオマーカーの発見に取り組むためにQIAGEN Genomic Servicesを選択した発見段階に始まった協業のケーススタディでもある。プロジェクトは開発に進み、Inovioは現在、VGX-3100の規制当局への申請を2021年に行うことを目指している」と述べた。
HPVは生殖管の最も一般的なウイルス感染症で、子宮頸がんの主な原因であり、女性の間で4番目に一般的ながんである。世界保健機関(WHO)は2018年、推定57万件の子宮頸がんの新規症例と31万1000人の死亡を報告した。世界中で3億人近い女性がHPVに感染していると推定され、前がん段階に進行している症例がさらに約3000万件もある。子宮頸がんの原因の少なくとも70%が、リスクの高いHPV 16およびHPV 18の遺伝子型と推定されている。
InovioのVGX-3100は、HPV 16とHPV 18の感染症と進行性子宮頸部異形成(第3相)、ならびに外陰部と肛門の異形成(第2相)の治療に向けた臨床試験中の新規免疫療法である。VGX-3100は患者自身の免疫システムを活性化させ、手術に伴うリスクの増加なしに、HPV 16とHPV 18の感染と前がん性病変を除去する。
▽Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.について
Inovioは、がんと感染症を標的とした合成核技術の発見、開発、商品化に重点的に取り組む革新的バイオテクノロジー企業である。Inovioは独自の技術プラットフォームを抗原シーケシングとDNA送達に応用し、標的疾患に対する強力な免疫反応を活性化させている。この技術は生体内でのみ機能し、標的のがんや病原体に対する強力で完全に機能するT細胞と抗体反応を、絶え間なく活性化することが実証されている。Inovioの最先端臨床プログラムであるVGX-3100は、HPV関連子宮頸部前がんの治療薬として第3相試験に入っている。また、HPV関連がん、膀胱がん、膠芽細胞腫を標的とした免疫腫瘍プログラム開発が第2相試験中で、B型肝炎、ジカ、エボラ、MERS(中東呼吸器症候群)、HIV用のプラットフォーム開発プログラムもある。パートナーおよび共同研究者には、アストラゼネカ、Regeneron(リジェネロン)、Roche/Genentech(ロシュ/ジェネンテック)、ApolloBio Corporation、GeneOne Life Science、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations、米国防高等研究計画局(DARPA)、国立衛生研究所(NIH)、国立アレルギー・感染症研究所、国立がん研究所、HIV Vaccines Trial Network、ウォルター・リード陸軍研究所、ウィスター研究所、ペンシルベニア大学が含まれている。詳細は、 を参照。
オランダに本拠を置く持株会社QIAGEN N.V.は、顧客が生命の構成要素を含むサンプルから貴重な分子解析を得ることを可能にする「サンプルから解析まで」ソリューションの世界的大手プロバイダーである。当社のサンプル技術は、血液、組織、その他の材料からDNA、RNA、タンパク質を分離し、処理する。アッセイ技術がこれらの生体分子を可視化し、分析の準備を整える。バイオインフォマティクス・ソフトウエアと知識ベースは、データを読み取り、関連があり、すぐ実施可能な解析を報告する。自動化ソリューションは、シームレスで費用対効果の高いワークフローでこれらを結び付ける。QIAGENは、分子診断学(ヒューマンヘルスケア)、応用検査(主に法医学)、医薬品(製薬およびバイオテクノロジー企業)、学術(ライフサイエンス研究)で、世界中の50万以上の顧客にソリューションを提供している。2019年3月31日現在、QIAGENは世界の35を超す場所で約5100人を雇用している。
John Gilardi
+49 2103 29 11711
Dr. Thomas Theuringer
+49 2103 29 11826
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Ben Matone
Jeffrey C. Richardson
ソース:Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Inovio and QIAGEN Establish Collaboration to Develop Diagnostic Test for VGX-3100, Inovio's Novel Immunotherapy Targeting Advanced Cervical Pre-Cancer
PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., GERMANTOWN, Md., HILDEN, Germany, May 17, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/
--Liquid biopsy-based Precision Medicine test to guide patient selection for
Inovio's VGX-3100
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: INO) and QIAGEN N.V. (NYSE: QGEN;
Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) today announced a collaboration to co-develop a
diagnostic test to identify patients most likely to respond to VGX-3100,
Inovio's immunotherapy to treat advanced cervical dysplasia associated with the
human papillomavirus virus (HPV). This precision medicine partnership focuses
on Inovio's VGX-3100, a late-stage product candidate currently in two pivotal
Phase 3 clinical trials (REVEAL 1 and 2) with potential to become the first
treatment for HPV infection of the cervix and the first non-surgical treatment
for precancerous cervical lesions associated with the virus. Financial
arrangements were not disclosed.
