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【ロンドン2019年6月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
世界の平和度の主要基準である世界平和度指数(Global Peace Index、GPI)( )年次報告の第13版は、世界平和度の平均水準が5年ぶりに改善したことを明らかにした。しかし、改善したとはいえ、10年前と比べて世界は平和度がかなり低い状態にとどまっており、平均水準は2008年以来4%近く後退した。今年の報告は、気候変動が平和に及ぼす影響に関する新調査も含んでいる。
国際的シンクタンクInstitute for Economics and Peace(IEP、経済平和研究所)( )が作成したGPI報告は、平和、その経済的価値、トレンド、平和社会の発展法に関して、現時点で最も包括的なデータ駆動型分析である。報告は世界人口の99.7%をカバーし、評価の高いソースから23項目の質的・量的指標を用いて指数にしている。これらの指標は、継続中の紛争、安全性と保安、軍事化である。
IEP創始者で会長のスティーブ・キルリー氏( )は「2019年GPIで平和は改善したが、掘り下げた分析は正と負のトレンド混合を明らかにした。イラクやシリアなど過去10年支配的だった紛争が減少し始める一方、イエメン、ニカラグア、トルコで新たな紛争が発生して、底辺10カ国で世界平均以上に指数が低下、世界的な平和の不平等が増大している」と語った。
▽Global Peace Index(GPI)について
これは、地球規模の平和度の評価基準をリードするInstitute for Economics and Peace(IEP)( )が作成した世界平和度指数(GPI)の第13版である。163カ国・地域で進行中の国内と国際間の紛争、社会の安全と治安、軍事化の度合いを23の指標に基づいて評価している。
▽Institute for Economics and Peace について
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ソース:Institute for Economics & Peace(IEP)
Global Peace Index: Global Peacefulness Improves for the First Time in Five Years But World Remains Less Peaceful Than a Decade Ago
LONDON, June 12, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Key Results
- Ukraine registered the largest improvement this year; Nicaragua the largest drop.
- More countries decreased their militarisation, 106 countries, than increased it,
continuing a decade long trend.
- Since 2008 global peacefulness has deteriorated by 3.78 per cent, with 81 countries
deteriorating and 81 improving, highlighting that deteriorations in peacefulness are
generally larger than improvements.
Climate Change Highlights
- More than 400 million people live in areas with low levels of peacefulness
and high risk from climate change.
- Eight of the 25 least peaceful countries have 103 million at risk in high climate hazard areas.
- Regionally, sub-Saharan Africa has the weakest coping capacity for climate
hazards, which could exacerbate violent conflicts.
GDP/Economic Cost of Violence Highlights
- The economic impact of violence on the global economy has decreased for the
first time since 2012, amounting to $14.1 trillion in 2018, or 11.2 per cent or
$1,853 for every person.
- Countries with very high levels of peace, on average, achieved over three
times higher per capita GDP growth compared to the least peaceful countries
for the last 60 years.
- In the ten countries most affected by violence, the average economic cost
of violence was equivalent to 35 per cent of GDP, compared to just 3.3 per
cent in the countries least affected by violence.
The 13th edition of the annual Global Peace Index (GPI)
(, the world's leading measure of global
peacefulness, reveals that the average level of global peacefulness improved for
the first time in five years. However, despite improvement, the world remains
considerably less peaceful now than a decade ago, with the average level of
peacefulness deteriorating by nearly 4 per cent since 2008. This year's report includes
new research on the possible effects of climate change on peace.
Eighty-six countries improved their score in the 2019 report, whilst 76
deteriorated. Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a
position it has held since 2008. It is joined at the top of the index by New
Zealand, Austria, Portugal, and Denmark. Bhutan has recorded the largest
improvement of any country in the top 20, rising 43 places in the last 12 years.
Afghanistan is now the least peaceful country in the world, replacing Syria,
which is now the second least peaceful. South Sudan, Yemen, and Iraq comprise
the remaining five least peaceful countries. This is the first year since the inception
of the index that Yemen has been ranked amongst the five least peaceful countries.
Produced by the international think-tank the Institute for Economics & Peace
(IEP)(, the GPI report presents the most
comprehensive data-driven analysis to-date on peace, its economic value,
trends, and how to develop peaceful societies. The report covers 99.7 per cent
of the world's population and uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators
from highly respected sources to compile the index. These indicators are grouped
into three key domains: Ongoing Conflict, Safety and Security, and Militarisation.
Steve Killelea
(, Founder
and Executive Chairman of the IEP, said: "Although peace has improved in the
2019 GPI, a deeper analysis finds a mixture of positive and negative trends.
Whilst the conflicts that have dominated the past decade, such as in Iraq and
Syria, have begun to abate, new conflicts have emerged in Yemen, Nicaragua and
Turkey, resulting in the bottom ten countries in the index declining by more
than the global average – increasing the global inequality in peace."
Four of the nine regions in the world became more peaceful over the past year.
