Natura &Coとエイボンが世界的な消費者直販の美容リーダーを創設するために協力

Natura &Co

Natura &Coとエイボンが世界的な消費者直販の美容リーダーを創設するために協力

AsiaNet 78884(0931)

【サンパウロ、ロンドン2019年5月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Natura &Co(B3:NATU3)はエイボン・プロダクツ(Avon Products, Inc.)(NYSE:AVP)を全額株式交換方式で買収し、世界第4位の美容専業グループ、かつ業界における永遠の一大勢力を創設すると発表した。


拡大された同グループは、そのアイコニックなブランド、リレーションシップへの共通の情熱、そのオムニチャネル能力を活用し、いつでも、どこでも、毎日、世界中の2億人以上の消費者に美をもたらす。Natura &Coは、既にNatura(ナチュラ)、The Body Shop(ザ・ボディショップ)、Aesop(イソップ)を含むポートフォリオにエイボンを加えることで、さまざまな消費者のプロファイルや流通チャネルへのサービスを向上させ、新しい市場への拡大能力を強化する。


Natura &Coは、買収により年間1億5000万米ドルから2億5000万米ドルのターゲットシナジーがもたらされると見込んでおり、その一部は、デジタルおよびソーシャル販売、研究開発、ブランドイニシアチブの一層の能力強化のために、そして、同グループの地理的フットプリントの拡大継続のために再投資される。


Natura &Coの執行会長であるロベルト・マルケス氏は「Natura &Coは2013年にAesopを、2017年にThe Body Shopをそれぞれ買収した後、グローバルでマルチブランド、マルチチャンネル、目的志向のグループを構築するため、もう1つのエキサイティングで決定的な一歩を踏み出した。エイボンは、情熱的な仲間と、リレーションシップの力を信じる500万人超のRepresentativeを擁する素晴らしい会社であり、アイコニックなブランドである。われわれはともに、成長するデジタル能力、ConsultantとRepresentativeのソーシャルネットワークを強化し、グローバルな店舗のフットプリントと独特のブランドを利用し、毎日異なるプロファイルを持つ何百万人もの消費者とつながり、接触し、影響を与え、同グループをユニークにし、成長のための素晴らしいプラットフォームを創出する」と宣言した。

エイボンのCEOであるヤン・ゼイデルフェルト氏は「今回の買収は、エイボンの130年にわたる歴史におけるエキサイティングな新しい章の始まりである。これは『Open Up Avon』への取り組みの証であり、われわれは当社の戦略を大幅に加速させ、さらにオンラインチャネルへ拡大することを可能にすると確信している。過去1年間、われわれは「Her(彼女)」への注目を新たにし、事業を簡素化し、当社ブランドを近代化、デジタル化することによって、エイボンの競争力を強化するための変革を開始した。われわれはNaturaとともに、成長を促し、株主価値を高めるため、イノベーションへの幅広いアクセス、製品ポートフォリオ、より強力なeコマースおよびデジタルプラットフォーム、Representativeのために改善されたデータとツールを持つことになる。さらにわれわれは、Naturaの支援を受けて最先端技術への投資を継続し、当社のデジタル能力とRepresentativeの生産性を向上させる。エイボンとNaturaはいずれも目的志向型組織であり、合併により、われわれは数百万人のRepresentativeへのサービスを向上させ「Her(彼女の)」体験と収益を強化するというNaturaと同様に堅持されたコミットメントを備えたエイボンの国際的プレゼンスを活用する」と語った。


