


AsiaNet 79228(1086)

【ウィーン2019年6月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】オーストリア議会での国際対話センター(KAICIID)(https://www.kaiciid.org/ )からの同国脱退を求める12日の議会動議可決を受けて、世界中の活動地域からセンター支持のメッセージが続々寄せられている(https://www.kaiciid.org/news-events/news/live-religious-communities-around-world-pledge-support-kaiciid )。

世界の各宗教の高級代表で構成されるKAICIID理事会(https://www.kaiciid.org/governance )はオーストリアの議会決議を批判(https://www.kaiciid.org/news-events/news/kaiciid-board-endorses-centres-mission-after-austrian-vote )、世界有数の深刻な問題を抱える地域の宗教間対話に果たす同センターの業務を「危険にさらす」としている。


中央アフリカ(https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/our-work-central-african-republic )では、デュドンヌ・ンザパラインガ枢機卿とウマール・コビネ・ラヤマ導師がKAICIIDの業務について「中央アフリカの危機解決サポートに大きな影響を与え、寛容、避難民帰還プロセス、平和、国内で共に暮らす原則を促進した」と話した。

ミャンマー(https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/supporting-inclusive-dialogue-myanmar )では、KAICIIDが支援するイスラム教・仏教指導者のプラットフォーム、Peaceful Myanmar Initiative(ミャンマー平和イニシアチブ)が声明を発表し、「過去3年の緊密な協力の結果、われわれは異宗教対話を支持する広範なネットワークを構築し、IRDトレーニングセンターを開設、個人3000人以上に手を差し伸べた」と述べた。

ナイジェリア(https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/peace-and-reconciliation-through-interreligious-dialogue-nigeria )では、ナイジェリア・キリスト教協会会長のサムソン・オラスポ・アヨクンレ牧師が「われわれは、世界に平和を構築するKAICIIDの絶え間ないコミットメントをたたえる。そのつながりはますます明らかになっている」と語った。

KAICIIDの主力トレーニングプログラムの1つに参加した世界中の仲間(https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/kaiciid-international-fellows-programme )も、その仕事を褒めている。国連のCoordinating Council of Jewish Organisations(ユダヤ人組織調整委員会)委員長のアレクサンダー・ゴールドバーグ師は「KAICIIDは人権、男女平等、法の支配、宗教の自由に関わる場であり、西側とアラブ世界の対話に不可欠である」と話した。

世界スカウト機構(WOSM)のアーマド・アレンダウィ事務局長はKAICIIDのプログラムをたたえ、「KAICIIDとわれわれのパートナーシップ(https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/incorporating-dialogue-scouts-programme )は、若者同士の対話を促進して、理解増進を構築するわれわれの仕事の価値を高めると確信する」と述べた。


Initiative of Austrian Muslims(オーストリアのイスラム教イニシアチブ)のタラファ・バガジャティ会長は「KAICIIDは良い仕事をしており、持続可能なプロジェクトがある。たとえば、KAICIIDはJewish-Muslim Leadership Council(MJLC、ユダヤ・イスラム指導者評議会)を支持している。難民受け入れプログラムにも着手しており、世界の紛争地で多くの平和イニシアチブを後援、サポートしている。この仕事を誰が引き継ぐのか」と話した。



Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/903014/KAICIID.jpg

ソース:The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID)

From Myanmar to the Middle East, from Vienna to Nigeria, Support Pours in for KAICIID After Austrian Vote


VIENNA, June 15, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Following a motion passed on Wednesday in Parliament seeking Austria's

withdrawal from the International Dialogue Centre [https://www.kaiciid.org/ ]

(KAICIID)'s Council of Parties, messages of support for the Centre have poured in

[https://www.kaiciid.org/news-events/news/live-religious-communities-around-world-pledge-support-kaiciid ] from all areas of its operations across the world.

KAICIID's Board of Directors [https://www.kaiciid.org/governance], comprised of

high-level representatives of the world religions, criticised the move

[https://www.kaiciid.org/news-events/news/kaiciid-board-endorses-centres-mission-after-austrian-vote ],

saying it "jeopardised" the Centre's work in interreligious dialogue in some of the most

troubled regions of the globe.

Senior religious leaders involved with KAICIID's programmes echoed the Board's

concerns: His Eminence Shawki Allam, Grand Mufti of Egypt, said "I strongly

hope and pray the Centre will continue its blessed work to promote God's will

of love, respect and cooperation among all of us."

In Central African Republic

[https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/our-work-central-african-republic ],

Cardinal Dieudonne Nzapalainga and Imam Oumar Kobine Layama said KAICIID's work

"had a major impact in supporting a resolution of the Central African crisis and has

facilitated tolerance, the process of the return of displaced persons, peace,

and the principle of living together in CAR."

In Myanmar

[https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/supporting-inclusive-dialogue-myanmar ],

the Peaceful Myanmar Initiative, a KAICIID-supported platform of Muslim and

Buddhist religious leaders, issued a statement saying in part "as a result of our close

collaboration over the past 3 years, we have built an extensive network of interfaith

dialogue champions, launched an IRD Training Centre, and reached over 3000 individuals."

In Nigeria

[https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/peace-and-reconciliation-through-interreligious-dialogue-nigeria ],

Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle, President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, said:

"We commend KAICIID for their unrelenting commitment to peacebuilding all over the world.

Its relevance has become more and more visible."


[https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/kaiciid-international-fellows-programme ]

from all over the world that have been participants in one of KAICIID's

flagship training programmes, also commended its work.  Rabbi Alexander

Goldberg, Chair, Coordinating Council of Jewish Organisations at the United

Nations, said: "KAICIID is a place to engage on human rights, gender equality,

rule of law and religious freedom. It is essential in the dialogue between the

Western and Arab world."

Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement,

praised KAICIID's programmes, saying: "We are convinced that our partnership

[https://www.kaiciid.org/what-we-do/incorporating-dialogue-scouts-programme ]

with KAICIID has added value to our work in promoting dialogue and building

better understanding among young people."

In KAICIID's home town, Vienna, local religious leaders joined in praising the

Centre. The Reverend Canon Patrick Curran, Chaplain of Christ Church, spoke

highly of the influence of KAICIID training programmes. "In times of crisis,

these religious leaders contribute to be able to bring peace through relationships….

In times of stability, they contribute to a better understanding of difference."

Tarafa Baghajati, Chairman, Initiative of Austrian Muslims said: "KAICIID does

a good job… and has sustainable projects. KAICIID supports, for example, the

Jewish-Muslim Leadership Council (MJLC). It has also initiated refugee

integration programmes and has sponsored and supported a number of peace

initiatives in trouble spots around the world. Who will take over this job?"

Read here

[https://www.kaiciid.org/news-events/news/myanmar-middle-east-vienna-central-african-republic-support-pours-kaiciid-after ] the full story

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/903014/KAICIID.jpg

SOURCE: The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID)




