福建省古田のChen Jinggu文化が中台文化交流の強化を支援
福建省古田のChen Jinggu文化が中台文化交流の強化を支援
AsiaNet 79251 (1107)
【古田(中国)2019年6月18日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国共産党(CPC)の古田県委員会広報部によると、第11回海峡フォーラムの一環として6月13日、福建省寧徳市古田県のLinshui Palace Ancestor Templeで、Chen Jinggu文化観光フェスティバルとGutian Linshui Palaceを「Cross-Strait Cultural Exchange Base」(両岸文化交流基地)と命名する式典が行われた。このイベントには170人の台湾人ゲストを含め2000人以上の人々が参加した。
CPCの古田県委員会のツォン・チャンフア書記は開会式で、「『臨水夫人』としても知られるChen Jingguは、妊娠中の女性を守り、赤子を保護し、人々を祝福する女性と子どもの保護者として敬われている」と語った。現在、4000以上の臨水宮支所が世界に点在している。数千年の歴史があるChen Jingguの民間伝承はその魅力と影響力によって、福州文化、福建・台湾文化、海のシルクロード文化の不可分の一部に成長した。今や、世界の中国コミュニティーに影響を与える文化現象になっている。
近年、古田県はChen Jinggu文化を生かしてその産業景観に台湾の企業と機関を引き付け、農業と文化の革新で台湾の経験を紹介して、台湾との経済・貿易関係を拡大し、「Thousands of Years Old Linshui in Healthy Gutian」(数千年の歴史がある健康な古田の臨水)のブランドを立ち上げた。
「Thousands of Years Kinship with Linshui and One Cross-Strait Family」(数千年の臨水親族と中台間ファミリー)をテーマとするこの文化フェスティバルは、寧徳市海外友好協会、寧徳市政府台湾・香港・マカオ問題事務所、古田県政府の指導の下、Gutian Linshui Palace Ancestor TempleのChen Jinggu Cultural Exchange Associationが主催し、中国国民党寧徳市革命委員会、寧徳文化観光局、寧徳市女性連盟、台湾順天女神協会が共催した。
ソース:The Publicity Department of CPC Gutian County Committee
Fujian Gutian's Chen Jinggu Culture helps to enhance the cross-Strait cultural exchange
GUTIAN, China, June 18, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
According to the Publicity Department of CPC Gutian County Committee, as part
of the 11th Strait Forum, the Chen Jinggu Cultural Tourism Festival and the
ceremony for naming the Gutian Linshui Palace as "the Cross-Strait Cultural
Exchange Base" were held on June 13 at the Linshui Palace Ancestor Temple in
Gutian County, Ningde City, Fujian province. More than 2,000 people including
170 Taiwanese guests attended the event.
"Chen Jinggu, also known as 'Lady Linshui', is honored as the protector of
women and children who 'saves the expectant mothers, protects the babies, and
blesses the people'," said Zhong Changhua, CPC Gutian County Committee
Secretary, at the opening ceremony. Today, more than 4,000 sub-branches of the
Linshui Palace scatter all over the world. With a history of thousands of
years, the Chen Jinggu folklore belief has grown to be an integral part of
Fuzhou Culture, Fujian and Taiwan Culture and Maritime Silk Road Culture with
its attractiveness and influence. It is now quite an influential cultural
phenomenon in the Chinese communities around the world.
In recent years, by taking advantage of the Chen Jinggu culture, Gutian County
has drawn the attention of the Taiwanese companies and organizations to
Gutian's industry landscape, introduced Taiwan's experiences in agriculture and
cultural innovation, expanded the economic and trade cooperation with Taiwan,
and built the brand "Thousands of Years Old Linshui in Healthy Gutian".
With the theme of "Thousands of Years Kinship with Linshui and One Cross-Strait
Family", this cultural festival was held by the Chen Jinggu Cultural Exchange
Association of the Gutian Linshui Palace Ancestor Temple and jointly organized
by the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang Ningde City, Ningde
Cultural Tourism Bureau, the Women's Federation of Ningde City, and Taiwan
Shuntian Goddess Society under the guidance of Overseas Friendship Association
of Ningde City, the Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao Affairs Office of the Ningde
Government, and the Gutian County Government.
Source: The Publicity Department of CPC Gutian County Committee