買収の一環として新たなブラジル持株会社Natura Holding S.A.が設立された。エイボンの普通株式1株当たりNatura Holding株式0.300株の固定交換比率に基づき、Natura &Co株主は新会社株式の約76%を所有し、エイボンの普通株主は約24%を所有することになる。NaturaがエイボンとNaturaとの間の交渉を確認する重要事実(Material Fact)を発表する1日前である2019年3月21日時点のNaturaの終値に基づくと、今回の買収はエイボン株主に対して28%のプレミアムを意味し、2018年EBITDA(利払い前・税引き前・減価償却前利益)に対する倍率は9.5であり、またNaturaの予想される相乗効果の完全な影響を仮定すれば5.6倍を示している。2019年5月21日の終値に基づくと、買収によりエイボンの企業価値は37億米ドルで、合併後のグループの企業価値は約110億米ドルとなる。取引完了とともにNatura Holding S.A.の株式は、55%が公開フロートでB3に上場され、またNYSEにもADRが上場される。エイボン株主はNYSE上場のADRで受け取るか、B3上場株式で受け取るかを選択できる。詳細な情報は以下のリンクを通じてアクセスできる重要事実を参照。

取引完了とともに、Natura Holding S.A.取締役会は13人の取締役で構成され、うち3人はエイボンが指名する。今回の買収は、Natura &Coとエイボンの両方の株主、ブラジル独占禁止当局およびその他の特定の管轄区域による承認などの通常の取引完了条件の審査完了を待って、2020年初めに完了の予定。

UBS Investment Bankとモルガン・スタンレーがNatura &Coの財務顧問を務め、ゴールドマン・サックスがエイボンの財務顧問を、PJT Partnersがエイボン取締役会メンバーの財務顧問をそれぞれ務めた。


NATURA &Coはブラジル時間5月23日(木曜)午前9時(米東部時間午前8時)にカンファレンスコールを開き、今回の買収案件を討議する。


ブラジル:+55 11 3193-1001ないし+55 11 2820-4001

米国・カナダ:+1-646-828-8246ないしToll Free: 1-800-492-3904

英国:+44 20 7442-5660ないしToll Free 0-808-111-0152


カンファレンスコールおよび関連するプレゼンテーション資料のライブウェブキャストは の各社のウェブサイトのIR(投資家向け広報)セクションにある。


Natura(ナチュラ)、Aesop(イソップ)、The Body Shop(ザ・ボディショップ)のコンビネーションから生まれた企業ブランドNATURA &COは、目的に基づいて推進されるグローバルでマルチチャンネル、マルチブランドの化粧品グループの創出を統合する。グループを構成するこの3社は、ポジティブな経済的、社会的、環境的影響力を作り出すことにコミットしている。1969年に設立されたNaturaは、化粧品およびパーソナルケア分野のブラジルの多国籍企業であり、直販のリーダーである。1976年に英国のブライトンでアニータ・ロディック氏が創設したThe Body Shopは、世界にプラスの差別化をもたらすことを目指しているグローバルな美容ブランドである。オーストラリアの美容ブランドAesopは1987年に設立され、肌、髪、そして肉体のための最高級製品を生み出すことを目指している。

▽エイボン・プロダクツ(Avon Products, Inc.)について

エイボンは130年にわたる女性のための企業であり、主として女性に、女性の手を通じて販売される革新的で高品質の化粧品を提供している。世界中の数百万の独立系RepresentativeがAvon Color、ANEWなどのアイコニックなエイボンブランドを彼らのソーシャルネットワークを通じて販売し、彼らの独自の美容事業をフルタイムないしパートタイムのベースで構築している。エイボンは、女性の能力開発、起業家精神、そして幸福を支援し、エイボンとAvon Foundationを通じて10億ドル以上を女性の大義のために寄付してきた。エイボンおよび同社製品に関する詳細な情報は 、#Stand4Herを参照。


Natura &Co


Marcelo Behar

Corporate Affairs Officer Natura &Co


Viviane Behar de Castro

Investor Relations Director, Natura &Co



Natalie Deacon

Executive Director Communications, Avon Products, Inc.

+ 44(0) 7725 150853

Email: /


Amy Greene

Vice President, Investor Relations, Avon Products, Inc.

