
The Organizing Committee of the Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival(CPAFF)


AsiaNet 78825 (0895)

【成都(中国)2019年5月20日新華社=共同通信JBN】5月15日の午前中、アジア文明対話大会(CDAC)が中国の首都・北京で開催された。Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival(成都パンダ・アジア美食祭、CPAFF)組織委員会によると、アジア文明対話大会の補完プログラムとしてCPAFFも同日に開始された。


14日の夜、成都はChengdu Panda Asian Food Festivalの歓迎ディナーとして「Tianfu Home Banquet(天府の家庭祝宴)」から開始し、遠く離れた場所から訪れた友人たちは、まさに最初の食事で四川食文化が伝える「家庭」の感覚を体験した。メニューの中心を伝統的な四川料理で構成し、市民による投票で選ばれた夫妻肺片、beef offal(牛のもつ肉)、回鍋肉、麻婆豆腐、樟茶鴨子といった16種類の「家庭でよく食べられる料理」でゲストを歓待した。


15日の夜にはChengdu Panda Asian Food Festivalに欠かせない「Creative Hot Pot Bazaar(創造的な火鍋バザール)」が成都の水街で正式に始まった。市内の火鍋ブランドが設営した可動式の店頭と展示ゾーンの他、「成都唐辛子競技会」といったアクティビティーが域内で開催され、市民とビジターは四川の「スパイシーな文化」を完全に堪能した。

Sichuan Hot Pot Association(四川火鍋協会)のシェン・ホングァン会長は「火鍋は成都の文化で欠くことのできない構成要素であり、この都市の魂と不可分である」と述べた。


スタートアップ企業を探しにロサンゼルスから訪れたアーロン・サンチェス氏は、すぐに成都全域に散りばめられた無数のごちそうを愛した。今ではサンチェス氏は成都の食を熟知していて、「鉢鉢鶏、chuan chuan skewers、火鍋、麻婆豆腐、yuxiang rousi fish fragrance shredded pork・・・私がロサンゼルスに帰っているときや、どこか他の場所を旅しているときでさえ、ここ成都の素晴らしい食の全てについて思わずにはいられない」と述べた。

このイベントの後援者によると、Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festivalは今月22日まで開催される。この期間中、市内のレストラン1200店と11のビジネス地区が参加する。特別展示会の「Food Above All: Cultural Journey on the Dining Table(何をおいても食:ダイニングテーブルでの文化旅行)」、「Black Pearl Head Chefs’ Club Initiation Ceremony and Forum(ブラックパール主任シェフクラブの入会式とフォーラム)」、「Tastes of Asia(アジアの味覚)」食文化と観光デー、そして他の一連のイベントで成都はにぎわい、すべての参加者は食とごちそうの背後にある強力な文化的固有性を楽しむことができる。

Food Festival(美食祭)の期間にわたって「Belt and Road」Southeast Asia Non-governmental Organization Alliance(「一帯一路」東南アジアNGO連合)、Slow Food Great China(スローフード・グレートチャイナ)、Numbing and Spicy Alliance of Japan、Institute of Cultural Industry of Peking University(北京大学文化産業インスティテュート)、Korean Dining Culture International Exchange Association(韓国食文化国際交流協会)といった組織によって共同結成された「Asian Culinary Culture Alliance(アジア食文化連合)」がその設立を宣言する。この連合は調理技術の保存・継承、食文化普及に従事する人的資源の育成、アジアの食文化プロモーション、そしてアジアの地域横断的な相互学習と相互理解の提唱を協力して行うことに重点を置く。

ソース:The Organizing Committee of the Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival(CPAFF)

Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival Held in Chinese City Chengdu


CHENGDU, China, May 20, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On the morning of May 15, the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations(CDAC)

commenced at Chinese capital Beijing. As a complementary program of

the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, the Chengdu Panda

Asian Food Festival(CPAFF) also kicked off on the same day, according to the

Organizing Committee of the Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival (CPAFF).