Dr. J. Joseph Kim, Inovio's President & CEO, said, "As we advance our Synthetic
Nucleics platform we are always looking for ways to drive innovation within our
own technology or via a creative partner like QIAGEN. QIAGEN is bringing their
extensive track record of commercially developing and marketing novel
diagnostic tests to this important collaboration. Inovio is developing VGX-3100
as a non-surgical treatment for women with cervical pre-cancer and
pre-treatment biomarkers we have discovered could provide a targeted way to
identify patients most likely to respond to treatment with VGX-3100, increasing
absolute efficacy of the product."
"We are pleased to support Inovio by developing a liquid biopsy-based companion
diagnostic to identify patients who would benefit from VGX-3100, which has
potential to make a dramatic difference in the treatment of HPV infections and
precancerous disease. Our Sample to Insight workflows and experience in
developing diagnostic solutions for Precision Medicine in immuno-oncology are
well-suited to help Inovio address this large unmet medical need," said Peer M.
Schatz, Chief Executive Officer of QIAGEN. "Our team has deep experience in
HPV-related molecular testing and cervical cancer and is looking forward to
applying this expertise in partnership with Inovio, This project is also a case
study of a collaboration that started in the discovery phase, when Inovio
selected QIAGEN Genomic Services to work on the discovery of novel microRNA
biomarkers that now contribute to the power of this unique molecular assay. The
project progressed into development and Inovio now aims to make regulatory
submissions for VGX-3100 in 2021."
HPV is the most common viral infection of the reproductive tract and the major
cause of cervical cancer, the fourth most common cancer among women. The World
Health Organization (WHO) reported an estimated 570,000 new cases of cervical
cancer and 311,000 deaths in 2018. Almost 300 million women globally are
estimated to be infected with HPV, and about 30 million additional cases have
progressed to the precancerous stage. The high-risk HPV 16 and HPV 18 genotypes
are estimated to cause at least 70% of cervical cancers.
Inovio's VGX-3100 is a novel immunotherapy under clinical investigation for the
treatment of infection with HPV 16 and HPV 18 and advanced cervical dysplasia
(Phase 3), and the vulva and anus (Phase 2). VGX-3100 propels the patient's own
immune system to clear the HPV 16 and HPV 18 infections and precancerous
lesions without the increased risks associated with surgery.
About Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Inovio is an innovative biotechnology company focused on the discovery,
development, and commercialization of its synthetic nucleic technology targeted
against cancers and infectious diseases. Inovio's proprietary technology
platform applies antigen sequencing and delivery to activate potent immune
responses to targeted diseases. The technology functions exclusively in vivo,
and has been demonstrated to consistently activate robust and fully functional
T cell and antibody responses against targeted cancers and pathogens. Inovio's
most advanced clinical program, VGX-3100, is in Phase 3 for the treatment of
HPV-related cervical pre-cancer. Also in development are Phase 2
immuno-oncology programs targeting HPV-related cancers, bladder cancer, and
glioblastoma, as well as platform development programs in hepatitis B, Zika,
Ebola, MERS, and HIV. Partners and collaborators include AstraZeneca,
Regeneron, Roche/Genentech, ApolloBio Corporation, GeneOne Life Science, The
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
Innovations, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, National Institutes of
Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Cancer
Institute, HIV Vaccines Trial Network, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,
The Wistar Institute, and the University of Pennsylvania. For more information,
QIAGEN N.V., a Netherlands-based holding company, is the leading global
provider of Sample to Insight solutions that enable customers to gain valuable
molecular insights from samples containing the building blocks of life. Our
sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood,
tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible
and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret
data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these
together in seamless and cost-effective workflows. QIAGEN provides solutions to
more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human
healthcare), Applied Testing (primarily forensics), Pharma (pharma and biotech
companies) and Academia (life sciences research). As of March 31, 2019, QIAGEN
employed approximately 5,100 people in over 35 locations worldwide.