+ 001 212 282 5320





この通知は、Natura Holding S.A.(まとめてNatura Cosmeticos S.A.、「Natura」)およびエイボン・プロダクツ(Avon Products, Inc.、「Avon」)を含む提案された取引に関して行われている。提案された取引に関連して、Naturaは証券取引委員会(「SEC」)にエイボンの委任状およびNaturaの目論見書を含むフォームF-4の登録声明を提出する。Naturaとエイボンはまた、提案された取引に関するその他の文書をSECに提出する予定であり、共同委任勧誘状/目論見書がエイボンの株主に郵送される。この通知は、委任勧誘状、登録届出書、委任状勧誘状/目論見書、または取引案に関してNaturaおよび/またはエイボンがSECに提出することができるその他の文書に代替するものではない。投資家は、投票または投資決定を下す前に、提案された取引に関するフォームF-4および共同委任勧誘状/目論見書およびその他の関連文書の全てが利用可能になった時に注意して読むよう勧告される。これらには提案された取引に関する重要情報が含まれているからである。フォームF-4および共同委任勧誘状/目論見書、ならびにNaturaおよびエイボンに関する情報を含むその他の提出書類は、SECのインターネットサイト( )から無料で入手することができる。共同委任勧誘状/目論見書のコピーも、入手可能な場合、Naturaのウェブサイト から無料で入手できる。共同委任勧誘状/目論見書のコピーは、入手可能であれば、エイボンのウェブサイトから無料で入手できる。


Naturaとエイボン、両社の取締役、執行役員およびその他の経営陣メンバー、従業員は提案された取引に関連した委任勧誘状の参加者と見なされる場合がある。証券保有またはその他の方法による直接または間接の利益の説明を含む、提案された取引に関連して委任勧誘の参加者と見なされる可能性がある人物に関する情報は、SECに提出される際には、共同委任勧誘状/目論見書およびその他の関連資料に記載される。Naturaの取締役および執行役員に関する情報は、2018年4月24日にブラジル証券委員会に提出されたNaturaのReference Form for 2018のバージョン15に含まれている。エイボンの取締役および執行役員に関する情報は2019年4月2日にSECに提出されたエイボンの2019年年次株主総会に関する最終委任状に含まれている。これらの文書は上記の情報源から無料で入手できる。

ソース:Natura &Co

Natura &Co and Avon join forces to create a Direct-to-Consumer global beauty leader


SAO PAULO and LONDON, May 23, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Natura &Co (B3: NATU3) announces that it is acquiring Avon Products, Inc.

(NYSE: AVP) in an all-share transaction, creating the fourth-largest pure-play

beauty group in the world and a major force for good in the industry.

The combination creates a best-in-class multi-brand and multi-channel beauty

group, with direct connections to consumers on a daily basis. The group will

hold leading positions in relationship selling through Avon´s and Natura's over

6.3 million Consultants and Representatives, a global footprint through 3,200

stores, as well as an expanded digital presence across all companies. The combined

Group is expected to have annual gross revenues of over US$10 billion,

over 40,000 associates and be present in 100 countries.

Leveraging its iconic brands, common passion for relationships, and its

omnichannel capabilities, the expanded group will bring beauty to over 200

million consumers across the world, anytime, anywhere, every day. By adding

Avon to a portfolio that already includes Natura, The Body Shop and Aesop,

Natura &Co will enhance its ability to better serve its different consumer

profiles and distribution channels and expand into new geographies.

Avon and Natura were both founded by mission-driven individuals, reaching

customers through a force of independent, primarily female micro-entrepreneurs,

who act as brand ambassadors and beauty advisors. Avon is an iconic brand with

a heritage of over 130 years and is the world's leading relationship selling beauty

platform. Its strong brands across key beauty categories and competitive

positions in a number of markets give it significant potential for future growth.

Natura &Co expects the combination to result in target synergies estimated at

US$150 million to US$250 million annually, some of which will be reinvested to

further enhance capabilities in digital and social selling, research & development

and brand initiatives and to continue to grow the Group's geographic footprint.