In a dialogue of civilizations, a dish is worth a thousand words. Chengdu, this

home to 16 million people and central city in western China, is undertaking a

campaign surrounding the core theme "great food, search for fragrance, showcase

our respective beauty and admire each other's beauty" and comprised of 45 activities

such as culinary cultural summit, "journey for the search of fragrance" art of living

experience tour, exchanges between well-known Chinese and foreign chefs,

culinary culture special exhibition, and culinary cultural theme days for eight Asian

nations and regions. This is a massive Asian culinary carnival for citizens and tourists alike,

and an event that uses foods as medium to promote the exchanges and mutual

appreciation between the civilizations of Asia.

On the evening of the 14th, Chengdu began with the "Tianfu Home Banquet" as the

welcoming dinner of the Chengdu Panda Asian Culinary Festival, which enabled

friends from afar to experience the feelings of "home" conveyed in Sichuan

culinary culture during their very first meal. With classic Sichuan dishes making up

the main line-up, guests were treated to 16 "dishes often eaten at home" such as

fuqi feipian spicy beef and beef offal, twice-cooked pork, mapo tofu and camphor leaf

and tea leaf-smoked duck, which were selected based on votes submitted by citizens.

As the saying goes, great foods in China, great tastes in Chengdu. As the first

"city of gastronomy" in Asia as named by the United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the heritage between Chengdu and

fine foods runs deep. Known since antiquity as the "Land of Abundance" due to

the mild climate and abundant produce, Chengdu is a city with more than 2,300

years of history and profound cultural legacy. The superb natural resources and

sound social environment have become inherent advantages conducive to the

development of culinary culture in this city.

On the evening of the 15th, the Creative Hot Pot Bazaar, an integral part of

the Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival, officially began at Water Street in

Chengdu. Other than mobile storefronts and exhibition zones set up by the

city's hot pot brands, also activities such as "Chengdu Chili Pepper Competition"

are held on-site to thoroughly enable citizens and visitors to relish in Sichuan's "spicy culture".

"Hot pot is an indispensable constituent of Chengdu culture, and it is inseparable

from the soul of this city," President of Sichuan Hot Pot Association Shen Hongguang remarked.

Other than the famous hot pot, Chengdu is also the cradle to Sichuan cuisine,

one of the eight major cuisines of China. But here in Chengdu, gastronomic

delights are much more than just hot pot and Sichuan foods. Due to the

love-life and love-dining attitude of the locals and the open-minded and

inclusive social environment, Chengdu is at present home to more than 100,000

dining establishments of all sorts, including foods from across the globe.

Chengdu is also the top city in western China in terms of the number of

international and domestic food and beverage brands represented.

Aaron Sanchez came to Chengdu from Los Angeles to found his start-up, and soon

he fell in love with the myriad of treats scattered around the city. Today, he knows

the foods of Chengdu like the back of his hand, "Bobochicken, chuan chuan skewers,

hot pot, mapo tofu, yuxiang rousi fish fragrance shredded pork...

whenever I am back in LA, or even when I just travel somewhere else, I could

not help but think about all the fantastic foods here in Chengdu," he said.

According to the event sponsor, this edition of the Chengdu Panda Asian Food

Festival will continue until the 22nd of this month. During this period, more

than 1,200 restaurants and 11 business districts throughout the city will get

involved. The "Food Above All: Cultural Journey on the Dining Table" special

exhibition, "Black Pearl Head Chefs' Club Initiation Ceremony and Forum,"

"Tastes of Asia" culinary culture and tourism theme days and a series of other

events will fire up the city and allow every participant to revel in the

cultural charisma behind the foods and dishes.

During the span of the Food Festival, the "Asian Culinary Culture Alliance,"

formed jointly by organizations such as the "Belt and Road" Southeast Asia

Non-governmental Organization Alliance, Slow Food Great China, Numbing and

Spicy Alliance of Japan, Institute of Cultural Industry of Peking University

and Korean Dining Culture International Exchange Association, will announce its

establishment. The alliance is dedicated to the concerted preservation and

inheritance of culinary techniques, cultivation of human resources engaged in

culinary culture dissemination, promotion of the culinary cultures of Asia, and

advocation of the mutual learning and mutual appreciation of cross-region

civilizations in Asia.

Source: The Organizing Committee of the Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival





