KPS Capital PartnersがColfax CorporationからHowdenを買収
KPS Capital PartnersがColfax CorporationからHowdenを買収
AsiaNet 78759 (0867)
【ニューヨーク2019年5月16日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
KPS Capital Partners(「KPS」)は16日、Colfax Corporation(NYSE:CFX)からHowden(「同社」)を18億ドルで買収する正式契約に署名したと発表した。契約は通常の完了調整に従い、18億ドルのうち16億6000万ドルは現金、1億4000万ドルは負債引き受けと少数株主持ち分だった。
Colfax Corporationのマット・トレロトーラ社長兼CEOは「われわれのエア・ガス・ハンドリング仲間が、その事業に投資して拡大するビジョンを持った強力なパートナーと働くようになったことを、とても喜んでいる。利益を伸ばす可能性に向けて事業の再編に成功したチームに感謝したい」と語った。
J.P. Morgan Securities LLCとRBC Capital Marketsが財務顧問、Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison LLPがKPSとその子会社の法律顧問を務めた。
Howdenは工業、電力、石油・ガス、鉱業の各業界に不可欠の空気・ガス処理製品を供給する世界的な大手企業。英スコットランドのグラスゴーに本社を置き、32カ国に進出した世界クラスの応用エンジニアリング・製造企業として160年の伝統を持つ。Howdenは高機能ファン、圧縮機、熱交換器、蒸気タービンなど空気・ガス処理機器を製造し、多岐にわたる市場や地理における世界中の顧客にサービスとサポートを提供している。12カ国に22製造施設、5300人以上の従業員を擁し、これには業界をリードする650人強のエンジニアが含まれる。Howdenの詳細は を参照。
▽KPS Capital Partnersについて
KPSは管理子会社を通じて投資ファンドシリーズのKPSスペシャル・シチュエーション・ファンズを運用し、運用資産は約50億ドルである(2019年3月31日現在)。KPSのパートナーは20年以上にわたり、株式投資の運用によって大規模な資本拡大の実現に専念してきた。投資先は基本素材、消費者・ヘルスケア・高級製品の各ブランド製品、自動車部品、設備機器、製造業を含む多様な業界に広がる生産・工業会社である。KPSは有能な経営チームと前向きに協力して事業を改善し、投資リターンを出すことで、投資家への価値創造に努めている。傘下企業に対しては、主に金融手段には頼らず、その戦略的位置や競争力、収益性を構造的に改善する。直接または合弁会社による傘下の企業は27カ国、100製造施設に広がり、年間売上高は現在総額58億ドル、2万2000人近くの従業員を抱える。KPSの投資戦略と傘下企業の詳細は を参照。
ソース:KPS Capital Partners, LP
Mark Semer or Daniel Yunger
KPS Capital Partners To Acquire Howden From Colfax Corporation
NEW YORK, May 16, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
-- Global Leader in Mission Critical Air and Gas Handling Equipment to Become
Independent Company
KPS Capital Partners ("KPS") announced today that it has signed a definitive
agreement to acquire Howden, (the "Company") from Colfax Corporation (NYSE:
CFX) for an enterprise value of $1.80 billion, including $1.66 billion in cash
consideration and $0.14 billion in assumed liabilities and minority interest,
subject to customary closing adjustments.
Howden is a leading global provider of mission critical air and gas handling
products and services to the industrial, power, oil & gas, and mining industries.
Based in Glasgow, Scotland, Howden has a 160 year heritage as a world-class
application engineering and manufacturing company with a presence in 32 countries.
Howden manufactures highly engineered fans, compressors, heat exchangers,
steam turbines, and other air and gas handling equipment, and provides service
and support to customers around the world in highly diversified end-markets and
geographies. The Company has over 5,300 employees, including over
650 industry-leading engineers and 22 manufacturing facilities in 12 countries.
Raquel Palmer, Co-Managing Partner of KPS, said, "We are thrilled to have the
opportunity to own and support Howden as the Company continues its path of
transformation and growth. Howden is a formidable company that benefits from
many positive secular trends, including increasingly greater environmental
standards, the need for energy conservation and the trend toward urbanization,
especially in developing economies. Howden enjoys a leading market position,
scale, a global manufacturing footprint, world-class design and engineering
capabilities, and a portfolio of industry-leading products. We intend to
capitalize on the Company's many attractive growth opportunities, including
strategic acquisitions, and to support its already substantial investment in
research and development, technology and new product development. We look
forward to partnering with Howden's talented management team to achieve success
as an independent company."
Ian Brander, Chief Executive Officer of Howden, said, "We are excited about our
future as an independent company under KPS' ownership. KPS is an ideal partner,
given its demonstrated track record of recognizing and growing world-class
industrial companies. KPS' commitment to continuous improvement, its global
network, access to capital and significant resources will enable us to continue to grow
our business and provide our customers with market-leading products and solutions."
"We are very pleased that our Air and Gas Handling associates will be working
with a strong partner whose vision is to invest and grow the business," said
Matt Trerotola, President and Chief Executive Officer of Colfax Corporation.
"I want to thank the team for their success in reshaping the business toward more
profitable growth opportunities."
Completion of the transaction is expected in the second half of 2019 and is
subject to customary closing conditions and approvals.
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and RBC Capital Markets acted as financial advisors
and Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP served as legal counsel to KPS
and its affiliates.
About Howden
Howden is a leading global provider of mission critical air and gas handling
products and services to the industrial, power, oil & gas, and mining
industries. Based in Glasgow, Scotland, Howden has a 160 year heritage as a
world-class application engineering and manufacturing company with a presence
in 32 countries. Howden manufactures highly engineered fans, compressors, heat
exchangers, steam turbines, and other air and gas handling equipment, and
provides service and support to customers around the world in highly
diversified end-markets and geographies. The Company has over 5,300 employees,
including over 650 industry-leading engineers, and 22 manufacturing facilities
in 12 countries. For more information on Howden, visit
About KPS Capital Partners
KPS, through its affiliated management entities, is the manager of the KPS
Special Situations Funds, a family of investment funds with approximately $5.0
billion of assets under management (as of March 31, 2019). For over two
decades, the Partners of KPS have worked exclusively to realize significant
capital appreciation by making controlling equity investments in manufacturing
and industrial companies across a diverse array of industries, including basic
materials, branded consumer, healthcare and luxury products, automotive parts,
capital equipment and general manufacturing. KPS creates value for its
investors by working constructively with talented management teams to make
businesses better, and generates investment returns by structurally improving
the strategic position, competitiveness and profitability of its portfolio
companies, rather than primarily relying on financial leverage. The KPS Funds
portfolio companies currently have aggregate annual revenues of approximately
$5.8 billion, operate 100 manufacturing facilities in 27 countries, and have
over 22,000 employees, directly and through joint ventures worldwide. The KPS
investment strategy and portfolio companies are described in detail at
SOURCE KPS Capital Partners, LP
CONTACT: Business Inquiries: KPS, 212.338.5100; Media Relations: Mark Semer or
Daniel Yunger. +1.212.521.4800