The largest increase in peacefulness occurred in the Russia and Eurasia region,
followed by the Middle East and North Africa. In both regions, the number of
deaths from conflict declined in Ukraine and Syria respectively. The fall in
conflict deaths has been mirrored by a fall in deaths from terrorism.
Two of the three GPI domains deteriorated over the past decade, with Ongoing
Conflict deteriorating by 8.7 per cent and Safety and Security deteriorating by
4 per cent. However, contrary to public perception, the Militarisation domain
has recorded a 2.6 per cent improvement since 2008. The number of armed
services personnel per 100,000 people has fallen in 117 countries, and military
expenditure as a percentage of GDP fell in 98 countries, with only 63 countries
increasing their spending.
Steve Killelea said: "Many of the trends recorded over the last decade highlight
the complexity of global peace. Clearly it is good news that state sponsored terror
has declined markedly over the last decade, with 62 countries improving their scores
while only 42 deteriorated. However, incarceration shows the opposite trend with 95
countries inceasing the incarceration rate compared to 65 that improved. The US has
reduced its incarceration rate by 11 per cent over the last decade, however it still has
the second highest incarceration rate in the world."
The report also analyses the security risks posed by climate change. Analsysis
in the report finds that an estimated 971 million people live in areas with high or
very high exposure to climate hazards, with 400 million of these people living in
countries with low levels of peace. Ten per cent of these people, or 103.7 million,
are living in areas of countries ranked in the bottom 25 countries on the GPI:
South Sudan, Iraq, Libya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, North Korea,
Nigeria and Mexico.
The economic impact of violence on the global economy in 2018 decreased for the
first time since 2012, decreasing by 3.3 per cent, to $14.1 trillion. This figure is
equivalent to 11.2 per cent of the world's economic activity or $1,853 per person.
The largest improvement was in armed conflict, owing to a fall in the intensity of conflict
in Syria, Colombia and Ukraine. There was also a substantial reduction in the economic
impact of terrorism, which fell by 48 per cent from 2017 to 2018. For the ten countries
most affected by violence, the average impact was equivalent to 35 per cent of their GDP,
compared to just 3.3 per cent in the world's most peaceful countries.
Syria suffered the worst at 67 per cent.
Regional overview:
- Peacefulness in Asia-Pacific improved in all three GPI domains last year,
largely due to increases in UN peacekeeping funding and reductions in
violent demonstrations and deaths from internal conflict. However, the
impact of terrorism continued to worsen, as did internal conflicts fought
and external conflicts fought. China climbed two places to 110th, ahead of
Algeria at 111th and behind Djibouti at 109th.
- Central America and the Caribbean deteriorated in all three domains last
year. Seven countries improved while five deteriorated, but as is typical
of breakdowns in peacefulness, the deteriorations were larger than the improvements.
- Europe, the world's most peaceful region, became slightly more peaceful in
2018 continuing its decade-long trend. Twenty-two of 36 countries in Europe
improved. Europe continues to dominate the top of the index, accounting for
17 of the 25 most peaceful countries.
- Peace in the Middle East and North Africa, the world's least peaceful region,
improved marginally last year, based on improvements in 11 countries. Syria is no
longer the world's least peaceful country, andrecovery has started to materialise in Iraq.
- Peace in North America deteriorated last year, recording the second largest
regional deterioration. Canada showed a small improvement in overall score,
but the deterioration in the United States was much larger and was dragged
down by increases in the homicide rate, violent crime and political instability.
While Canada remains one of the ten most peaceful countries in the world,
the US fell four places to 128th – in between South Africa and Saudi Arabia.
- While most of Russia and Eurasia remains less peaceful than the global
average, it was one of three regions to improve in every domain of the GPI
last year, resulting in the largest regional improvement. Russia fell by one place to 154th,
ahead of the Democratic Republic of Congo at 155th and behind Pakistan at 153rd.
- Only Colombia, Uruguay and Chile improved in South America last year, while
the rest of the region, another eight countries, deteriorated. Venezuela is now the least
peaceful country in South America, and Brazil recorded the fifth largest fall globally.
- The average South Asian score improved last year due to improvements in
Nepal, Pakistan, and Bhutan. However, the region still has the second
lowest rank, just ahead of its neighbour MENA.
- In sub-Saharan Africa, 27 of the region's 44 countries deteriorated in
peacefulness, leading to a weakening in all three domains of the GPI, while
12 of the region's 23 indicators improved and eight deteriorated.
For more information, visit:
The full GPI report, articles and interactive maps are available at:
Twitter: (#GlobalPeace19)
About the Global Peace Index (GPI)
This is the 13th edition of the GPI: the world's leading measure of global
peacefulness produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace
(IEP)( It gauges on-going domestic and
international conflict, safety and security in society, and the degree of
militarisation in 163 countries and territories by taking into account 23 indicators.
About the Institute for Economics and Peace
IEP is an international and independent think tank dedicated to shifting the
world's focus to peace as a positive, achievable and tangible measure of human
well-being and progress. It has offices in Sydney, Brussels, New York, The
Hague, Mexico City and Harare.
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Source: Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)