Luiz Seabra, Co-Founder of Natura, declared: "We have always looked at Avon with

respect and admiration. Natura was founded on its passion for beauty and relationships,

and today's transaction creates a major force in the direct-to-consumer space.

Direct selling was a social network before the word even existed, and the arrival of

technology and globalization only multiplied opportunities to connect with consumers in

a meaningful way. The peer-to-peer sales model is evolving towards social selling and

the power of digital allows the group to go beyond providing products and advice,

and advances women empowerment, through financial independence and enhanced

self-esteem. We believe that business can be a force for good and together with Avon,

we will amplify our pioneering efforts to bring social, environmental and economic

value to an ever-expanding network."

Roberto Marques, Executive Chairman of Natura &Co, declared: "Following the

acquisitions of Aesop in 2013 and The Body Shop in 2017, Natura & Co is taking

another exciting, decisive step to build a global, multi-brand, multi-channel,

purpose-driven Group.  Avon is an amazing company, an iconic brand, with

passionate associates and over five million Representatives who also believe in

the power of relationships. Together we will enhance our growing digital

capabilities, our social network of Consultants and Representatives and

leverage our global store footprint and distinctive brands, connecting,

touching and influencing millions of consumers with different profiles daily,

making our Group unique and creating a formidable platform for growth."

Jan Zijderveld, CEO of Avon, said: "This combination is the start of an

exciting new chapter in Avon's 130-year history. It stands as a testament to

the progress of our efforts to 'Open Up Avon', and we believe it will allow us

to significantly accelerate our strategy and further expand into the online

channel. Over the past year, we have started a transformation to strengthen

Avon's competitiveness by renewing our focus on Her, simplifying our operations,

and modernizing and digitizing our brand. Together with Natura, we will have broader

access to innovation and a portfolio of products, a stronger e-commerce and digital platform,

and improved data and tools for Representatives to drive growth and enhance value for

shareholders. Further, with the support of Natura, we will continue to invest in cutting-edge

technology to enhance our digital capabilities and productivity for our Representatives.

Both Avon and Natura are purpose-driven organizations, and the combination will enable

us to better serve our millions of Representatives, leveraging Avon's international presence

with the same strongly-held commitment to enhancing Her experience and earnings."

Chan Galbato, Non-Executive Chairman of Avon said: "Our focus has been to

enhance the Representative experience, accelerate international expansion,

improve our cost structure, increase financial flexibility, and ultimately position

the company for long-term growth and success. The Board is committed

to enhancing value for shareholders and this combination with Natura represents

a new era of future growth for Avon. The Avon Board is confident that Natura

will be a powerful partner for the Avon brand, while providing more scale,

operations and expanded opportunities for employees and Representatives, and

tremendous upside potential to both sets of shareholders. We are pleased to

support this transformational combination."

As part of this transaction, a new Brazilian holding company, Natura Holding

S.A., has been created. Based upon the fixed exchange ratio of 0.300 Natura

Holding shares for each share of Avon common stock, Natura &Co's shareholders

will own approximately 76% of the combined company, while Avon common

shareholders will own approximately 24%. Based on Natura's undisturbed closing

price on March 21, 2019, one day prior to Natura issuing the Material Fact

confirming negotiations between Avon and Natura, the transaction represents a

28% premium to Avon shareholders and implies a 2018 EBITDA multiple of 9.5x or

5.6x assuming the full impact of Natura's expected synergies.  Based on closing

prices on May 21, 2019, the transaction values Avon at an enterprise value of

US$3.7 billion and the combined group would have an enterprise value of

approximately US$11 billion. Upon closing, Natura Holding S.A.'s stock will be

listed on B3 with a 55% public float and it will also have ADRs listed on the

NYSE. Avon shareholders will have the option to receive ADRs traded on the NYSE

or shares listed on B3. Further information is available in the Material Fact

which can be accessed through the following link

Upon closing, the Board of Directors of the combined company will consist of 13

members, 3 of which will be designated by Avon. The transaction remains subject

to customary closing conditions including approval by both Natura &Co's and

Avon's shareholders as well as anti-trust authorities in Brazil and certain

other jurisdictions. Closing is expected in early 2020.