Inovio Forward-Looking Statement:
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to our
business, including our plans to develop electroporation-based drug and gene
delivery technologies and DNA vaccines, our expectations regarding our research
and development programs, including the planned initiation and conduct of
clinical trials and the availability and timing of data from those trials.
Actual events or results may differ from the expectations set forth herein as a
result of a number of factors, including uncertainties inherent in pre-clinical
studies, clinical trials and product development programs, the availability of
funding to support continuing research and studies in an effort to prove safety
and efficacy of electroporation technology as a delivery mechanism or develop
viable DNA vaccines, our ability to support our pipeline of SynCon(R) active
immunotherapy and vaccine products, the ability of our collaborators to attain
development and commercial milestones for products we license and product sales
that will enable us to receive future payments and royalties, the adequacy of
our capital resources, the availability or potential availability of
alternative therapies or treatments for the conditions targeted by us or our
collaborators, including alternatives that may be more efficacious or cost
effective than any therapy or treatment that we and our collaborators hope to
develop, issues involving product liability, issues involving patents and
whether they or licenses to them will provide us with meaningful protection
from others using the covered technologies, whether such proprietary rights are
enforceable or defensible or infringe or allegedly infringe on rights of others
or can withstand claims of invalidity and whether we can finance or devote
other significant resources that may be necessary to prosecute, protect or
defend them, the level of corporate expenditures, assessments of our technology
by potential corporate or other partners or collaborators, capital market
conditions, the impact of government healthcare proposals and other factors set
forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018,
our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, and
other regulatory filings we make from time to time. There can be no assurance
that any product candidate in our pipeline will be successfully developed,
manufactured or commercialized, that final results of clinical trials will be
supportive of regulatory approvals required to market licensed products, or
that any of the forward-looking information provided herein will be proven
accurate. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release,
and we undertake no obligation to update or revise these statements, except as
may be required by law.
QIAGEN Forward-Looking Statement:
Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered
forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. To the extent that any of the statements
contained herein relating to QIAGEN's products, launches, regulatory
submissions, collaborations, markets, strategy, taxes or operating results,
including without limitation its expected sales, adjusted net sales and
adjusted diluted earnings per share results, are forward-looking, such
statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that involve a
number of uncertainties and risks. Such uncertainties and risks include, but
are not limited to, risks associated with management of growth and
international operations (including the effects of currency fluctuations,
regulatory processes and dependence on logistics); variability of operating
results and allocations between customer classes; the commercial development of
markets for our products to customers in academia, pharma, applied testing and
molecular diagnostics; changing relationships with customers, suppliers and
strategic partners; competition; rapid or unexpected changes in technologies;
fluctuations in demand for QIAGEN's products (including fluctuations due to
general economic conditions, the level and timing of customers' funding,
budgets and other factors); our ability to obtain regulatory approval of our
products; difficulties in successfully adapting QIAGEN's products to integrated
solutions and producing such products; the ability of QIAGEN to identify and
develop new products and to differentiate and protect our products from
competitors' products; market acceptance of QIAGEN's new products and the
integration of acquired technologies and businesses; and the other factors
discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" contained in Item 3 of our most
recent Annual Report on Form 20-F. For further information, please refer to the
discussions in reports that QIAGEN has filed with, or furnished to, the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Investors Media
John Gilardi Dr. Thomas Theuringer
+49 2103 29 11711 +49 2103 29 11826
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Investors Media
Ben Matone Jeffrey C. Richardson
1-484-362-0076 1-267-440-4211
SOURCE: Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.