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【武漢(中国)2019年6月12日新華社=共同通信JBN】「郵趣の五輪」としても知られるCHINA 2019 FIP General World Stamp Exhibition(中国2019年FIP総合世界切手展)が11日、中国中部の都市、武漢で開幕し、新時代における中国初の大規模な国際的郵趣文化交流イベントとなった。
展示会組織委員会ディレクターでもある中国の李小鵬・交通運輸相は、100年以上前の世界初の切手「Penny Black(ペニーブラック)」の誕生以来、切手は郵便料金支払い証明書としてだけではなく、人類の文明を表示し、優れた文化を広めるための重要なキャリアにもなったと語った。
展示会では、赤いスタンプと「Dang Yi Yuan(當壱圓)」の小さな漢字が付いた古い切手が展示会代表たちの特別の関心を引いた。切手の最上部には「大清郵政」、真ん中に「Dang Yi Yuan(當壱圓)」の一行、最下部に「one dollar(1ドル)」が印刷されている。これは国際的に有名な珍しい切手であり、China National Postage Stamp Museum(中国国立切手博物館)の最高の貴重品である。
イベント中、一帯一路構想、荊楚文化、切手コレクション、第7回CISM Military World Gamesに関連する活動が催される。
FIP General World Stamp ExhibitionはInternational Philatelic Federation(FIP、国際郵趣連盟)が世界的に運営・促進する国際的文化交流活動である。切手収集界で「五輪」として歓迎されるこのイベントは国際的郵趣文化の交流、協力、発展の推進を目的としている。FIPには現在、97の会員団体が加盟している。中国は1983年にFIPに加盟し、1999年と2009年に世界切手展示会を主催した。
ソース:The Organizing Committee of The China 2019 FIP General World Stamp Exhibition
World stamp exhibition opens in Wuhan, China
WUHAN, China, June 12, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
The CHINA 2019 FIP General World Stamp Exhibition, also known as "the Olympic
Games for Philately", opened on Tuesday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan,
marking the first major international philatelic cultural exchange event for
China in the new era.
Featuring 4,683 framed sets of works, the event attracted stamp organizations
from 84 countries and regions.
A total of 81 international judges and 85 international collectors participated
in the exhibition, and national postal representatives from 22 members of the
Universal Postal Union came to China for exchanges.
Since the birth of the world's first stamp "Penny Black" over 100 years ago,
stamps have become not only postage certificates, but also important carriers
to display human civilization and disseminate excellent culture, said Chinese
transport minister Li Xiaopeng, also the director of the event's organizing committee.
Highlighting mutual prosperity, peace and mutual trust, cultural exchanges and ecological
mutual assistance, the event is not only a cultural feast, but also a grand occasion for
cultural exchanges and mutual learning among countries all over the world, Li added.
The exhibition showcased for the first time 4,668 stamps in 1,347 sets the
People's Republic of China has issued since its founding 70 years ago. A total
of 34 precious items from collectors and museums both in China and overseas are
also exhibited, including a set of 56 commemorative stamps to mark the 50th
anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The unique set
consists of 56 stamps with each representing one Chinese ethnic group, which is
the largest set of stamps ever issued in the history of Chinese stamps, and is
hailed as a "family portrait of the motherland".
At the exhibition site, the old stamp with a red stamp and small Chinese
characters "Dang Yi Yuan" drew special attention from the exhibition
representatives. On the top of the stamps are the words "the postal office of
the Qing dynasty", the middle is lined with the words "Dang Yi Yuan" and the
bottom reads "one dollar". It is an internationally renowned unique product,
and is the top treasure of the China National Postage Stamp Museum.
During the event, activities related to the Belt and Road Initiative, Jing-Chu
culture, stamp collection and the 7th CISM Military World Games will be organized.
The FIP General World Stamp Exhibition is an international cultural exchange
activity managed and promoted globally by the International Philatelic
Federation (FIP). Hailed as the "Olympic Games" in philatelic circles, the
event aims to promote the exchanges, cooperation and development of
international philatelic culture. The FIP currently has 97 member organizations.
China joined the FIP in 1983, and hosted the world stamp exhibition in 1999 and 2009.
Source: The Organizing Committee of The China 2019 FIP General World Stamp Exhibition
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