UBS Investment Bank and Morgan Stanley acted as financial advisors to Natura

&Co. Goldman Sachs acted as financial advisor to Avon and PJT Partners acted as

financial advisor to members of the Avon Board of Directors.

Conference Call and Webcast

NATURA &Co will host a conference call and webcast on Thursday, May 23 at 9:00

AM BRT, 8:00 AM EST to discuss the transaction.

The conference call can be accessed by dialing +55 11 3193-1001 or +55 11

2820-4001 for Brazil, +1-646-828-8246 or Toll Free: 1-800-492-3904 for USA and

Canada and +44 20 7442-5660 or Toll Free 0-808-111-0152 for United Kingdom. The

confirmation code is Natura. Participants should dial in 10 minutes prior to

the scheduled start time.

A live webcast of the conference call and associated presentation materials

will be available in the investor relations section of each company's website



Resulting from the combination of Natura, Aesop and The Body Shop, the

corporate brand Natura &Co consolidates the creation of a global, multi-channel

and multi-brand cosmetics group that is driven by purpose. The three companies

that form the group are committed to generating positive economic, social and

environmental impact. Founded in 1969, Natura is a Brazilian multinational in

the cosmetics and personal care segment, leader in direct sales. Founded in

1976 in Brighton, England, by Anita Roddick, The Body Shop is a global beauty

brand that seeks to make a positive difference in the world. The Australian

beauty brand Aesop was established in 1987 with a quest to create a range of

superlative products for skin, hair and the body.

About Avon Products, Inc.

For 130 years Avon has stood for women: providing innovative, quality beauty

products which are primarily sold to women, through women. Millions of

independent Representatives across the world sell iconic Avon brands such as

Avon Color and ANEW through their social networks, building their own beauty

businesses on a full- or part-time basis. Avon supports women's empowerment,

entrepreneurship and well-being and has donated over $1 billion to women's

causes through Avon and the Avon Foundation. Learn more about Avon and its

products at #Stand4Her.

Media enquiries Natura &Co:

Marcelo Behar, Corporate Affairs Officer Natura &Co

Investor Relations Natura &Co:

Viviane Behar de Castro, Investor Relations Director, Natura &Co

Media inquiries Avon:

Natalie Deacon, Executive Director Communications, Avon Products, Inc.

+ 44(0) 7725 150853

Email:  /

Investor Relations Avon:

Amy Greene, Vice President, Investor Relations, Avon Products, Inc.

+ 001 212 282 5320



This communication is for informational purposes and does not constitute an

offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or a

solicitation of any vote or approval, nor shall there be any sale of securities

in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful

prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such



This communication is being made in respect of the proposed transaction

involving Natura Holding S.A. (collectively with Natura Cosmeticos S.A.,

"Natura") and Avon Products, Inc. ("Avon"). In connection with the proposed

transaction, Natura will file with the Securities and Exchange Commission

("SEC") a registration statement on Form F-4 that will include a proxy

statement of Avon and a prospectus of Natura. Natura and Avon also plan to file

other documents with the SEC regarding the proposed transaction and a joint

proxy statement/prospectus will be mailed to shareholders of Avon. This

communication is not a substitute for any proxy statement, registration

statement, proxy statement/prospectus or other documents that Natura and/or

Avon may file with the SEC in connection with the proposed transaction. BEFORE





TRANSACTION. The Form F-4 and the joint proxy statement/prospectus, as well as

other filings containing information about Natura and Avon, will be available

without charge at the SEC's Internet site ( Copies of the joint

proxy statement/prospectus can also be obtained, when available, without

charge, from Natura's website at Copies of the joint proxy

statement/prospectus can be obtained, when available, without charge from

Avon's website at


Natura and Avon, their respective directors, executive officers and other

members of their management and employees may be deemed to be participants in

the solicitation of proxies in connection with the proposed transaction.

Information regarding the persons who may, under the rules of the SEC, be

deemed participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the

proposed transaction, including a description of their direct or indirect

interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be set forth in the joint

proxy statement/ prospectus and other relevant materials when they are filed

with the SEC. Information regarding the directors and executive officers of

Natura is contained in Natura's Reference Form for 2018, version 15, which was

filed with the Brazilian Securities Commission on April 24, 2019. Information

regarding the directors and executive officers of Avon is contained in Avon's

definitive proxy statement for its 2019 annual meeting of shareholders, filed

with the SEC on April 2, 2019. These documents can be obtained free of charge

from the sources indicated above.


Statements in this communication (or in the documents it incorporates by

reference) that are not historical facts or information may be forward-looking

statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act

of 1995. Among other things, these forward looking statements may include

statements regarding the proposed transaction involving Natura and Avon;

beliefs relating to value creation as a result of a proposed transaction

involving Natura and Avon; the expected timetable for completing the

transaction; benefits and synergies of the transaction; future opportunities

for the combined company; and any other statements regarding Avon's and

Natura's future beliefs, expectations, plans, intentions, financial condition

or performance. In some cases, words such as "estimate," "project," "forecast,"

"plan," "believe," "may," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "planned,"

"potential," "can," "expectation," "could," "will," "would" and similar

expressions, or the negative of those expressions, may identify forward-looking

statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Natura's and Avon's

expectations and beliefs concerning future events and involve risks and

uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from current

expectations. These factors are difficult to predict accurately and may be

beyond Natura's and Avon's control. Forward-looking statements in this

communication or elsewhere speak only as of the date made. New uncertainties

and risks arise from time to time, and it is impossible for Natura or Avon to

predict these events or how they may affect Natura or Avon. Therefore, you

should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements as predictors of

future events. Except as required by law, neither Natura nor Avon has any duty

to, and does not intend to, update or revise the forward-looking statements in

this communication or elsewhere after the date this communication is issued. In

light of these risks and uncertainties, investors should keep in mind that

results, events or developments discussed in any forward-looking statement made

in this communication may not occur. Uncertainties and risk factors that could

affect Natura's and/or Avon's future performance and cause results to differ

from the forward-looking statements in this communication include, but are not

limited to, (a) the parties' ability to consummate the transaction or satisfy

the conditions to the completion of the transaction, including the receipt of

shareholder approvals and the receipt of regulatory approvals required for the

transaction on the terms expected or on the anticipated schedule; (b) the

parties' ability to meet expectations regarding the timing, completion and

accounting and tax treatments of the transaction; (c) the possibility that any

of the anticipated benefits of the proposed transaction will not be realized or

will not be realized within the expected time period; (d) the risk that

integration of Avon's operations with those of Natura will be materially

delayed or will be more costly or difficult than expected; (e) the failure of

the proposed transaction to close for any other reason; (f) the effect of the

announcement of the transaction on customer and consultant relationships and

operating results (including, without limitation, difficulties in maintaining

relationships with employees or customers); (g) dilution caused by Natura's

issuance of additional shares of its common stock in connection with the

transaction; (h) the possibility that the transaction may be more expensive to

complete than anticipated, including as a result of unexpected factors or

events; (i) the diversion of management time on transaction-related issues; (j)

the possibility that the intended accounting and tax treatments of the proposed

transactions are not achieved; (k) those risks described in Section 4 of

Natura's Reference Form for 2018, version 15, which was filed with the

Brazilian Securities Commission on April 24, 2019; and (l) those risks

described in Item 1A of Avon's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K

and subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K.

SOURCE: Natura &Co




